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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Organization Act of the Regional Civil Service Development Institute of the Central Personnel Administration of the Executive Yuan CH
Abolished Date: 2014-06-18
Category: Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan(行政院人事行政總處)
Article 1
This Act are instituted according to Article 18 of the Organizational Act of the Central Personnel Administration of Executive
Article 2
The Regional Civil Service Development Institute, Central Personnel Administration of Executive Yuan(Here in after known
as this Institute)oversees the following areas:
1 The Local establishment of subordinating Civil Service Management Development and Training.
2 Research and Proposals for the reform and development of Local Civil Service management.
3 Coordination, Communication, Workshops, and study of the Policies and implementation of administrative business
between the Central and Local governments.
4 Study of the relay and transfer of important legal systems, innovations and management upgrading of the government.
5 Training and Development of Civil Servants of each County (City) and Town (Municipal, City) Hall.
6 Collection, analysis and use of related library information for the local establishment of Civil Servants training.
7 Research, evaluation and deployment of training techniques and methods.
8 Other training in and development of services, guidance, counselling for daily life, civil service support and the training of all
local Civil Servants under the Executive Yuan.
Article 3
This Institute is composed of four Divisions which handle all of the above matters.
Article 4
This Institute sets up a Secretariat office which handles Examinations, Meetings, Public Relations, Legal Systems,
Documentation, Filing, Printing, handling of Cash, Routine Management, Assets Management and other matters that do not
belong to any one section or office.
Article 5
This Institute sets up one Director-general, whose position is ranked as Senior Grade 13, in charge of the Institute’s affairs
and supervision of employees under him; One Vice-Director, whose position is ranked as Senior Grade 12, and who assists
with the Institute’s routine work.
Article 6
This Institute sets up one Chief Secretary, four Division Directors, whose positions are ranked as Senior Grade 11; Three
Senior Executive officers, whose position is ranked as ranging from the Junior Garde 9 to Senior Grade 10; Three Senior
Researchers, three Secretaries, three Executive Officers, whose positions are ranked as Junior Grade 8~9, one Senior
Researcher, one Secretary, and one Executive Officer whose positions are ranked as Senior Grade 10; 10 Counsellors, one
Systems Analyst, whose Positions are ranked as Junior Grade 7~9; 12 Executive Officers, whose positions are ranked as
Junior Grade 7~8; one Designer, whose position is ranked as a Junior Grade 6~7, 29 Officers and 2 technicians , whose
positions are ranked as Grade 5~7; one Assistant Designer, whose position is ranked as an Appointed Grade 4~5; 7 Clerks ,
whose positions are ranked as Appointed Grade 3~5; four Assistant Clerks, whose positions are ranked as Appointed Grades
Article 7
This Institute sets up a Psrsonnel Office, with one Chief, whose position is ranked as a Junior Grade 9, who is in charge of
personnel management; The Other needed personnel shall be assigned among the authorized staffing personnel in this Act.
Article 8
This Institute sets up one Accounting Office, with one Chief Accountant, whose position is ranked as Junior Grade 9, in
charge of Budgeting, Accounting and Statisitics; The Other needed personnel shall be assigned among the authorized staffing
personnel in this Act.
Article 9
This Institute sets up a Civil Service Ethics Office, with one Office Chief, whose position is ranked as Junior Grade 9, who
handles questions of civil service ethics; The Other needed personnel shall be assigned among the authorized staffing personnel
in this Act.
Article 10
The title of each position stipulated in Articles 5 to 9 has listed the person’s rank and grades; the gradings used are based on
the rules of the Recruitment of Civil Servants Article 8 as outlined in the relevant Series.
Article 11
This Institute can hire as many Instructors as it requires for teaching.
Article 12
The enforcement Date of this Act is to be decided by the Executive Yuan.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)