

列印時間:113/09/27 06:20



簽訂日期: 民國 96 年 01 月 31 日
生效日期: 民國 96 年 01 月 31 日
簽約國: 亞太地區 > 索羅門群島
1.Signed on January 31, 2007; Entered into force on January 31, 2007


The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of Solomon Islands hereafter referred to as the

Inspired by the close bonds of friendship and cooperation that
have existed between them since the establishment of diplomatic
relations in 1983;

Wishing to give expression to the mutual respect and recognition
of each other’s sovereign status and their shared values and
principles of democracy, respect for human rights, freedom,
dignity and human values, accountability, good governance and

Reiterating the inalienable right of the Government and people
of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to be member of international
and regional organizations, and to participate fully and fairly
in the affairs of the international community;

Desiring to establish a framework for closer and broader
co-operation between the Parties;

Noting the invaluable contribution of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) to socioeconomic development of Solomon Islands;

Recalling the current and previous bilateral agreements and
other subsidiary agreements on specific areas of cooperation
between the Parties;

Recognizing that economic and human developments are essential
to peace and stability of a country and its peoples;

Recognizing further the importance of long-term measures for
successful development of the co-operation and strengthening of
ties between them at various levels and fields.

Resolving to undertake sustained efforts to strengthen, expand,
and diversify co-operation between them on the basis of equality
and mutual benefit.


Article 1
The key objectives of this Agreement are to:
(a) provide a framework for strengthening and enhancing
bilateral relations between the Parties;
(b) explore new areas of co-operation as well as broadening and
reviewing relevant activities concerning the existing
bilateral arrangements;
(c) establish a joint consultative mechanism in order to
encourage regular dialogue and exchanges in their relations
and implementation of this Agreement.

Article 2
The Parties shall, subject to the laws, regulations and
procedures of the respective countries from time to time, taking
into account their international obligations, endeavor to:
(a) exchange information relevant to the bilateral cooperation
between the Parties.
(b) enhance and strengthen existing dialogues and cooperation
under the current bilateral arrangements.
(c) explore and identify new areas of cooperation for mutual
(d) promote and support economic and private sector development
as an essential element of the bilateral cooperation
between the two countries.

Article 3
In order to advance the objectives provided for in Article 1 and
the general principles of co-operation provided in Article 2,
the Parties shall seek to co-operate in the following areas:
(a) health services;
(b) grant assistance program to Solomon Islands;
(c) international political and security issues;
(d) support for the Republic of China’s (Taiwan) membership
and participation in international organizations, such as
the United Nations, the World Health Organization as well
as in other intergovernmental and regional organizations.
(e) education and human resources development;
(f) agriculture and livestock technical mission, fisheries and
(g) trade and investment;
(h) tourism and aviation;
(i) banking and financial services;
(j) information and communication technology (ICT);
(k) industrial development, technology transfer and renewable
(l) cultural exchange and co-operation;
The Parties shall under Article 4, consult in order to identify
the priority areas in their co-operation as well as identifying
new ones.

Article 4
The Framework Co-operation provided for in this Agreement shall
be carried out, on the basis of detailed agreements between the
parties on each specific area.
The Parties shall make every effort to create favorable
conditions to facilitate co-operations between them.

Article 5
To ensure effective implementation and co-ordination, the
Parties agreed to establish a Joint Consultative Committee.
The Joint Consultative Committee shall meet once every two years
at the Ministerial level, including but not limited to, the
Foreign Ministers of the two Parties.
The Joint Consultative Committee shall among others, review and
approve cooperation activities under the Agreement.
The Joint Consultative Committee shall establish subcommittees
or working groups as may appropriate to deal with specific
cooperation activities under the Agreement.

Article 6
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the
Parties notify each other that their legal requirements for the
entry into force of the Agreement has been fulfilled through
exchange of Letters.
This Agreement shall remain in force until such time both
parties mutually agree to terminate the whole of this Agreement.

Such termination shall be given by written notice from either
party within six (6) months.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE AT Honiara, on the thirty-first day of the first month of
the ninety-sixth year of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
corresponding to the thirty-first day of first month of the year
two thousand and seven in two original texts in the English and
Chinese (Mandarin) languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of the For the Government of
Republic of China Solomon Islands

______________________ ______________________
Hon. Chih-Fang Huang Hon. Patteson Oti
Minister of Foreign Minister of Foreign
Affairs Affairs