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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter II Particular Kinds Of Obligations
Section 14 - Deposit
Article 589
A contract of deposit is a contract whereby one of the parties delivers a thing to the other party, who agrees to keep it in his custody.
The depositary is not entitled to remuneration unless otherwise provided for by contract or unless according to the circumstances the keeping into custody is not to be assumed without remuneration.
Article 590
The depositary is bound to take as much care of the thing deposited as he takes of his own things. If the deposit is undertaken for remuneration, the depositary is bound to keep the thing in his custody with the care of a good administrator.
Article 591
The depositary may not use the thing deposited or allow a third party to use it without the consent of the depositor.
The depositary, who acts contrary to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, shall pay a reasonable compensation to the depositor. He is also liable for damages, if any, except he can prove that the injury would have occurred even if the thing had not been used.
Article 592
The depositary shall personally keep the thing deposited. He may, however, entrust its custody to a third party if he is allowed to do so by the depositor, or by custom, or in case of unavoidable circumstances.
Article 593
The depositary who entrusts the custody of the thing deposited to a third party contrary to the provisions of the preceding article is liable for any injury thereby caused to the thing deposited, except he can prove that the injury would have happened even if the thing deposited had not been entrusted to such third party.
The depositary who entrusts the custody of the thing deposited to a third party in conformity with the provisions of the preceding article is liable only for the selection of such third party and for the instructions which he has given to the said third party.
Article 594
The depositary may not change the method of custody which has been agreed upon, except in case of urgency when he may assume that the depositor would approve of the change if he knew of the state of affairs.
Article 595
The depositor is bound to reimburse the depositary for expenses which were necessary for the preservation or maintenance of the thing deposited, and is also bound to pay the interests of the expenses. But if it is otherwise agreed upon, such an agreement shall be applied.
Article 596
The depositor is liable for any injury caused to the depositary and resulting from the nature of defects of the thing deposited, except at the time of deposit he did not know of the defect or the dangerous character of the thing and his ignorance was of no negligence, or except the depositary knew of them.
Article 597
Although the parties have fixed a deadline for the return of the thing deposited, the depositor may still at any time demand the return of it.
Article 598
If the parties have fixed no deadline for the return of the thing deposited, the depositary may return it at any time.
If a deadline has been fixed, depositary shall not return the thing deposited before the expiration of that period, except in a case of unavoidable circumstances.
Article 599
The depositary is bound to return together with the thing deposited and any profits which may have accrued from it.
Article 600
The return of the thing deposited shall be made at the place where the thing was to be kept.
If the depositary has removed the thing to another place in accordance with the provisions of Article 592 or 594, the return may be made at the place where the thing actually is.
Article 601
If a remuneration has been agreed upon, it is payable at the termination of the deposit. If the remuneration is fixed by periods, it is payable at the end of each period.
If the custody of the thing deposited be suspended owing to a circumstance for which the depositary is not liable, the depositary may claim a portion of the remuneration proportionate to his services rendered, unless otherwise provided for by contract.
Article 601-1
The depositary is bound to return the thing deposited to the depositor, notwithstanding any claim of a third party who asserts a right over it, unless such person files an action against the depositary or attaches the thing.
In the case of an attachment or action by such third party, the depositary shall inform the depositor without delay.
Article 601-2
Claims for remuneration, reimbursement of expenses or the injury relating to a contract of deposit are extinguished by prescription, if not exercised within one year from the date of the termination of the deposit.
Article 602
In the case of a deposit of fungible things, if it is agreed that the ownership of such things transfers to the depositary, and that the depositary shall return things of the same kind, quality and quantity, is consumption deposit. The provisions concerning Loans for Consumption shall be mutatis mutandis applied from the moment when the things were accepted by the depositary.
Consumption deposit, if a period has been fixed for the return of the thing deposited, the depositor shall not claim the return of the thing before the expiration of that period, except in case of unavoidable circumstances.
If there are commercial customs rules, the preceding paragraph shall not be applied.
Article 603
If the deposit is one of money, it is presumed to be the consumption deposit.
Article 603-1
In the case of a deposit of fungible things, if it is not agreed that the ownership of such things transfers to the depositary with the consent of depositor, the depositary may keep things of the same kind, quality and quantity which are belonged to depositor mixed with the other things from him and other depositors, every depositor gets the ownership in accordance with the percentage of the things mixed together.
The depositary keeps the things by the preceding paragraph, may return things of the same kind, quality and quantity to depositor.
Article 604
Article 605
Article 606
The proprietor of a hotel or such other place where guests are received for lodging is liable for any damage or loss of to the things which a guest has brought with him, except the damage was caused by force majeure, or resulted from the nature of the thing, or due to the intentional or negligent acts of the guest himself or of his fellow guests or of the servants of the guest or of persons whom the guest has received.
Article 607
The proprietor of a restaurant or a bathhouse or the other similar places, is liable for any damage or loss of to the ordinary things which the guest has brought with him, except in the cases provided for in the exception of the preceding article.
Article 608
The proprietor is not liable for money, valuable securities, jewelries or other valuables, unless they have been deposited with the proprietor with a specification of their nature and quantity.
The proprietor is liable for the loss or injury of the article specified in the preceding article, which he has refused without justifiable cause to receive into safe custody. The same rule shall be applied when the damage or loss is caused through the intentional or negligent acts of the proprietor himself or his agents.
Article 609
A notice, which excludes or limits the liability of the proprietor provided for in the three preceding articles, is void.
Article 610
The guest shall give notice to the proprietor of the damage or loss immediately after knowledge of the same. If he delays giving such notice, he forfeits his right to claim for the injury.
Article 611
The right to claim for damages arising from the provisions of Articles 606 to 608, is extinguished by prescription if not exercised within six months from the date of the discovery of the lose or damage. The same rule shall be applied when six months have elapsed from the departure of the guest.
Article 612
The proprietor is entitled to retain the luggage or other property of the guest, until he has been paid the whole of what the guest may owe him in respect to lodging, food, shower or the other services and disbursements.
The provisions of Article 445 to Article 448 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the right of retention of the preceding paragraph.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)