

列印時間:113/10/20 08:28



簽訂日期: 民國 105 年 12 月 02 日
生效日期: 民國 105 年 12 月 02 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯
1.Signed on December 02, 2016 Entered into force on December 02, 2016

The Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis, hereinafter referred to individually as a
“ Party ” and collectively as “ the Parties ”;

WISHING to promote cooperation between law enforcement
authorities of both countries;

BEING concerned about policing development and prevention of
transnational crime;

ACTING on the principle of equality and reciprocity;

Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Competent Authorities
1.1 The competent authorities that implement this Agreement are:
(a) The National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior
of the Republic of China (Taiwan); and
(b) The Royal Saint Christopher and Nevis Police Force of the
Ministry of National Security of the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis.
1.2 The Parties shall dedicate themselves to engaging in
exchange activities and cooperation in accordance with their
respective domestic laws, as set out in the provisions of
this Agreement and as required by their official
responsibilities and functions.

Article 2
This Agreement sets out the framework for cooperation between
the Parties in developing police cooperation and combating
transnational crimes.

Article 3
Scope of Cooperation
The Parties agree to seek possibility of cooperation in the
following matters:
(a) The exchange of personnel visiting;
(b) The exchange of personnel for study purposes;
(c) Training program of police professional techniques;
(d) The exchange of working experience and technical assistance;
(e) To implement other areas of cooperation as agreed upon by
the Parties.

Article 4
Forms of Cooperation
To ensure the effective implementation of this Agreement, the
Parties shall cooperate as follows:
(a) To exchange business visits;
(b) To attend the entrance selection of policing-related
universities or graduate schools;
(c) To invite personnel to participate in training programs;
(d) To provide consultation on law enforcement skills and
assistance in forensic techniques;
(e) To protect any information provided by the other Party
pursuant to this Agreement from disclosure not authorized by
the other party.

Article 5
Settlement of Disputes
Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or implementation
of this Agreement will be settled amicably through consultation
or negotiation between the Parties.

Article 6
Relation of this Agreement with other International Instruments

This Agreement shall not prejudice the rights and obligations
stemming from other international instruments to which both
countries are a party.

Article 7
The expenses incurred in the implementation of this Agreement
will be borne by the respective Parties, unless otherwise agreed
upon by the Parties.

Article 8
The competent authorities, in the course of their cooperation in
accordance with this Agreement, will use English as the medium
of communication.

Article 9
Entry into Force, Termination and Amendment
9.1 This Agreement will enter into force on the date of
signature of the Parties thereof.
9.2 This Agreement will remain in force until terminated by
either Party giving six months written notification in
advance to the other Party of its intention to terminate it.
9.3 This Agreement may be amended by mutual consultation between
the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in duplicate at Basseterre on December 2 2016, in the
Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally

For the Republic of For the Federation of
China (Taiwan) Saint Christopher and Nevis
__________________ __________________
H. E. Gow-Wei Chiou Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris

ROC (Taiwan) Prime Minister and
Ambassador to the Minister of National
Federation of Saint Security
Christopher and Nevis