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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
These regulations are stipulated according to the Article 12, paragraph 3 of the “Senior Citizen’s Welfare Act (hereinafter referred to as “the act”).
Article 2
Senior citizens taken care of by applicants of the Special Care Allowance For Mid or Low-income Senior Citizens (hereinafter referred to as “this allowance”) should possess the following qualifications:
1. Recipient of Living Allowance For Mid or Low-income Senior Citizens;
2. Not be a recipient of residential placement or any of the following services- institutional care funded by government, home care, or care personnel or others hired to care for senior citizens, nor receive government subsidies for day care services or other care services;
3. severe disability as evaluated by institutions or personnel designated by municipal or county (city) requiring and receiving care by family members;
4. Actually living in the location where the household is registered.
Article 3
Applicant of this allowance should be qualified for the following:
1. Appropriate applicant is at least 16 years old but not older than 65 years old, plus not qualified for the conditions stipulated in items of 1, 2, 3, 6,and 7 of 7 of Article 5-3 of the Public Assistance Act.
2. Meet specific requirements as fallows;
(1). Be a member of the family receiving this allowance which should be calculated as part of the family’s total income.
(2). Married daughter, married son as an uxorilocal husband, or spouse;
(3). Is within the second level of direct line blood relation relative of the care receiver.
3. Does not work full time and in fact are direct care givers to the qualified recipient;
4. Actually lives in the same municipality or county (city) of household registration with that of the care receiver.
Article 4
Applicant of this allowance should file applications with the designated municipal or county (city) authority for household registration the following documents:
1. Personal Identification copies of both the front and back of the care receiver(s) and caregivers.
2. Proof of the care receiver’s severe disability as evaluated by activities of daily living function assessment.
3. Other related necessary documents.
Documents offering means of eligibility stipulated in item 2 above could be replaced by copies of the application forms of the standard manual, or manual of specific items, for physically or mentally disabled.
Specific items of physically or mentally disabled applicants and standards of application as described in the previous paragraph are listed on the attached file.
Article 5
When accepting application for this allowance, the designated municipal or county (city) authority should, in addition to examining required documents, require designated evaluators to determine directly the need for caregivers and capabilities of those so identified.
Following successful qualification under Articles 2 and 3, the caregiver is eligible for receiving this allowance of NT$5,000 dollars each.
Article 6
Only one caregiver is eligible for receiving this allowance when the same care receiver is taken care of by several care givers. The same applies to situation of one care giver taking care of several care receivers.
Article 7
Care givers receiving this allowance are not eligible to apply for positions involving additional home care, a nursing aid subsidy for middle or low income senior citizens when hospitalized, or a government subsidy for any other caring services.
Article 8
Designated municipal or county (city) authorities are responsible for the following:
1. Assure that caregivers receiving this allowance are supervised;
2. Provide respite care, either provided by the government or civil authority, for qualified caregivers when they participate in education and training programs;
3. Dispatch qualified supervisors at least every 3 months to evaluate quality of care being provided for each recipient;
4. Re-evaluate each recipient’s disability level at least once every 6 months during the allowance receiving period.
Article 9
Caregivers receiving this allowance must provide the expected care. Specifically, responsible municipal or county (city) authorities should assign qualified professionals to assess caregiver performance at least once every year.
Article 10
Under any one of the following conditions, responsible municipal or county (city) authorities should end all allowance and refer care recipients to other appropriate services:
1. Care recipients cease to be eligible per Article 2;
2. Caregivers cease to be eligible per Article 3;
3. Following guidance and help from responsible municipal or county (city) authorities, caregiver knowledge and/or skills are determined no longer to be sufficient in providing necessary quality care services.
Article 11
Funding for this allowance will be included in the annual budget prepared by responsible municipal or county (city) authorities.
Article 12
Responsible municipal or county (city) authorities should post on the internet, seasonal allowance data via internal public affair statistics reports by the 10th day of the following month.
Article 13
These regulations will be implemented starting from the announcement day.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)