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Title: Enforcement Rules of Sewerage Act CH
Amended Date: 2007-06-05
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Article 1
These Rules are enacted pursuant to the provisions of Article 34 of the Sewerage Act (hereinafter, the Act).
Article 2
The designated areas referred to in Article 1 of the Act are as follows, other than urban planning areas:
1.Water pollution control zones;
2.Water quality and quantity protection area for tap water;
3.Industrial zones;
4.Other areas designated by the competent authorities.
Article 3
The sewers referred to in the Act are as follows:
1.Stormwater sewer: sewer for special treatment of stormwater.
2.Sanitary sewer: sewer for special treatment of household and industrial wastewater.
3.Combined sewer: sewer for special treatment of stormwater, household and industrial wastewater.
Article 4
The newly developed communities or industrial zones referred to in Article 8 of the Act shall be areas that qualify under the following terms and conditions, and when applying for development, the competent authorities ratify that upon consummation of their development, their public sewerages will be insufficient to accommodate their wastewater:
1.Newly developed communities: Refers to communities that can accommodate more than 500 people or build a total of more than 100 households.
2.Newly developed industrial zones:
(1)Areas developed for government institutions or private/public enterprises to set up their plants;
(2)Any enterprise that sets up its plant on land divided by the government for industrial use under relevant laws, and the construction land base exceeds 2 hectares.

The counting standards for the population of the newly developed areas referred in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding Paragraph are as follows:
1.Urban planning areas: It shall be counted by Users as stipulated under the Design and Technique Directions of Buildings Sewage Treatment Facilities.
2.Areas other than planned urban planning areas: It shall be counted using floor space per 30 square meters per person.
Article 5
The areas or places designated by the competent authorities for establishing special-purpose sewerage in the provisions of Article 8 of the Act may not start construction without submitting plans and design drawings, etc., of the special-purpose sewerage to the competent authorities for their approval prior to construction; upon completion, the special-purpose sewerage may not start to be used before passing the examination by the competent authorities.
The structures in the areas or places in the preceding Paragraph may not be issued a license for use before their special-purpose sewerages are completed and pass the examination.
Article 6
If the land for the sewer facility is within urban planning areas, the sewerage institution may request the competent urban planning authorities to prepare the land for the installation of sewer facilities in accordance with the Urban Planning Law.
Article 7
Regarding the use of public or private land in the provisions of Article 14 of the Act, the sewerage institution shall inform the landowner, possessor or user via written notice after stipulating the construction plan.
The written notice in the preceding Paragraph shall contain the following:
1.Estimated commencement date for construction.
2.Construction range.
3.Size and structure of the objects to be buried.
4.Construction method.
5.Construction period.
6.Compensation fee.
7.Date to pay Compensation fee and document required to be submitted to collect the Compensation fee.
Article 8
Regarding the use of public or private land in the provisions of Article 16 of the Act, the sewerage institution shall inform the landowner, possessor or user via written notice. Such a notice may be amended after construction for critical situations.
Article 9
The landowner, possessor or user who intends to file an objection under the provisos of the preceding Articles 14 or 16 of the Act shall submit their objection in writing to the sewerage institution within thirty days after the notice prescribed in the two preceding Articles, and delayed objections will not be handled.
Article 10
The standards of payment for the compensation fee or the compensation in the provisions of Article 14 and Article 16 of the Act shall be stipulated by the competent authorities of the special municipality and county or city.
Article 11
The landowner, possessor or user shall not change the existing sewer pipes or other facilities on public or private land without obtaining approval from the authority in charge.
Article 12
Article 13
The technician referred to in Article 17 of the Act shall mean the professional engineers who obtain environmental (sanitary) engineering, civil engineering or hydraulic engineering subject to Professional Engineers Act.
Article 14
After completion of the sewerage system, the sewerage institution shall register and file the following information for archives:
1.Drawing for sewer drainage areas.
2.Drawing for pipeline system distribution.
3.Drawing for cross sections of pipeline (including material and diameter of the pipe, its buried location, altitude, slope, length and flow rate, etc.).
4.Plane for treatment facilities and water-pumping facilities, water-level relation chart and structure drawing.
5.Location and design drawing for discharge point.
6.Data analysis of water quantity and quality of effluent.
7.Commencement and completion dates for construction.
8.Other matters shall be registered in relation to operations, maintenance and management.
Article 15
When applying to construct within the completed sewer areas, a drawing of the sewer user's drainage facilities, layout, outfall location, etc., shall first be submitted with the sewerage institution for its approval. Upon completion of the construction, sewer users' drainage facilities shall be connected with the sewer after passing the sewerage institution's inspection.
Article 16
In areas in which the stormwater and sanitary sewers are separated, the stormwater may not be drained off into the sanitary sewer, whereas household and industrial wastewater may not be drained off into the stormwater sewer.
Article 17
Sewer users in areas in which the sewer is applicable shall complete the connection and use of their sewer within six months from the publicly announced date to commissioning use as prescribed in the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Act.
Article 17-1
Article 18
The sewer facility for new structures that are not for public use and under five floors may be designed by the same architect of such structures.
Article 19
The main sewer facilities referred in the provisions of Article 31 of the Act are as follows:
1.Pipes, discharge point and affiliated facilities of the sewerage system.
2.Facilities in the sewer water-pumping station and the relevant facilities.
3.Facilities of the sewer treatment plant and the relevant facilities.
4.Other relevant important sewer facilities.
Article 20
These Rules shall take effect on the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)