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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅳ Family
Chapter II Marriage
Section 5 Divorce
Article 1049
The husband and the wife may effect a divorce by themselves with their mutual consent.
Article 1050
Divorce by mutual consent shall be effected in writing which requires the signatures of at least two witnesses, and by the divorce registration at the household administration authority.
Article 1051
Article 1052
Where either the husband or the wife meets one of the following conditions, the other party may petition the court for a juridical decree of divorce:
(1) Where he or she has committed bigamy;
(2) Where he or she has consensual sexual intercourse with another person;
(3) Where he or she abuses the other party as to render common living intolerable;
(4) Where he or she abuses the lineal relative of the other party, or his or her lineal relative abuses the other party as to render common living intolerable;
(5) Where the other party has deserted him or her in bad faith and such desertion still continues;
(6) Where he or she is intent on murdering the other party;
(7) Where he or she has a loathsome disease which is incurable;
(8) Where he or she has a serious mental disease which is incurable;
(9) Where it has been uncertain for over three years whether he or she is alive or dead; or
(10) Where he or she has been sentenced to more than six months imprisonment for an intentional crime.
Either the husband or the wife may petition for a juridical decree of divorce upon the occurrence of any gross event other than that set forth in the preceding paragraph that renders it difficult to maintain the marriage, except if either the husband or the wife is responsible for the event, only the other party may petition for the divorce.
Article 1052-1
When a divorce through court mediation or court settlement is sustained, the marriage relationship is dissolved; and the court is required to notify the couple’s household registration office.
Article 1053
In the cases specified in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding article, the party who has the right to claim may not apply for a [juridical decree of] divorce, where he or she has previously consented to the event or has condoned it afterward or has known of it for over six months, or where two years have elapsed after the occurrence of the event.
Article 1054
In the cases specified in Subparagraphs 6 and 10 of Article 1052, the party who has the right to claim may not apply for a [juridical decree of] divorce, where one year has elapsed after he or she has known of the event or where five years have elapsed after the occurrence of the event.
Article 1055
After the husband and the wife effect a divorce, one party or both parties of the parents will exercise the rights or assume the duties in regard to the minor child by mutual agreement. If the mutual agreement did not or could not be done, the court may decide by the applications of the husband or the wife, the authorities concerned, the social welfare institution or any other interested person, or may decide by its authority.
If the mutual agreement is unfavorable to the child, the court may change the agreement upon the applications of the authority concerned , the social welfare institution or any other interested person or by its authority in regard to the interests of the minor child.
When the party who should but could not exercise the rights and assume the duties in regard to the minor child or did not protect the interests of the minor child, the other party of the husband and the wife, the minor child, the authorities concerned, the social welfare institution or any other interested person may apply the court to change the mutual agreement in regard to the interests of the minor child.
The provisions in the preceding three paragraphs, the court may decide the contents and methods of exercising rights and assuming duties for the interests of the minor child on the application or by its authority.
The court may decide the way and period of meeting or communication with the minor child by the application of the party who could exercise the rights and assume the duties in regard to the minor child, or by its authority. When the meeting or communication affects the interests of the minor child, the court may change it on the applications or by its authority..
Article 1055-1
When the court makes the jurisdiction in the Article of 1055, it should be decide in accordance with the best interests of the minor child, consider all the conditions and the visiting reports of the social workers, especially check the following contents:
(1) The age, gender, numbers and healthy condition of the minor child.
(2) The willing of the minor child and the need of personality development.
(3) The age, occupation, character, health condition, economical ability and the life style of the parents.
(4) The parent's willing and attitude of protecting and educating the minor child.
(5) The emotional feelings between the parents and the minor child or between the other persons living together and the minor child.
(6)Whether one parent takes actions to hinder the other of exercising rights and assuming duties of the minor child.
(7)The tradition, culture, and values of different ethnic groups.
When the court makes the preceding decision in accordance with the best interests of the minor child, besides social workers’ visiting reports or family matters investigation officers’ investigation reports, the court may also make decision based on investigation outcomes of specific matters made by police authorities, tax authorities, financial institutions, schools, and other related authorities, groups, or proper members with related professional knowledge.
Article 1055-2
In the case of the parents, both parties not suitable for exercising are the rights of parents, the Court should appoint a guardian in the best interest of the minor child in accordance with the preceding articles, and appoint the methods of guardianship, order the parents to assume the duties for raising the minor child and the methods.
Article 1056
Where one of the husband and the wife has suffered damage from a judicial decree of divorce, he or she may claim compensation from the other party at fault.
In the case provided in the preceding paragraph, the injured party may still claim an equitable compensation in money for a non-pecuniary loss, provided that he or she is not at fault.
The claim mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not be assigned to others or be passed to heirs, unless it has been acknowledged by a contract or unless an action has been commenced.
Article 1057
Where the innocent party of the husband and the wife is reduced to difficulties in livelihood on account of a judicial decree of divorce, the other party, even if he or she is also innocent, shall pay an equitable alimony.
Article 1058
On divorce each of the husband and the wife recovers his or her own property whatever was at the time of getting married or changing the property regime, except when the separate property regime was applied. If there is any remainder [of the property], it shall be allocated according to the provisions of their property regime.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)