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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Regulations on Trust and Operation of Common Duct Construction Fund CH
Abolished Date: 2008-01-08
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Article 1
The establishment of Common Duct Construction Fund (The Fund) is to meet the requirement of carrying Common Duct and various electric wires and electric cables into underground for all governmental, private and public organizations. The prescription of these regulations in accordance with Article 20 of Budget Law.
Article 2
The Income, payment, trust, and operation of the Fund shall follow these regulations, except otherwise specified by laws.
Article 3
The Fund, a special fund as specified in Item 2 Paragraph 1 Article 4 of Budget Law, is a sub-budget of division budget under the construction item. The Ministry of Interior (MOI) is the competent authority and the Construction and Planning Agency of MOI is the managing authority.
Article 4
The sources of the Fund:
1.Governmental funding through recycled budgeting process.
2.Special amount provided by the utility agencies.
3.Interests income from the Fund.
4.Interests income from loan.
6.Other related ones.
Article 5
Use of the Fund:
1.As a loan to fund the cost of Common Duct construction in order to match the significant projects.
2.As a loan to fund the cost of Common Duct construction in the projects of new town and new community development.
3.As a loan to fund the construction cost of setting the various buried electric wires and cables into common duct on the same road.
4.Management and general administrative expenses.
2.Other related expenses.
The aforementioned amount of loan and the rate of interest shall be decided by the management committee of construction fund, under the condition that the fund can be continually operated. The interest of loans within the amount provided by the original utility agencies will be exempted.
Article 6
Trust and operation of the fund shall emphasize profitability and safety, the banking process shall follow the Treasury Law and its related regulations.
Article 7
Considering the operational need, the fund may be applied to purchase the governmental bond, Treasurer’s notes or other short-term notes.
Article 8
The related budgeting and executing and final financial statement of the Fund shall follow the Budget Law, Accounting law, Statutory Law, Auditing Law and related regulations.
Article 9
The accounting procedures of the Fund shall establish an accounting system in accordance with the related regulations.
Article 10
Any balance exists after the final financial statement shall be entering as an additional fund or treated as undivided profit.
Article 11
The Fund shall close book upon its conclusion, and the rest profit shall be transferred to the Treasury.
Article 12
These regulations shall become enforceable upon the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)