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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter II Particular Kinds Of Obligations
Section 8 - Hire of Work
Article 490
A contract of hire of work is a contract whereby the parties agrees one of them complete a definite work for the other party, who pays him remuneration after the completion of the work.
The value of the materials is presumed to be part of remuneration whereby the parties agree that the undertaker provides the materials.
Article 491
Remuneration is deemed to have been agreed upon, if according to the circumstances the completion of the work is not to take place without remuneration.
If the amount of the remuneration is not agreed upon, the remuneration shall be paid according to a tariff. If there is no such tariff, the remuneration shall be paid according to customs.
Article 492
The undertaker shall complete the work in such a manner that the result has the agreed qualities and doesn't be affected with defects which destroy or reduce its value or its fitness for ordinary purposes or for the purposes agreed in the contract.
Article 493
If there is any defect in the work, the proprietor may fix a reasonable period and demand the undertaker to repair the defect within such period.
If the undertaker fails to repair the defect within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the proprietor himself may repair the defect and demand to the undertaker for the return of the necessary expenses arising therefrom.
If the repair of the defect would require a disproportionate outlay, the undertaker may refuse to repair the defect, and the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be applied.
Article 494
When the undertaker fails to repair the defect within the period specified in the first paragraph of the preceding article, or refuses to repair the defect according to the provisions of the third paragraph of the preceding article, or the defect cannot be repaired, the proprietor may rescind the contract or demand a reduction of the remuneration. If, however, the defect is not important, or if the contract is for the construction of a building or other works on land, the proprietor shall not rescind the contract.
Article 495
When the defect of work occurred is due to circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible, the proprietor may demand the injury arising therefrom in addition to the repair of the defect, or the rescission of the contract, or the reduction of the remuneration as specified in the two preceding articles.
In the case specified in the preceding paragraph, if the contract is for the construction of a building or other works on land, and the defect is serious so that cannot use for the purpose, the proprietor may rescind the contract
Article 496
If the defect of the work is due to the nature of the materials provided by the proprietor, or to proprietor's instructions, the proprietor does not have the rights under the three preceding articles, unless the undertaker knew of the nature of the materials or of the inappropriate instructions and failed to notify to the proprietor.
Article 497
If it is due to the undertaker's own negligence, in the process of the work, it clearly appears that the work will be defective or other circumstances violates the contract, the proprietor may fix a reasonable period and demand the undertaker to mend the work or to comply with the contract within such period.
If the undertaker fails to mend the work or comply with the contract within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the proprietor may mend the defect or have the work continued by a third party, the undertaker is bound to take the dangers and expenses.
Article 498
The rights of the proprietor as specified in Articles 493 to 495 shall not be asserted if the defects have not been discovered within one year after the delivery of the work.
If by reason of the nature of the work, no delivery can take place, the one year period specified as the preceding paragraph commences from the completion of the work.
Article 499
In the case of the construction of a building or other works on land, and of vital repairs to the said building or works, the deadline specified in the preceding article shall be extended to five years.
Article 500
The deadlines specified in Articles 498, and 499 are extended to five years and ten years respectively in case of the defects of the work which the undertaker has intentionally concealed.
Article 501
The deadlines specified in Articles 498 and 499 may be extended by agreement between the parties but they shall not be reduced.
Article 501-1
An agreement releasing or limiting the undertaker of his warranty of defects in the work is void if the undertaker has intentionally concealed the defect.
Article 502
If, owing to circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible, the work is completed not within the agreed deadline, or, in the absence of such agreement, or not within a reasonable deadline, the proprietor may demand a reduction in the remuneration or for the injury arising by the delay.
In the case specified in the preceding paragraph, if completion or delivery of the work at a fixed deadline is an essential element of the contract, the proprietor may rescind the contract and demand for the injury arising from failing to perform.
Article 503
If, owing to circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible, the work is delayed in such a manner that it can be foreseen that it cannot be completed within the deadline and the delay be such as would have entitled him to rescind the contract after the work is completed, the proprietor may rescind the contract according to the provisions of the second paragraph of preceding article, and demand for the injury.
Article 504
The undertaker is not liable for the consequences of delay, if the proprietor has accepted the work after the delay without reservation.
Article 505
The remuneration shall be paid at the time of delivery of the work, or, if no delivery can take place, shall be paid at the time of its completion.
If the work is to be delivered in parts and a separate remuneration has been specified for each separate part, the remuneration for each part shall be paid at the time of its delivery.
Article 506
If, at the time of the making of the contract, only an approximate estimate has been made for remuneration, and if, owing to circumstances for which the proprietor is not responsible, the remuneration will greatly exceed the estimate, the proprietor may rescind the contract either during the execution of the work or after its completion.
In the case specified in the preceding paragraph if the contract is for the construction of a building or other works executed on land, or for vital repairs of the said building or works, the proprietor may only demand for a reasonable reduction of the remuneration; or, if the work is not completed, he may notify the undertaker to cease the work and may rescind the contract.
When the proprietor rescinds the contract in accordance with the provisions of the two preceding paragraphs, he shall compensate reasonably to the undertaker for the injury.
Article 507
If an action of the proprietor is necessary for the execution of the work and the proprietor fails to do it, the undertaker may fix a reasonable deadline and notify the proprietor to do the action within such deadline.
If the proprietor fails to do the action within the deadline specified in the preceding paragraph, the undertaker may rescind the contract, and demand for the injury arising therefrom.
Article 508
The undertaker takes the danger of damage or destruction of the work before its acceptance by the proprietor. If the proprietor delays accepting such work, the danger passes on to him.
The undertaker is not responsible for loss or destruction by force majeure of materials provided by the proprietor.
Article 509
If, before the proprietor accepts the work, which is damaged or destroyed, or cannot be completed on account of the defects in the materials provided by him or on account of his inappropriate instructions, and if the undertaker has, immediately, notified the proprietor of such defects or such inappropriate instructions, the undertaker may demand for a part of the remuneration proportionate to the labor performed, and the return of the expenses paid in advance. The undertaker may also demand for further injury if the proprietor is negligent.
Article 510
In the case of acceptance specified as provisions of the two preceding articles, if the nature of the work, no delivery can take place, the time of completion of the work is deemed to be the time of acceptance.
Article 511
The proprietor may terminate the contract at any time before the completion of the work, however, he shall compensate to the undertaker for any injury resulting from such termination.
Article 512
If the personal skill of the undertaker is an essential element of the contract, the contract terminates when the undertaker died or when without his own negligence he becomes incapable of completing the work agreed upon.
If a part of the work has already done which is useful to the proprietor, he is bound to accept it and to pay a reasonable remuneration for it.
Article 513
When the contract of hire of work is for the construction of a building or other works on land or for vital repairs on such building or works, the undertaker in accordance with the remuneration of the relation of hire of work on the real property of the proprietor upon which the work is done, may demand the proprietor to register a right of mortgage, or may demand to register a right of mortgage in advance to the real property of the proprietor which will be done in the future.
The demand specified in the preceding paragraph, the undertaker may also do it before the work commences.
The register of a right of mortgage specified in the two preceding paragraphs, if the contract of hire of work has been notarized, the undertaker may apply himself.
In the case of the first and second preceding paragraphs, a right of mortgage registered in accordance with the remuneration of repairing, up to the extent of the value of the work increased by repairing, is superior to the mortgage registered earlier.
Article 514
The right of the proprietor to demand for the repair of a defect, or for the return of expenses made for the repair of defect, or for a reduction of the remuneration, or for the injury, or for a rescission of the contract, is extinguished by prescription if it is not exercised within one year from the discovery of the defect.
The right of the undertaker to demand for the injury or to rescind the contract is extinguished by prescription if it is not exercised within one year from the occurrence of the causes on which such demand is based.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)