

列印時間:113/09/17 23:53



1.Signed on June 29, 2005; Entered into force on June 29, 2005.

The Money Laundering Prevention Center, Investigation Bureau,
Ministry of Justice, Republic of China and La Unidad de An?lisis
Financiero de la Secretar?a de Prevenci?n de Lavado de Dinero o
Bienes de la Rep?blica del Paraguay, hereafter referred to as
"the Authorities", desire, in a spirit of cooperation and mutual
interest, to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of
persons suspected of money laundering, terrorist financing and
criminal activity related to money-laundering.
To that end they have reached the following understanding:
1.The Authorities shall cooperate to assemble, develop and
analyse information in their possession concerning financial
transactions suspected of being related to money laundering,
financing of terrorism or criminal activities connected with
money laundering. To that end, The Authorities shall exchange
spontaneously or upon request any available information that
may be relevant to the investigation by the Authorities of
financial transactions related to money laundering and the
persons or companies involved. Any request for information
will be justified by a brief statement of the underlying
facts. Such statements shall remain confidential and shall not
be disclosed by the receiving Authority except upon permission
of the sending Authority.
2.The information or documents obtained from the respective
Authorities shall not be disseminated to any third party, nor
be used for administrative, prosecutorial or judicial purposes
without prior consent of the disclosing Authority. It is
understood that information obtained in accordance with this
Agreement can only be used in connection with investigations
related to money laundering originating from specific
categories of criminal activity and the financing of
terrorism. The predicate offenses for the offense of money
laundering are defined as acts that would be criminal offenses
under both jurisdictions' penal laws, had the offense been the
committed in that jurisdiction.
3.The Authorities shall not permit the use or release of any
information or documents obtained form the respective
Authorities for purpose other than those stated in this
Agreement, without the prior consent of the disclosing
4.The information and documents acquired in application of the
present Agreement are confidential. They are subject to
official secrecy and are protected by at least the same
confidentiality as provided by the national legislation of the
receiving Authority for similar information and documents from
national sources.
5.The Authorities shall jointly arrange, consistent with their
respective national legislation, for acceptable procedures of
communication and shall consult each other for the purpose of
implementing this Agreement.
6.Communication between the Authorities shall as far as possible
take place in English.
7.The Authorities will cooperate with each other in the matter
of staffs training, and invite officials from the respective
Authorities to participate in the training events that they
8.The Authorities will collaborate with each other by means of
exchange of information on the typologies of money laundering
of assets activities that they will have detected in the
fulfilment of their functions, or have knowledge of.
9.The Authorities are under no obligation to give assistance if
judicial proceedings have already been initiated concerning
the same facts as the request is related to.
10.This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual consent.
11.This Agreement is revocable at any time. The termination
shall become effective as from the receipt of the written
notification from the other Authority.
12.This Agreement shall become effective upon the signature by
the Authorities.

In witness of the undersigned, being duly authorized by their
respective governments, have signed this Agreement at Egmont
Group Head of FIUs Meeting, Washington D.C., the United States
on June 29th, 2005 in duplicate, in the English, Chinese and
Spanish languages, three texts being equally authentic.

Money Laundering Por la Unidad de An?lisis
Prevention Center, Financiero de la Secretar?a de
Investigation Bureau, Prevenci?n de
Ministry of Justice, Lavado de Dinero o Bienes
Republic of China de la Rep?blica del Paraguay

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Cherng-maw YEH Carlos R. Yegros Pereira
Director General Director General