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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Radio Taiwan International Establishment Act CH
Announced Date: 1996-02-05
Category: Ministry of Culture(文化部)
Article 1
This Act is drafted to establish Radio Taiwan International (henceforth RTI), tasked with the broadcast of news and information about the nation.
Article 2
RTI is established as a corporate legal person subject to the regulations delineated in this Act. Where this Act is silent, other relevant rules and regulations shall apply.
Article 3
The Government Information Office shall be the supervisory agency of RTI.
Article 4
RTI shall be responsible for:
Foreign broadcast of news and information, crafting a new image of the nation, creating a correct impression of the Republic of China among foreigners, and creating a stronger affinity amongst overseas compatriots for their ancestral homeland.
Broadcast to mainland China of news and information that serves to increase cross-strait communication and understanding.
Article 5
RTI accepts a donation of assets in accordance with legal procedures from the Broadcasting Corporation of China’s international broadcasting unit as well as the original Central Broadcasting System.
Article 6
The budget for RTI shall come from:
1. Budget and subsidy from the supervisory agency.
2. Donations by domestic and foreign public and private organizations, groups, and individuals.
3. Income from services provided.
4. Other sources.
Article 7
The RTI shall be governed by a board of directors, eleven to fifteen in number, of which one shall serve as chair. A board of supervisors, three to five in number, shall also be established. One of the board’s number shall serve as the Executive Supervisors.
Article 8
Members of the board of directors and the board of supervisors shall be selected by the supervisory agency from among representatives of related government agencies, individuals from the broadcast media sector, scholars, experts, and upstanding members in the community. Regulations governing the selection shall be separately drafted.
Article 9
Directors and supervisors shall serve a term of three years, and may be reappointed one time.
Where directors or supervisors resign or pass away, where the position they hold at their respective government agency changes, or where they are otherwise unable to carry out their duties, they shall be relieved of their posts, which then may be filled by the supervisory agency.
Those appointed to fill vacant seats shall serve within the original term of the director or supervisor.
Article 10
The board of directors shall be responsible for:
1. Determining RTI work guidelines;
2. Approving RTI annual work plans;
3. Reviewing and approving RTI budgets and final accounts;
4. Setting RTI program policy and development direction and overseeing execution of same;
5. Establishing and closing branch radio stations and repeater stations;
6. Revising RTI procedures concerning donations.
7. Establishing and revising key management and execution rules;
8. Hiring the RTI president and vice president as well as other top management;
9. Approving the personnel structure;
10. Establishing various advisory committees; and
11. Other work shall be subject to the board of directors in line with this Act or related regulations.
Article 11
The board of supervisors shall be responsible for:
1. Auditing operations and financial oversight; and
2. Approval of final accounts.
Article 12
Except for the chairman and the Executive Supervisors, directors and supervisors shall serve without compensation. Transportation fees shall, however, be provided for travel to and from meetings.
Article 13
RTI shall be consisted of a president and two or three vice presidents who shall serve a term of three years and may be reappointed once.
The president shall answer to and be overseen by the board of directors and be responsible for day-to-day management. The vice presidents shall aid the president in carrying out the work of the radio station.
Article 14
RTI’s organization shall be drawn up by its board of directors and approved by the supervisory agency.
Article 15
RTI shall use the same accounting year as that of the national government.
Article 16
The drafting and reviewing of RTI’s budget and final accounts shall be done in line with the following principles:
1 Prior to the start of an accounting year, a work plan shall be drafted, while the board of directors shall submit a budget to the supervisory agency, where it will be subject to said agency’s budgetary procedure.
2 At the close of an accounting year, the board of supervisors shall submit work results and final accounts to the supervisory agency where it will be subject to said agency’s procedure for final accounts.
Article 17
RTI shall act in accordance with this act and related regulations in drafting rules concerning donations which are to be approved by the supervisory agency.
Article 18
Should circumstances change such that RTI is no longer able to fulfill the goals set by this act, it shall be dissolved in accordance with related laws; the remaining property of RTI shall revert to the central government.
Article 19
The Executive Yuan shall determine the enactment date of this Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)