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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
This Standard is enacted pursuant to Article 47 of the Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”)
Article 2
A fee of NT$3,600 shall be charged for each issuance or renewal of a construction license or operation license for the following facilities in accordance with the Act:
1.Facilities for the production or storage of nuclear source material or nuclear fuel.
2.Facilities for the treatment, storage, or final disposal of radioactive waste.
When applying for the following reviews, examinations, or the issuance or renewal of a license, a fee of NT$1,200 shall be charged per application per person:
1.A review fee for the operator’s license of a production facility of nuclear source material or nuclear fuel.
2.An examination fee and review fee for participating in the examination conducted by the competent authority for operators of treatment facilities for radioactive waste.
3.An issuance fee for issuing each operator’s license of a production facility of nuclear source material or nuclear fuel, or for operators of treatment facilities for radioactive waste.
4.A review fee and an issuance fee for renewing each operator’s license of a production facility of nuclear source material or nuclear fuel, or for operators of treatment facilities for radioactive waste.
Article 3
To execute nuclear safeguard inspection together with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the competent authorities shall charge an inspection fee of NT$200,000 for every nuclear safeguard facility each time.
Article 4
The review fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear source materials or nuclear fuel production facilities are as follows:
1. Construction, operation and decommissioning review fee: NT$10,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction, operation and decommissioning annual inspection fee: NT$2,000,000 for each facility.
Review fee for operation license renewal for the facilities referred to in the previous paragraph: NT$5,000,000 for each application.
Article 5
The review fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear source materials or nuclear fuel storage facilities are as follows:
1. Construction, operation and decommissioning review fee: NT$2,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction, operation and decommissioning annual inspection fee: NT$1,000,000 for each facility.
Where the nuclear source materials or nuclear fuel storage facilities referred to in the preceding paragraph are configured inside the nuclear reactor, nuclear source materials or nuclear fuel production facilities, and have been included in the original safety analysis report for the operating license, the construction and operation review fees and inspection fees may be waived. When a license for decommissioning is being applied for together with the nuclear reactor, nuclear source materials or nuclear fuel production facilities, the decommissioning licensing fees and inspection fees may be waived.
Review fees for operation license renewal for the facilities referred to in paragraph 1: NT$1,000,000 for each application.
Article 6
The review fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of spent nuclear fuel storage facilities are as follows:
1. Construction, operation and decommissioning review fee: NT$10,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction, operation and decommissioning annual inspection fee: NT$2,000,000 for each facility.
Paragraph 2 of Article 5 is also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to the occasions prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Review fee for spent nuclear fuel cask: NT$2,000,000 for each application. Construction-inspection fee for cask: NT$100,000 for each.
Review fee for operation license renewal for the facilities referred to in paragraph 1: NT$5,000,000 for each application.
Article 7
To obtain a permit for possession, use, import, export, transportation, storage, discarding, transfer, lease or mortgage of nuclear source materials, a review fee of NT$3,000 shall be charged for each application.
The fee for transit, transshipment en route of nuclear source materials shall be calculated according to the weight of uranium and thorium as recorded in the application, and these rates:
1. Less than 10,000kg: NT$3,000 for each application.
2. Not less than 10,000kg but less than 100,000kg: NT$10,000 for each application.
3. Not less than 100,000kg but less than 200,000kg: NT$20,000 for each application.
4. More than 200,000kg: NT$30,000 for each application.
Where the nuclear source materials are possessed or used inside the nuclear source materials or nuclear fuel production facilities, the review fee referred to in paragraph 1 may be waived.
Article 8
The fee for inspection of nuclear source materials shall be calculated according to the weight of uranium and thorium as recorded in the permit, and these rates:
1. Less than 1,000kg: NT$10,000 every year.
2. Not less than 1,000kg but less than 10,000kg: NT$10,000 for every additional 1,000kg (the residual less than 1,000kg shall be calculated as 1,000kg).
3. More than 10,000kg: NT$100,000 every year.
Article 9
To obtain a permit for possession, use, discarding, transfer, lease or mortgage of nuclear fuel, a review fee of NT$60,000 shall be charged for each application.
Where the nuclear fuels are possessed or used in nuclear reactor facilities, nuclear source materials and nuclear fuel production or storage facilities, the above-mentioned review fee may be waived.
Article 10
The review fees and inspection fees for import, export, transit, transshipment en route, and transport of nuclear fuel are as follows:
1. Nuclear fuel safety control plan and transport plan review fee: NT$200,000 for each application.
2. Nuclear fuel import and export review fee: NT$20,000 for each application.
3. Nuclear fuel transit and transshipment en route review fee: NT$60,000 for each application.
4. Nuclear fuel transport, transit or transshipment en route review fee: NT$100,000 for each application.
Article 11
The licensing fees and inspection fees for import, export and transportation of spent nuclear fuel are as follows:
1. Spent nuclear fuel safety control plans and transportation plans licensing fee: NT$2,000,000 for each license.
2. Spent nuclear fuel import and export licensing fee: NT$40,000 for each license.
3. Spent nuclear fuel transportation cask licensing fee: NT$2,000,000 for each license.
4. Spent nuclear fuel transportation inspection fee: NT$200,000 for each transportation batch.
Where the transportation batch weighs less than 5kg, the fees prescribed in Subparagraphs 1 and 3 shall be waived.
Article 12
The review fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of radioactive waste treatment facilities are as follows:
1. Construction, operation and decommissioning review fee: NT$2,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction and decommissioning annual inspection fee: NT$2,000,000 for each facility.
3. Annual operation inspection fee: NT$2,000,000 for each facility. Where there is more than one treatment facility in a nuclear reactor facility, an additional NT$200,000 shall be charged for each treatment facility
Paragraph 2 of Article 5 is also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to the occasions prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Review fee for operation license renewal for the facilities referred to in paragraph 1: NT$1,000,000 for each application.
Article 13
The review fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of low level radioactive waste storage facilities shall be charged as in the above article.
The review fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of low level waste storage facilities outside a nuclear reactor facility are as follows:
1. Construction, operation and decommissioning review fee: NT$6,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction, operation and decommissioning annual inspection fee: NT$3,000,000 for each facility.
Review fee for licensing low level radioactive waste storage or transport containers: NT$600,000 for each application. Construction-inspection fee for containers: NT$60,000 for each.
Review fee for low level radioactive waste storage facilities ten years evaluation report, maintenance plan and release plan: NT$600,000 for each application.
Paragraph 2 of Article 5 is also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to the occasions described in paragraph 1.
Review fee for operation license renewal for the facilities referred to in paragraph 2: NT$3,000,000 for each application.
Article 14
The licensing fees and inspection fees for construction, operation and decommissioning of high level waste storage facilities are as follows:
1. Construction, operation, operation license and decommissioning license fee: NT$10,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction, operation and decommissioning inspection fee: NT$2,000,000 for every facility every year.
3. The licensing fee for a high level waste storage cask is NT$2,000,000.
The second paragraph of Article 5 is also applicable to the occasions described in the above paragraph.
Article 15
The licensing fees for construction, operation, operation license renewal, closure, and exemption from institutional control as well as the inspection fees for construction and operation of low level waste final disposal facilities are as follows:
1. Construction, operation, and operation license renewal fee: NT$20,000,000 for each application.
2. Construction and operation inspection fee: NT$8,000,000 for every facility every year.
3. Licensing fee for closure or exemption from institutional control: NT$8,000,000 for each license.
4. Closure inspection fee: NT$5,000,000 for every facility every year.
Article 16
The review fees for construction, operation, closure, and exemption from institutional control as well as the inspection fees for site characterization survey, construction, operation and closure of high level waste final disposal facilities are as follows:
1. Site characterization survey inspection fee: NT$10,000,000 for each facility every year.
2. Construction and operation review fee: NT$60,000,000 for each application.
3. Construction, operation and closure inspection fee: NT$20,000,000 for every facility every year.
4. Review fee for closure or exemption from institutional control: NT$20,000,000 for each application.
Article 17
To obtain a permit for import, export, transit, transshipment en route, discarding or transfer of radioactive waste weighing 1,000kg or more, NT$60,000 shall be charged for each application.
Article 18
Where radioactive wastes are exported for final disposal, a fee of NT$10,000,000 shall be charged for each license for low level waste, and NT$40,000,000 for high level waste.
Article 19
The licensing fees and inspection fees for transportation of radioactive wastes are as follows:
1. Low level waste transportation plan review fee: NT$200,000 for each application.
2. Low level waste transportation inspection fee: NT$100,000 for each transportation batch.
3. High level waste transportation plan review fee: NT$2,000,000 for each application.
4. High level waste transportation inspection fee: NT$200,000 for each transportation batch.
5. High level waste transportation cask licensing fee: NT$4,000,000 for each license.
Where the weight of each batch of low level wastes is less than 1,000kg, the transportation plan licensing fee and the transportation inspection fee shall be waived.
Article 20
In case multiple charges are involved in one application regarding the possession, use, import, export, transit, transshipment en route, transport, storage, discarding, transfer, lease or mortgage of nuclear source materials, the charge shall be applied to the item with the highest charge.
Article 21
If, during the construction (and/)or operation period of production (and/)or storage facilities of nuclear source material (and/)or nuclear fuel, design or equipment changes involve significant safety considerations: NT$600,000 for each review.
Where the facilities referred to in the preceding paragraph are configured inside the nuclear reactor, and have been included in the original safety analysis report used to obtain the operating license, the review fee may be waived.
Article 22
Administrations and Universities equipped with nuclear reactors for research or the facilities referred to paragraph 1 in the Article 21 shall be exempted from paying all charges stipulated in the Standard.
Article 23
Review fees shall be paid upon application, inspection fees after execution of inspection, and license fees upon granting of the license.
After being paid, the above-mentioned fees may not be refunded or reserved unless incorrect payment, overpayment, or alteration of regulations occurs or there are other due reasons.
Article 24
This Standard shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)