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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
These regulations are adopted pursuant to Article 3-1 of the Junior College Law.
Article 2
To enhance the qualifications of personnel engaged in practical occupations and improve the quality of technical vocational
education, the Ministry of Education (MOE) may, in consideration of the nation's education policies and the human resource
needs stemming from the nation's social development, grant approval for junior colleges meeting the standards for
establishment of universities to reorganize as technical colleges, and may approve the establishment of junior college divisions
by technical colleges and technical universities.
Article 3
Matters relating to junior colleges' reorganization as technical colleges, and the establishment of junior college divisions by
technical colleges and technical universities, shall be subject to the provisions of these Regulations. Matters not prescribed by
these regulations shall be governed by other relevant laws and regulations.
Article 4
A junior college that meets the following requirements may be permitted by the MOE to reorganize as a technical college, and
to establish a junior college division:
1. Performance:
(i) The junior college shall have achieved excellent performance over the last five years, as evidenced by a record of concrete
(ii) The junior college's departments and sections shall have achieved excellent performance, as evidenced by a record of
concrete accomplishments.
2. The junior college shall have actively engaged in practical research, industry-education cooperation, and extension education,
and shall have achieved excellent performance, as evidenced by a record of concrete accomplishments.
3. Administrative affairs: Matters regarding items such as student recruitment, students' enrollment status, curricula, finances,
personnel, accounting, the college's status as a foundation, and the board of directors, shall be administered in conformance
with regulatory requirements, and under a system that is sound and robust.
4. Faculty: All departments shall have an adequate number of qualified instructors, and the minimum requirement for the
number of qualified teachers shall be as follows:
(i) The student/faculty ratio shall be less than forty to one (40:1), and the ratio in the day division shall be less than twenty-five
to one (25:1).
(ii) When a junior college applies for reorganization, the number of its full-time faculty at the level of assistant professor or
higher shall be at least 21% of the number of all faculty at the level of lecturer or higher. One year after reorganization, the
minimum ratio shall rise to 22%, and shall increase accordingly over the following years, reaching 25% upon four years after
(iii) When recruiting full-time teachers for specialized professional subjects, priority shall be given to people with a given
number of years of industrial working experience, and to holders of Class B technician's certificates or equivalent
5. Facilities:
(i) All departments shall have adequate equipment, facilities, and places for teaching, research, and practicum coursework to
meet actual course needs. Standards for these facilities shall be prescribed by the MOE in accordance with the University Law,
the Junior College Law, and other applicable laws and regulations.
(ii) [A college] shall have libraries with connections to academic and campus networks, and with automated library facilities
and functions. The libraries shall hold a minimum of 100,000 volumes of books, and each department shall subscribe to at
least twenty specialized journals and periodicals.
6. School lots and structures: [Matters relating to school lots and structures] shall be conducted in accordance with the
University Law, the Junior College Law, the Private School Law, and other applicable laws and regulations.

In addition to reviewing the conformance of junior colleges to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the MOE may also,
acting on the basis of education policy and in consideration of the human resource needs stemming from the nation's social
development, select the best qualified junior colleges and grant approval for them to reorganize as technical colleges and
establish junior college divisions.
Article 5
[Applications by] junior colleges to reorganize as technical colleges and establish junior college divisions shall in principle be
processed once per annum.

This Ministry shall accept and review applications in accordance with the following procedures:
1. A junior college that meets the requirements regarding reorganization set forth in the subparagraphs under the first paragraph
of the preceding article may draft a reorganization proposal and submit it to the school's governing board (and also to the board
of directors in the case of a private junior college) for review and approval. Upon approval, the junior college shall submit to
the Ministry an application for reorganization, with said application accompanied by the proposal, the minutes of the
aforementioned board meetings, the school's basic identifying information, evidence of conformity to requirements set forth in
the subparagraphs under the first paragraph of Article 4, and relevant forms.
2. To manage matters relating to the reorganization of a junior college as a technical college, this Ministry may form a special
task force to review the application. The review shall consist of two stages: initial review and secondary review. The
reorganization proposal, the minutes of board meetings, the school's basic identifying information, and relevant documentation
shall be reviewed in the initial review.
3. A junior college that passes the initial review shall be given a secondary review after this Ministry has conducted an on-site
visit to the school. A junior college that passes the secondary review will be given another round of review by this Ministry's
Review Committee for Reorganization of Technical and Vocational Schools and Colleges. The Review Committee shall adopt
a resolution containing concrete suggestions regarding future planning and long-term development. This Ministry may, when
necessary, give approval for initial implementation of the proposal by the college and grant formal approval for the college to
be reorganized only after initial implementation has been completed.
4. After a junior college passes review by the Review Committee referred to in the previous subparagraph, the next step
depends on whether the college is private or public. Reorganization of a private junior college shall be reviewed and approved
by this Ministry, while review and approval of the reorganization of a public junior college shall be forwarded by this Ministry
in accordance with administrative procedures to the Executive Yuan for approval.
Article 6
After a junior college reorganizes as a technical college, it shall establish graduate institutes, university departments, and junior
college departments in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Three departments or more shall be established in the first year upon approval of reorganization as a technical college.
Departments being organized at the technical college level shall, in principle, have already existed at the junior college level as a
technical department in the daytime division, or as a program for working students in the division of continuing education. It is
further required that they must have achieved excellent performance and recruited an adequate number of qualified instructors.
2. From the second year after approval of reorganization, the college may adjust or establish new departments at the university
and junior college levels in line with the college's developmental needs. From the fourth year, the college may establish new
graduate institutes. Any time a college establishes or adjusts its graduate institutes, undergraduate departments, junior college
departments, or programs, it shall do so in accordance with the review principles and procedures that are in effect during the
academic year in question.
Article 7
After a junior college's reorganization as a technical college, the University Law, the Statute for Appointment of Educational
Personnel, the Degree Conferral Law and other relevant laws and regulations shall govern its organizational structure and
boards, hiring and ranking of teachers, requirements for obtaining and maintaining enrollment qualification, terms of study,
degrees offered, curriculum, and facilities in each technical department.
Article 8
A technical college may continue the operation of its junior college division after being renamed as a technical university in
accordance with the Criteria for the Establishment of Universities and Branch Departments.

When a technical college or technical university establishes a junior college division, it shall do so in accordance with the rules
and procedures governing the review of establishment and adjustment of graduate institutes, university-level departments,
junior college-level departments, and classes that are in effect during the academic year in question.
Article 9
The organizational structure and teaching staff of technical colleges and technical universities that set up a junior college
division shall be determined in accordance with the principle of integrating administrative and academic units, and the principle
of reducing staff and sharing resources.

Technical colleges and technical universities that set up a junior college division shall be governed by the Junior College Law
and relevant laws and regulations in matters regarding the number of years of instruction offered by the junior college division,
admission requirements, term of study for each department, conferral of graduation certificates, curricula, and facilities.

Teaching and administrative staff needed for the junior college divisions referred to in the preceding two paragraphs shall be
appointed from within the technical colleges and technical universities establishing such divisions.
Article 10
These Regulations shall enter into force from the date of issuance.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)