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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
This set of Regulations is formulated in accordance with regulations of Paragraph 2, Article 48 of the Communicable Disease Control Act.
Article 2
The central competent authority may perform examinations on the high-risk groups or specific targets of the following communicable diseases:
1.Typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, enterohemorrhgic E coli;
5.Others announced by the central competent authority.
When the central competent authority announces in accordance with regulations of Subparagraph 5 of the preceding Paragraph, it shall announce at the same time the targets, scopes, and examination methods.
Article 3
The targets and scopes for the examination of the communicable diseases mentioned in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall be restricted to persons living together in care institutions for psychiatric patients or the mentally impaired.
Article 4
Targets and scopes of examination for tuberculosis shall be people of high incidence areas and other high-risk groups recognized by the central competent authority.
Article 5
Targets and scopes of examination for syphilis are as follows:
1.Persons at risk of vertically transmitting syphilis;
2.Persons and their counterparts performing, with a profit-making intention, sexual intercourse or obscene acts with others;
3.Inmates of correction institutions;
4.Military draftees accepting examination for enlistment;
5.Users or dealers of drugs;
6.Other high-risk groups maintained by the central competent authority.
Article 6
Targets and scopes of examination for gonorrhea are as follows:
1.Persons and their counterparts performing, with a profit-making intention, sexual intercourse or obscene acts with others;
2.Other high-risk groups maintained by the central competent authority.
Article 7
Examinations performed in accordance with this set of Regulations include necessary clinical examinations and the following examinations:
1.Fecal and blood examinations for typhoid, paratyphoid;
2.Fecal examinations for bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, enterohemorrhagic E coli;
3.Chest X-ray or other relevant examinations for tuberculosis;
4.Serological test for syphilis;
5.Bacteriological test for gonorrhea;
6.Necessary pathological examination or laboratory testing for other communicable diseases in accordance with their specific features.
The central competent authority may as needed, announce methods of the above-mentioned examinations.
Article 8
Examinations to be performed by the central competent authority in accordance with this set of Regulations may be commissioned to relevant organizations or civic groups.
Article 9
Staff members performing examinations shall, prior to examination, produce credentials sufficient to prove their identity; they shall inform the examinees in writing the reasons and kinds of examination.
The competent authorities shall inform the examinees when they are found by examinations positive of communicable diseases; necessary management may be taken in accordance with the Act.
Article 10
Competent authorities shall not divulge information of the examinations performed in accordance with this set of Regulations.
Article 11
This set of Regulations shall be implemented on the day of announcement.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)