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Title: Rules for the Enforcement of the Land Administration Agent Act CH
Announced Date: 2002-08-01
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Article 1
This Rules for the Enforcement of the Land Administration Agent Act is instituted in accordance with Article 58 of Land
Administration Agent Act (hereinafter called this Act).
Article 2
The term ‘passing the examination for Land Administration Agent’ as referred to in the provision of Item I of Article 4 in
this Act includes the examinations planned in accordance with the laws before the promulgation of this Act by Examination
Yuan, and took place in 2002, after the promulgation of this Act, the Professional Land Registration Agent Examination of the
Examinations for Professional Occupational and Technical Personnel, and application for Qualification of Professional Land
Registration Agent before December 31st, 2005.
Article 3
According to the provisions of Article 5, Item II of Article 53, or Article 54 in this Act, the following documentations shall be
submitted to the competent central authority for application for Certificate of Land Administration Agent.
1Application form.
2Any of the following documentations in respect of qualification:
(1)In the case of submitting application in accordance with the provision of Article 5 of this Act, the certificate and copies
of passing the examination of Land Administration Agent are required.
(2)In the case of submitting application in accordance with the provision of Item II of Article 53 of this Act, the certificate
and copies of passing the examination of Professional Land Registration Agent, or the certificate and copies for Qualification of
Professional Land Registration Agent are required.
(3)In the case of submitting application in accordance with the provision of Article 54 in this Act, document and copies of
qualification for Land Registration Agent issued by the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City), or card and
copies for professional agent for land registration are required.
3Copies of Identification Documentation.

For applications in compliance with the provisions stated in the previous Item, a Certificate of Land Administration Agent shall
be issued and the original documentations shall be returned to applicants. For applications not in compliance with the
provisions stated in the previous Item, the applications shall be rejected. As regards applications for which further proofs or
supplemental documents are required, a re-submission with required further documentation within 15 days shall be notified of
the applicants. Applications for which re-submission are required within 15 days but the applicants fail to comply with shall be

For applications rejected in accordance with the provision in Item II, the documentations submitted as stated in Clauses 2 and 3
of Item I shall be returned to applicants.

Persons who were issued with a Certificate of Professional Land Registration Agent in accordance with the laws before this
Act comes into effect can use the Certificate as the document of qualification as required in Clause 2 of Item I and apply for
Certificate of Land Administration Agent in accordance with the provision of Item I. In this case, the Certificate of Professional
Land Registration Agent shall not be returned to applicants after a Certificate of Land Administration Agent is issued.
Article 4
According to the provisions of Article 7 in this Act, the following documentations shall be submitted to the competent
authority in a Municipality or a County (City) for applying for a practicing license.
1Application form.
2Certificate and copies of Land Administration Agent or Professional Land Registration Agent.
3Copies of Identification Documentation.
4Two photographs, two and half inches in size, of the applicant taken within the past one year.

The provision of Item II of Article 3 applies to Item I of this Article. In the case that an application is rejected, the
documentations submitted as stated in Clauses 2 to 4 of Item I shall be returned to the applicant.
Article 5
In the case that Certificate of Land Administration Agent or Professional Land Registration Agent is missing, destroyed, or
stained, the following documentations shall be submitted to the competent central authority to apply for reissue or renewal of
the certificate.
1Application form.
2The stained original certificate when applying for a renewal.
3Copies of Identification Documentation.
Article 6
In the case that Practicing License of Land Administration Agent is missing, destroyed, or stained, the following
documentations shall be submitted to the original competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) to apply for reissue
or renewal of the practicing license.
1Application form.
2The stained original practicing certificate when applying for a renewal.
3Copies of Identification Documentation.
4Two photographs, two and half inches in size, of the applicant taken within the past one year.

The valid date of a re-issued or renewed practicing license is the same as that of the original practicing license.
Article 7
For an application for re-issuing a practicing license in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 in this Act, the following
documentations shall be submitted to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) at least six months prior to
the expiry of the original practicing license.
1Application form.
2The original practicing certificate and its copies, except for the case that original practicing license is missing or destroyed.
3Copies of Identification Documentation.
4Documentation of completing at least 30 hours’ professional training or supporting evidence of receiving equivalent
professional training within the past four years.
5Two photographs, two and half inches in size, of the applicant taken within the past one year, except for making a note of
extending the expiry date on the original practicing license.

The valid date of a practicing license renewed in accordance with the provision of the previous Item is extended for four years
starting from the next date of the expiry date on the original practicing license.

For an application in compliance with the provision of Item I, the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City)
shall renew a practicing license or make a note of extending the expiry date on the original practicing license. For an application
not in compliance with the provision of Item I, the application shall be rejected. As regards an application for which further
proofs or supplemental documents are required, a re-submission of required documentation within 15 days shall be notified of
the applicant. An application that fails to re-submit required further documentation within 15 days shall be rejected.

For an application that is rejected in accordance with the provision of Item I, the documentations submitted as stated in
numbers 2 to 5 of Item I shall be returned to the applicant.
Article 8
The term ‘within four years’ as referred to in the provision of Item I of Article 8 in this Act means four years between the
date when professional training is completed and the date when re-application for a practicing license is submitted.
Article 9
In the event of reporting alternations for future reference in accordance with the provisions of Item II of Article 9, Land
Administration Agent shall submit application form and documentation in respect of the alternations to the competent authority
in the local Municipality or County (City) where the office is located. In the case that alternations are those specified in the
provisions of Item I or IV of Article 9 in this Act, Land Administration Agent can apply for a renewal of Certificate of Land
Administration Agent or Practicing License in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 in this Act.
Article 10
For an application of Practicing License in accordance with the provisions of Item III of Article 11 in this Act, the applicant
shall submit supporting documentations and the documents as stated in Item I of Article 4 in this Act to the competent
authority in the local Municipality or County (City) where the office is located.
Article 11
A Land Administration Agent shall submit the original Practicing License and documents as stated in Item I of Article 4 to the
competent authority in the Municipality or County (City) where the office is moving into for re-registration in accordance with
the provision of Article 14.

The competent authority dealing with re-registration application shall examine the case and issue a new Practicing License
where appropriate and return the original Practicing License to the original competent authority for cancellation of the previous

The expiry date of a Practicing License issued in accordance with the provision of previous Item is the same as that on the
original Practicing License.
Article 12
Applicants applying for Certificate of Land Administration agent or Practicing License in accordance with the provisions of
from Article 3 to Item II of Article 11 shall pay a fee according to the provision of Article 56 in this Act. For an application that
is examined and rejected by the competent authority, the fee paid for issuing certificate or practicing license shall be returned to
the applicant.
Article 13
The areas where a Land Administration Agent practices is not subject to the jurisdiction where he / she registered with.
Article 14
In the event that a Land Administration Agent applies for registration as an attesting witness for signatories, the following
documents shall be submitted to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) where the office is located.
1Application form.
2Copies of Identification Documentation.
3Documentation and its copies of qualification as stated in the provision of Item I of Article 19 in this Act.
4Documentation and its copies of paying fees to the Attestation Guarantee Fund as stated in the provision of Item II of Article
22 in this Act.
5Copies of seal and signature of an attesting witness.
Article 15
The competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) dealing with registration of Attesting Witness is responsible for
examining the applications, creating files for the cases in compliance with the provisions in this Act and setting up a Register of
Attesting Witnesses. The Register of Attesting Witnesses shall be sent to the Land Office in the local jurisdiction, the Land
Administration Agent Guild that the applicant joined, and the National Association of Land Administration Agent Guilds
(hereinafter called the National Association), and the competent authorities in other Municipalities or Counties (Cities) and the
local Land Offices in their jurisdictions. In the case of nullification of status of an Attesting Witness, the same procedures

A register of Attesting Witnesses shall specify the following matters:
1Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Number of Identification Card and Address of an Attesting Witness.
2Name, Address and telephone number of the office.
3Registration number of a Practicing License.
4The copy of seal and signature of an Attesting Witness.
Article 16
When handling with the cases in relation to attestation, a Land Administration Agent shall set up files for personal details of
signatories, which shall specify the following items:
2Date of Birth.
3Number of Identification Card.
4Address of Residence.
5Corresponding Address and telephone number.
6The copy of seal and signature.
Article 17
The record set up by a Land Administration Agent in accordance with the provisions of Item I of Article 25 in this Act shall
specify the following matters.
1The category and contents of the entrusted cases.
2The name or title and address of clients.
3The date of commission.
4The date of application.
5The process of the entrusted cases.

A Land Administration Agent shall include the matters stated in the previous Item in the record while handling attestation
Article 18
The mandatory duration of keeping the record as referred to in the provisions of Item II of Article 25 in this Act starts from the
date when Land Administration Agent submits an application to the competent authority.
Article 19
The name of a Land Administration Agent Guild shall include the name of the local Municipality or County (City).

A Professional Land Registration Agent Guild established before the Act comes into effect and in compliance with the
provision of Article 30 in this Act can apply for a change of name to the competent authority of civilian associations. A Guild,
after having its name changed, shall submit its Chart, the List of its Members and the List of its Staff to the competent authority
of civilian associations for future reference in accordance with the deadline instituted by the competent central authority, also
with copies submitted to the competent authority in the local Municipality or County (City).
Article 20
Land Administration Agents issued with a practicing license shall join the Land administration Agent Guild in the local
Municipality or County (City), except for the case that a Land Administration Agent who applies to join the Land
Administration Agent Guild in an adjacent Municipality or County (City) in accordance with the provision of Article 31 in this

A Land Administration Agent who previously joined the Land Administration Guild in an adjacent Municipality or County
(City) in accordance with the provision of Article 31 in this Act shall join the Land Administration Agent Guild in the local
Municipality or County (City) where he / she practices once it is established, and has his / her membership withdrawn from the
original Land Administration Guild he / she registered with in an adjacent Municipality or county (City).
Article 21
The representatives of National Association shall be elected and appointed by Land Administration Agent Guilds in
Municipalities or Counties (Cities). The number of representatives shall be instituted in the Chart of National Association.

The representatives elected and appointed by Land Administration Agent Guilds in Municipalities or Counties (Cities) as stated
in the previous Item shall not be limited to the Boards of Directors and Supervisors from those local guilds.
Article 22
The candidates for Boards of Directors and Supervisors in the National Association shall not be limited to the representatives
elected and appointed by Land Administration Agent Guilds in Municipalities or Counties (Cities).
Article 23
The term of three years for Boards of Directors and Supervisors of a Land Administration Agent Guild in accordance with
Item III of the Article 36 in this Act shall be applied since the first re-election after this Act comes into effect. The number of
the re-elected members in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors can not exceed a half of the respective total
number of the Board of Directors and that of Supervisors.
Article 24
The awards as referred to in the provision of Article 42 in this Act shall be given by overtly presenting a certificate, or a plaque,
or a medal.
Article 25
The punishment as referred to in Item II of Article 43 in this Act shall add up the punishments disciplined in all Municipalities
or Counties (Cities).
Article 26
The competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) should take account of the punishment disciplined in all
Municipalities or Counties (Cities) while dealing with the matters concerning disciplining a Land Administration Agent. A
Land Administration Agent who has been given reprimands more than three times or disciplined of ceasing the right to practice
for a total of more than three years shall be sent to the Land Administration Agent Disciplinary Committee for consideration of
giving the punishment of ceasing the right to practice or disqualification.
Article 27
The Rules for the Enforcement shall come into effect from the date of its promulgation.
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