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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter II Particular Kinds Of Obligations
Section 4 - Gift
Article 406
A gift is a contract whereby the parties agree that one of the parties delivers his property gratuitously to another party and the latter agrees to accept it.
Article 407
Article 408
So long as the right of the gift has not been transferred to the donee, the donor may revoke the gift. If the thing given has been partially transferred, the donor may revoke the gift for the portion has not been transferred.
The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to gifts notarized or to gifts made for the discharge of a moral obligation.
Article 409
If a gift coming under the provisions of the second paragraph of the preceding article delayed to deliver, the donee may claim the delivery of the thing given, the donee may claim to compensate for the price of the thing given when the donor is responsible for being unable to perform the payment.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, the donee shall not claim to interest for the default or other injury for such non-performance.
Article 410
The donor is responsible to be unable to perform the payment to the donee only for his intentional acts or gross negligence.
Article 411
The donor is not liable for a defect in the thing or right given. But, if he has intentionally concealed the defect or expressly guaranteed that the thing was free from such defect, he is bound to compensate the donee for any injury arising therefrom.
Article 412
If the gift has been made subject to a charge and the donee does not perform the charge after the gift has been delivered to him, the donor may demand performance or revoke the gift.
If the purpose of the charge is for the public interests, the authorities concerned or public prosecutor may, after the donor died, order the donee to perform it.
Article 413
If the gift is made subject to a charge and it is insufficient to defray the charge, the donee is bound to perform the charge only up to the extent of the value of the gift.
Article 414
When a gift is made subject to a charge, the donor is liable for defects in the thing or right given in the same rule as a seller, up to the extent of the charge executed by the donee.
Article 415
If a gift consists in periodical prestations to be performed by the donor, the obligation has ceased to be effective when either the donor or donee died, unless the donor has expressed a contrary intent.
Article 416
The donor may revoke a gift if the donee has acted towards the donor in any of the following ways:
(1) Committing against the donor, his spouse, his lineal blood relatives, collateral relatives by blood within three generations, or relatives by marriage within two generations an intentional offense expressly punishable under the Penal Code; or
(2) Failing to perform his duty to furnish maintenance to the donor, in case he has such duty.
The right of revocation specified in the preceding paragraph is extinguished by prescription if it is not exercised within one year from the date when the donor knew of the grounds for revocation. The same rule shall be applied if the donor has expressly forgiven the donee.
Article 417
The successor of the donor may revoke the gift if the donee has intentionally and wrongfully caused the death of the donor or prevented the donor from revoking the gift. But their right of revocation will be extinguished by prescription, if it is not exercised within six months from the date when they knew of the said ground for revocation.
Article 418
A donor may refuse performance of a gift, if after the gift has been agreed upon his economic conditions have changed, to such an extent that the performance of the gift would seriously affect his means of livelihood or hinder his duty to furnish maintenance to others.
Article 419
Revocation of a gift shall be made by an expression of intent to the donee.
After the revocation of the gift, the donor may demand to return the gift given in accordance with the provisions concerning Unjust Enrichment.
Article 420
The right of revocation of a gift is extinguished by the death of the donee.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)