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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter I General Provisions
Section 4 - Plurality Of Creditors And Debtors
Article 271
When several persons undertake the same obligation, and if the prestation is divisible, each of them shall be responsible for or be entitled to the prestation equally, unless otherwise provided by the act or by the contract. The same rule shall be applied when a prestation is converted from an indivisible one to a divisible one.
Article 272
When there are several persons undertaking the same obligation and expressing that each of them is bound to the creditor for the whole of the prestation, this obligation is a joint-obligation.
If there is no such expression specified in the preceding paragraph, a joint-obligation is constituted only in the cases provided by the act.
Article 273
The creditor of a joint-obligation is entitled to demand one or several or all of the debtors simultaneously or successively to tender total or partial performance.
Before the complete performance of the obligation, all of the debtors are jointly bound to tender the performance.
Article 274
If any one of the joint-debtors has extinguished the obligation by performance, prestation in lieu of performance, lodgment, offset or merger, the other debtors are also released from the obligation.
Article 275
If there is a non-appealable judgment rendered in favor of one of the joint-debtors and if it is not based on such debtor's personal affairs, this judgment operates in favor of all the other debtors.
Article 276
When the creditor grants a release to one of the joint-debtors without the intent to extinguish the whole obligation, except the amount of the share which is incumbent on such debtor, the other debtors are still not released from the obligation.
When the extinctive prescription has been completed as regards one of the joint-debtors, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be mutatis mutandis applied.
Article 277
If there is one of the joint-debtors acquiring a claim against the creditor, to the extent of the amount of the share which is incumbent on such debtor, the other debtors may claim to offset.
Article 278
When there is default of the creditor towards one of the joint-debtors, the effect of the default also operates in favor of all the other debtors.
Article 279
Unless otherwise provided by the provisions of the preceding five articles or the contract, any consequence of the affairs on one of the joint-debtors, whether it is beneficial or not, does not operate on the other debtors.
Article 280
Unless otherwise provided by the act or the contract, all of the joint-debtors shall be burdened for the obligation equally. Except, the damages and the costs resulting from facts for which one of the joint-debtors shall be personally responsible shall be borne by such debtor.
Article 281
If one of the joint-debtors has caused the other joint-debtors to be released from the obligation by virtue of his performance, prestation in lieu of performance, lodgment, offset or merger, he is entitled to demand from the other debtors the reimbursement of their respective shares in the prestation, plus interest from the date of release.
In the case specified in the preceding paragraph, the debtor entitled to claim the reimbursement is subrogated to the rights of the creditor to the amount of the reimbursement which the said debtor is entitled to demand, but such debtor shall not exercise them to the detriment of the creditor.
Article 282
If one of the joint-debtors cannot reimburse his share in the prestation, the deficiency shall be borne pro rata by the other debtors, including the debtor entitled to claim the reimbursement, but if the impossibility to reimburse is due to the negligence of the debtor entitled to claim, he shall not claim the other debtors to bear their shares.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, if one of those other debtors has been released from his own share in the obligation, he shall still be, however, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, responsible for his share in the deficiency.
Article 283
When several persons entitled by the act or by the juridical act to a claim of the same obligation that each of them may demand the whole of the prestation from the debtor, this claim is a joint-claim.
Article 284
The debtor to a joint-claim may at his option perform wholly in favor of any of the joint-creditors.
Article 285
If one of the joint-creditors has made the demand, it operates in favor of all the other creditors.
Article 286
If the obligation is extinguished on account of any one of the creditors having been satisfied by performance, prestation in lieu of performance, lodgment, offset or merger, the rights of the other creditors are also extinguished.
Article 287
If there is a non-appeallable judgment rendered in favor of one of the joint-creditors, it also operates in favor of all the other creditors.
If there is a non-appeallable judgment rendered against one of the joint-creditors and if it is not based on such creditors' personal affairs, it also operates against all the other creditors.
Article 288
If one of the joint-creditors has granted a release to the debtor, except to the extent of the share to which the creditor granting the release is entitled, the rights of the other creditors are not extinguished.
When the extinctive prescription has been completed against one of the joint-creditors, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be mutatis mutandis applied.
Article 289
If there is one of the joint-creditors in default, the other creditors are also responsible for it.
Article 290
Unless otherwise provided by the preceding five articles or the contract, any consequence of the affairs on one of the joint-creditors, whether it is beneficial or not, does not operate on the other creditors.
Article 291
Unless otherwise provided by the act or the contract, all of the joint-creditors shall be benefited by the claim equally.
Article 292
When several persons undertake the same obligation, and the prestation is indivisible, the provisions concerning the joint-obligation shall be mutatis mutandis applied.
Article 293
If there are several persons entitled to a claim of the same obligation, and if the prestation is indivisible, each creditor may only demand the prestation to all of the creditors; and the debtor shall only tender the performance to all of the creditors.
Unless otherwise provided by the preceding paragraph, the affairs between one of the creditors and the debtor, whether it is beneficial or not, does not operate on the other creditors.
The provisions of Article 291 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the affairs between the creditors
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)