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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter I General Provisions
Section 3 - Effects Of Obligations
Sub-section 2 Defaults
Article 229
When there is a definite period fixed for the performance of an obligation, the debtor is responsible for the default from the moment when such period expires.
When there is no definite period fixed for the performance of the obligation, and when the creditor may demand the performance, but the debtor failed to perform the same after the creditor has notified him of the demand, the debtor is responsible for the default from the moment when he has been notified. The effect of instituting an action for performance and the service of the complaint, or the service of an order for payment according to the hortatory process, or any other similar act is equivalent to a notice.
If there is a period fixed for the performance in the notice of the preceding paragraph, the debtor is responsible for the default from the moment when such time expires.
Article 230
The debtor is not being responsible for the default if the prestation has not been made by reason of circumstances to which he is not imputed.
Article 231
When the debtor is in default, the creditor is entitled to claim compensation for any injury arising therefrom.
So long as the default continues, the debtor under the preceding paragraph shall also be responsible for any injury arising from circumstances of force majeure, unless he can prove that the injury would have been sustained, even if he had performed in due time.
Article 232
If the performance after the default is of no interests to the creditor, he may refuse the performance and claim compensation for the injury arising from the non-performance.
Article 233
When the object of an obligation which is in default is the payment of money, the creditor may claim interest for the default, which is to be calculated at the statutory rate. But if the agreed rate of interest is higher, this higher rate shall apply.
There is no need to pay interest for the interest of default.
In cases specified in the preceding two paragraphs, if the creditor can prove other injuries sustained, he may claim compensation for the same.
Article 234
If the creditor refuses or fails to accept the performance tendered to him, he is responsible for the default from the moment when the performance has been tendered.
Article 235
If the debtor does not actually tender the performance according to the tenor of the obligation, there will be no effect on this tendering. But if the creditor has previously declared that he will not accept the performance, or if an act of the creditor is necessary for the performance, the debtor may substitute the notice to the creditor announcing that he (the debtor) is ready to perform for the tendering.
Article 236
If there is no definite deadline for the performance, or if the debtor is entitled to perform before the deadline, the creditor is not responsible for the default when he is temporarily prevented from accepting the tendered performance, unless the performance was tendered by reason of the creditor's notice, or unless the debtor has notified the creditor a reasonable time beforehand.
Article 237
During the default of the creditor, the debtor is responsible only for his intentional or gross negligent acts.
Article 238
The debtor is not responsible for interest during the default of the creditor.
Article 239
If the debtor has to return the profits produced by an object or to make reimbursement for them, he is only responsible for the profits which he has actually acquired during the default of the creditor.
Article 240
In case of the default of the creditor, the debtor may claim compensation for the necessary expenses incurred from the tendering as well as from the safekeeping of the object of the prestation.
Article 241
When the debtor is under an obligation to deliver a real property, he may, after the creditor is in default, abandon its possession.
In the case of abandonment under the preceding paragraph, the debtor shall be bound to notify the creditor in advance, unless such notice is impossible.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)