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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Enforcement Rules for the Red Cross Society Act of the Republic of China CH
Abolished Date: 2017-01-04
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Article 1
These Rules are enacted pursuant to Article 36 of the Red Cross Society Act of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
Article 2
The direction provided by the regulating authorities of target businesses to the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Society”) shall be implemented within their jurisdiction jointly with the regulating authority, or the regulating authority shall be informed about the direction.
Article 3
The procedure for election of president, vice president, director, and supervisor of the headquarters, braches, and sub-branches of the Society as well as nomination of candidates shall be prescribed in the constitution of the headquarters, branch or sub-branch.
In a branch of the Society, the election shall be performed under the supervision of the headquarters, and in a sub-branch, the election shall be performed under the supervision of the branch.
To hold a meeting for election, a notice shall be given to the regulating authority, and the regulating authority may send personnel to attend the meeting as nonvoting delegate.
Article 4
For the directors elected from the principals of national associations as prescribed in Article 10 of the Act, the board of directors of the headquarters shall, three (3) months before the tenure of directors expires, select principals of national associations as candidates of directors.
Article 5
The certificates proving the president of a branch or sub-branch of the Society has been elected may be issued by the regulating authority at the request of the branch.
Article 6
An elected president, vice president, standing director, standing supervisor, director, or supervisor of the Society shall take the position within one (1) month after being elected, and the tenure shall commence from the day of accession.
Article 7
Presidents, vice presidents, standing directors, standing supervisors, directors, and supervisors of the Society are all positions of no pay, and may not concurrently hold a paid position in the Society.
Article 8
A president of the Society shall preside over the Society according to the provisions of the constitution, and may not alter or violate the resolutions of the member representative’s congress, the board of directors, or the board of standing directors.
In case the president of the headquarters or a branch or sub-branch dies, one of the vice presidents shall succeed. If the president cannot perform his duty due to certain reason, he shall designated a vice president to represent him; where necessary, the vice presidents may elect one of them to act in the name of president
Where the president and the vice president(s) of the headquarters or a branch or sub-branch cannot perform his duty due to certain reason, the standing directors or directors shall elect one of them to act on behalf of them.
Article 9
In the headquarters of the Society shall be set a secretary-general, one or two vice secretary-generals, and several other workers to handle the affairs in different offices.
Article 10
In a branch or sub-branch of the Society shall be set a director-general and several other workers, and the workers may be divided into divisions to handle the affairs.
Organizational principles of the branches and sub-branches shall be prescribed by the headquarters
Article 11
The membership of the Society’s members as prescribed in Paragraph 1, Article 18 of the Act shall be attributed in accordance with the following provisions:
1. The membership of honorary members, initiators of the headquarters, and association members of branches, departments (organs) and schools of the central level, and national associations shall be attributed to the headquarters.
2. The membership of the initiators of a branch, sub-branch, province-level departments and associations, departments (organs), schools, and associations of the municipal level shall be attributed to the branch.
3. The membership of the members other than prescribed in the above two subparagraphs shall be attributed to the sub-branches.
Article 12
Payment standards of membership dues of the Society shall be submitted by the board of directors of the headquarters to the member representative’s congress for adoption, and reported to the regulating authority for approval and implementation.
Article 13
Regulations on the periodical recruitment referred to in Article 20 of the Act shall be prescribed by the headquarters, and reported to the regulating authority for approval and implementation.
Article 14
Regulations on election of the member representatives of the Society shall be prescribed by the headquarters, and reported to the regulating authority for approval and implementation.
Article 15
A resolution of the national member representative’s congress of the Society requires the attendance of more than a half of all the national member representatives and the consent of more than a half or a bigger proportion of the attendees. But a resolution of the following matters requires the consent of not less than two-thirds of the attendees:
1. Formulation and amendment of the constitution.
2. Dismissal of member representative.
3. Recall of president, vice president, director, or supervisor.
4. Disposal of properties.
5. Other important matters concerning the rights and obligations of the members.
The total number of the national member representatives as referred to in the above paragraph shall refer to that of the member representatives elected in accordance with the provision of Article 14.
Article 16
Regulations on collection of donations shall be prescribed for the Society to collect donations at home and abroad pursuant to Article 29 of the Act.
The regulations on collection of donations as referred to in the above paragraph shall cover the purpose, method, and term of collection of donations, procedure of changing the purpose, and other related matters shall be prescribed in
Article 17
The financial affairs of the headquarters, branches, and sub-branches of the Society may be handled in accordance with the Regulations on Disposal of the Financial Affairs of Social Associations.
Article 18
These Rules shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)