

列印時間:113/07/16 23:59



簽訂日期: 民國 71 年 09 月 09 日
生效日期: 民國 71 年 09 月 04 日
簽約國: 亞太地區 > 大韓民國(韓國)
1.Signed and exchanged on July 5, September 4 and 9, 1982; Entered into force on September 4, 1982.

ⅠNote from the Embassy of the Republic of China to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea a-
nd, with reference to the implementation of the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969, which will c-
ome into force on July 18, 1982, has the honor to propose, wi-
th a desire to establish uniform principles and rules with re-
spect to the determination of tonnage of ships engaged on int-
ernational voyages, that the Republic of Korea and the Republ-
ic of China shall reach an agreement to this effect on the ba-
sis of reciprocity and equality for mutual interests.
Inasmuch as the Republic of China is not a party to the inter-
national Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969, the
proposed agreement is to be arranged between the Republic of
China and the Republic of Korea to enable ships of both count-
ries to voyage among each other's ports provided that one sho-
uld accept the International Tonnage Certificate issued by the
Authorities of each other's government.
If would be much appreciated if the Ministry will be kind eno-
ugh to forward the above-mentioned proposal to the appro-pria-
te Authorities of the Korean Govern-ment for favorable consid-
If the arrangement meets with the approval of the Government
of the Republic of Korea, the Government of the Republic of C-
hina proposes that this Note and the Ministry's Note in reply
thereto shall constitute an agreement on the matter between
the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of
the Republic of Korea. The agreement will be applied as of Ju-
ly 18, 1982, when the aforesaid Convention comes into force.
A copy of ”International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
Ships 1969”is enclosed here with for the Ministry's referen-
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this op-
portunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest consideration.
Encl: as stated

July 5, 1982
ⅡNote from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Korea, to the Embassy of the Republic of China
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to
the Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to re-
fer to the latter's Note No. 1156, dated July 5, 1982, which
reads as follows:
”The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its complimen-
ts to the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Korea
and, with reference to the implementation of the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969, which will c-
ome into force on July 18, 1982, has the honor to propose, wi-
th a desire to establish uniform principles and rules with re-
spect to the determination of tonnage of ships engaged on int-
ernational voyages, that the Republic of Korea and the Republ-
ic of China shall reach an agreement to this effect on the ba-
sis of reciprocity and equality for mutual interests.
Inasmuch as the Republic of China is not a party to the Inter-
national Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969. the
proposed agreement is to be arranged between the Republic of
China and the Republic of Korea to enable ships of both count-
ries to voyage among each other's ports provided that one sho-
uld accept the International Tonnage Certificate issued by the
Authorities of each other's government.
It would be much appreciated if the Ministry will be kind eno-
ugh to forward the above-mentioned proposal to the appropria-
te Authorities of the Korean Government for favorable consid-
If the arrangement meets with the approval of the Government
of the Republic of Korea, the Government of the Republic of C-
hina proposes that this Note and the Ministry's Note in reply
thereto shall constitute an agreement on the matter between t-
he Government of the Republic of China and the Government of
the Republic of Korea. The agreement will be applied as of J-
uly 18, 1982, when the aforesaid Convention comes into force.
A copy of ”International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
Ships 1969”is enclosed herewith for the Ministry's reference
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this op-
portunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest consideration.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has further the honor to inf-
orm the Embassy that the foregoing proposal is acceptable to
the Government of the Republic of Korea and to confirm that t-
he Embassy's note and this note in reply thereto shall consti-
tute an agreement on this matter between the Government of the
Republic of China.
In connection with the implementation of the agreement, the G-
overnment of the Republic of Korea wishes to propose that the
agreement shall be applied as of today's date.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportu-
nity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the ass-
urances of its highest consideration.

September 4, 1982
ⅢNote from the Embassy of the Republic of China to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea a-
nd has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter's N-
ote No. OGT-812, dated September 4, 1982 concerning the mutual
implementation of the International Convention on Tonnage Mea-
surement of Ships 1969.
In reply, the Embassy has further the honor to inform the Min-
istry that the Government of the Republic of China is agreeab-
le to the proposal made by the Government of the Republic of
Korea to the effect that the above-mentioned Convention shall
be applied as of the date of the aforesaid Ministry's Note.
namely September 4, 1982 and also to confirm that the Ministr-
y's Note and this Note in reply thereto shall constitute an a-
greement on this matter between the Government of the Republi-
c of Korea and the Government of the Republic of China.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest co-
September 9, 1982