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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
These regulations are stipulated pursuant to Article 78 of the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act).
Article 2
Professional personnel of children and youth welfare institutes (hereinafter referred to as institutes) referred to in the Act are defined as follows:
1.Childcare providers mean personnel who provide educational nursing in a nursery service center or placement and educational institutes;
2.Educational and care personnel for early intervention and assistant educational and care personnel for early intervention are personnel who provide developmental delayed children with educational and care services in early intervention institutes;
3.Care givers and assistant care givers mean personnel who provide children over two years old with care and counseling while living in placement and educational institutes;
4.Daily-life guidance personnel and assistant daily-life guidance personnel mean personnel who provide youth with daily-life care and guidance in placement and educational institutes;
5.Psychological guidance personnel mean personnel who provide children and youth, as well as their families, with consulting guidance services in placement and educational institutes, psychological guidance or family consulting institutes and other children and youth welfare institutes;
6.Social workers mean personnel who provide children and youth with social work services for children and youth entering and leaving institutes, visiting investigation, resources integration, etc. in early intervention, placement and educational institutes, psychological or family consulting institutes and other children and youth welfare institutes;
7.Supervisors mean personnel who are in charge of all the administrative affairs of the institutes.
Educational and care personnel and assistant educational and care personnel referred to in these regulations mean personnel who provide children with educational and care services in nursery schools, nursery service centers, and after-school care service centers before the amendment and enforcement of these regulations on May 30th, 2012.
Article 3
Childcare providers shall reach the age of majority and meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Acquired Certification for babysitter, or Certification for childcare provider on or after January 1, 2022.
2. Senior high school degree or higher degree, with relevant majors or credit courses of early childhood education, early childhood care, home economics and nursing from colleges, departments, and institutes.
Article 4
Educational and care personnel for early intervention shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Graduated from junior college or above, with the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, degree programs and courses dealing with medical care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, hearing, education, special education, early prevention, early childhood education, early childhood care, society, social welfare, social works, psychology, guidance, children and youth welfare or home economics;
2. Graduated from junior college or above and acquired a one of the following course-completion certificates;
(1) Preschool special education courses;
(2) Completed minors or credit courses from the aforementioned colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree.
(3) Professional training of early prevention for educational and care personnel.
3. Graduated from Senior high school or above, and have held the post of assistant educational and care personnel for early prevention for more than three years;
4. Passed junior civil service examination and equivalent junior examination, for various public servant in category of social administration and social work positions; or eligible for the post with elementary rank 3 granted after passing examination of social administration and social work grades.
Article 5
Assistant educational and care personnel for early intervention shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Graduated from senior high school or above, with relevant minors or credit courses of early childhood care, home economics and medical care from colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree;
2. Graduated from senior high school or above, and acquired a special training course-completion certificate of educational and care personnel for early intervention.
Article 6
Care givers shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1.Graduated from junior college or above, with the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, degree programs and courses dealing with early childhood education, home economics, medical care, children and youth welfare, social works, psychology, guidance, education, crime prevention, social welfare and gender, or have acquired minor certificates;
2.Graduated from junior college or above and have acquired one of the following professional training course-completion certificates;
(1) Various teacher education programs;
(2) Completed minors or credit courses from the aforementioned colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree;
(3) Have acquired professional training course-completion certificates for care givers.
3.Graduated from senior high school or above, and have held the post of assistant care giver for more than three years;
4.4. Passed ordinary examination, various public officials’ examinations of social administration and social work grades corresponding to ordinary examination or above; or eligible for the post with elementary rank 3 granted after passing examination of social administration and social work grades.
Article 7
Assistant care givers shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1.Graduated from senior high school or above, with the relevant programs and courses of early childhood care, home economics and medical care from colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree.
2.Graduated from senior high school or above and have acquired one of the following professional training course-completion certificates;
(1) Completed minors or credit courses from the aforementioned colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree;
(2) Have acquired professional training course-completion certificates or care givers;
3.With more than three years of care work experience in social welfare institutes;
4.Passed elementary examinations, various public officials’ examinations of social administration and social work grades corresponding to elementary examinations and above.
Article 8
Daily-life guidance personnel shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Graduated from junior college or above, with the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, degree programs and courses dealing with home economics, medical care, children and youth welfare, social works, psychology, guidance, education, special education, crime prevention, social welfare and gender-related;
2. Graduated from junior college or above, and have acquired one of the following training course-completion certificates:
(1) Various teacher education courses;
(2) Completed minors or credit courses in above-mentioned colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree;
(3) Professional training for daily-life guidance personnel;
3. Graduated from senior high school or above, and have held the post of assistant daily-life guidance personnel for more than three years;
4. Passed junior civil service examination and equivalent junior examination, for various public servant in category of social administration and social work positions; or eligible for the post with elementary rank 3 granted after passing examination of social administration and social work grades.
Article 9
Assistant daily-life guidance personnel shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1.Graduated from senior high school or above, with relevant programs and courses of home economics and medical care;
2.Graduated from senior high school or above, and have acquired one of the following professional training course-completion certificates;
(1) Completed minors or credit courses in above-mentioned colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree;
(2) Professional training for daily-life guidance personnel;
3.With more than three years of care work experience in social welfare institutes.
Article 10
Psychological guidance personnel shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1.Graduated from junior college or above, with the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, degree programs and courses dealing with psychology, guidance and counseling, and have acquired minor certificates;
2.Graduated from junior college or above, with the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, degree programs and courses dealing with social works, children and youth welfare, education and gender, and have acquired one of the following professional training course-completion certificates:
(1) Completed minors or credit courses from the aforementioned colleges, departments, institutes, and bachelor degree.
(2) Professional training for psychological guidance personnel.
Article 11
Social workers shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Eligible for social workers examination.
2. Passed examinations of social workers;
3. Graduated from junior college or above, with the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, degree programs and courses dealing with social works, children and youth welfare and social welfare, and have acquired credit course completion certificates;
4.Passed senior civil service examination and equivalent senior examination for various public servant in category of social administration and social work positions.
Article 12
Supervisors of nursery service centers shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Graduated from a master’s program or master degree program or above from the relevant colleges, institutes and departments specializing in early childhood education, early childhood care, home economics, and medical care in the universities, and have more than two years of care experience in the field of children education, children care and nursing;
2. Graduated from a bachelor’s program or bachelor degree program from the relevant colleges and departments specializing in early childhood education, early childhood care, home economics, and medical care in the universities or have acquired minor certificates, and have more than two years of care experience in the field of children education, children care and nursing with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors;
3. Graduated from bachelor-degree or vocational colleges specializing in early childhood education, early child care, home economics, and nursing, and have more than three years of care experience in the field of children education, children care and nursing with acquisition of professional training course-completion certificates of supervisors;
4. Graduated from vocational college, and have more than four years of care experience in the field of children education, children care and nursing with acquisition of professional training course-completion certificates of supervisors.
5. Passed senior civil service examination and equivalent senior examination for various public servant in category of social administrative or social worker positions, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutions or social welfare institutions.
Care experience in the field of children education, children care and nursing in the preceding paragraphs 1 to 4 refers to the personnel’s experiences compliant with the following regulations, which are based on the years of the service experience certificates issued by competent authorities of the municipal or county (city) government or competent education authorities:
1. Caregivers, assistant caregivers, teachers, caregiving staff and assisting staff in nursery schools, kindergartens or status changed kindergartens.
2. Childcare providers in nursery service centers.
3. Educational and care personnel for early intervention and assistant educational and care personnel for early intervention in early intervention treatment institutions.
4. Childcare providers of placement and education institutions.
Article 13
Supervisors of early intervention institutes shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1.Graduated from a master’s program or master degree program or above from the relevant colleges, institutes and departments specializing in children and youth, early childhood education, early childhood care, social welfare, social works, psychology, guidance, special education and early intervention, and have more than two years of working experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes;
2.Graduated from a bachelor’s program or bachelor degree program from the relevant colleges, and departments specializing in children and youth, early childhood education, early childhood care, social works, psychology, guidance and special education, and have more than two years of working experiences in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors or more than three years of work experience in the post of supervisor in disabled welfare institutes;
3.Graduated from bachelor-degree institutions with one of the professional personnel qualifications specified for educational and care personnel, educational and care personnel for early intervention, daily-life guidance personnel, psychological guidance personnel and social workers, and have more than three years of working experiences in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors or more than five years of work experience as a supervisor in disabled welfare institutes;
4.Graduated from vocational college with one of the professional personnel qualifications specified for educational and care personnel, educational and care personnel for early intervention, daily-life guidance personnel, psychological guidance personnel and social workers, and have more than four years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors or more than seven years of work experience as a supervisor in disabled welfare institutes;
5.Passed high examination, various public officials’ examinations of social administration and social work grades corresponding to high examination, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes;
6.Personnel with qualifications of doctors, therapists, psychologists and teachers of special education, and have more than three years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors, or have more than three years of work experience in the post of supervisor of disabled welfare institutes.
Article 14
Supervisors of placement and educational institutes shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Graduated from a master’s program or master degree program or above from the relevant colleges, institutes and departments specializing in children and youth, social works, psychology, guidance, education, crime prevention, home economics and social welfare, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes;
2. Graduated from a bachelor’s program or bachelor degree program from the relevant colleges, and departments specializing in children and youth, social works, psychology, guidance education, crime prevention, home economics and social welfare or have acquired minor certificates, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors;
3. Graduated from bachelor-degree institutions with one of the professional personnel qualifications specified for educational and care personnel, educational and care personnel for early intervention, daily-life guidance personnel, psychological guidance personnel and social workers, and have more than three years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors;
4. Graduated from junior college with one of the professional personnel qualifications specified for educational and care personnel, educational and care personnel for early intervention, daily-life guidance personnel, psychological guidance personnel and social workers, and have more than four years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisor;
5. Passed senior civil service examination and equivalent senior examination for various public servant in category of social administrative or social worker positions, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutions or social welfare institutions;
6. Personnel with qualifications of doctors, therapists, psychologists and teachers of special education, and have more than three years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors.
Article 15
Supervisors of psychological guidance or family consulting institutes and other children and youth welfare institutes shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Graduated from a master’s program or master degree program or above from the relevant colleges, institutes and departments specializing in children and youth, social works, psychology, guidance, education, crime prevention, home economics and social welfare, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes;
2. Graduated from a bachelor’s program or bachelor degree program from the relevant colleges, and departments specializing in children and youth, social works, psychology, guidance education, crime prevention, home economics and social welfare or acquired minor certificates, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors;
3. Graduated from bachelor-degree institutions with one of the professional personnel qualifications specified for educational and care personnel, educational and care personnel for early intervention, daily-life guidance personnel, psychological guidance personnel and social workers, and have more than three years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors;
4. Graduated from junior college with one of the professional personnel qualifications specified for educational and care personnel, educational and care personnel for early intervention, daily-life guidance personnel, psychological guidance personnel and social workers, and have more than four years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisor;
5.Passed senior civil service examination and equivalent senior examination for various public servant in category of social administrative or social worker positions, and have more than two years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutions or social welfare institutions;
6. Personnel with qualifications of doctors, therapists, psychologists and teachers of special education, and have more than three years of work experience in the relevant social welfare institutes or social welfare institutes with acquisition of professional personnel training course-completion certificates of supervisors.
Article 16
Personnel holding credit certificates issued by domestic schools registered in education competent authorities or foreign colleges, institutes, departments, programs or courses approved by the Ministry of Education shall apply to the central authorized agency for exempt hours in the relevant professional training course.
The relevant colleges, institutes, departments, programs or courses prescribed from Article 4 in the preceding article shall be approved by the central authorized agency.
Exempt hours in the relevant professional training course in the preceding two paragraphs and approval of the relevant colleges, institutes, departments, programs or courses shall be jointly approved by experts and scholars invited by the central authorized agency, or commissioned professional institutions and groups put in charge by the central authorized agency.
Article 17
Professional personnel recommended in accordance with subparagraph 4 of Article 4, subparagraph 4 of Article 6, subparagraph 4 of Article 7, subparagraph 4 of Article 8, Paragraph 4 of Article 11, subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1 of Article 12, subparagraph 5 of Article 13, subparagraph 5 of Article 14 and subparagraph 5 of Article 15 shall acquire professional personnel course-completion certificates in each category.
Article 18
Professional training courses of qualifications of nursery, early intervention, caring, daily-life guidance, psychological guidance, social works and supervisors include at least the following core courses:
1.The regulations of children and youth welfare and rights protection policies;
2.Children and your physical and mental development;
3.Diverse culture and parental education;
4.Professional work ethics;
Same titles of professional training courses studied by personnel in other categories shall be exempted.
Article 19
The competent authorities shall handle at their discretion, commissioning senior high schools and above that establish relevant colleges, institutes, departments and degree programs to be in charge of training courses of professional personnel’s qualifications. If necessary, competent agencies shall report such courses under the names of projects to the central authorized agency and commission groups relating to children and youth welfare to be in charge of them.
The competent authorities shall issue course-completion certificates that specify training courses and studied hours to those who pass the training courses; the format of course-completion certificates shall be decided by the central authorized agency.
Article 20
Professional personnel of children and youth welfare institutes shall participate in pre-vocational and in-service training.
Article 21
The pre-vocational training shall at least be 6 hours with content including a brief introduction of institutes’ environments, service contents, operational administrative systems and the relevant laws, etc.
Article 22
There shall be 18 hours or more of in-service training annually. The training programs shall include both theory and practice.
Article 23
In-service training should be carried out as follows:
1.The competent authorities shall handle the training at their discretion, or commission or subsidize other Institutes or groups to be in charge of the training.
2.The Institutes shall handle the training at their discretion, or commission other Institutes or groups to be in charge of the training.
3.The competent authorities shall commission or subsidize to relevant professional groups for processing the training at their discretion.
Article 24
Professional personnel who participate in in-service training shall be given official leave.
Article 25
Personnel who have completed training courses and received course-completion certificates under the implementation plan of children welfare professional personnel training before the enforcement of these regulations shall be deemed as having completed the professional personnel training courses in each category.
Article 26
Personnel who have acquired the professional personnel qualifications according to the Regulations Regarding Qualifications of Children and Youth Welfare Professional Personnel before the Regulations are implemented and at present hold the post of the same position shall be deemed as a qualified professional personnel as prescribed in the Regulations.
Up before Dec. 31st, 2016, all personnel that have obtained professional eligibility through social works related colleges, departments, institutions, degree programs, subjects, sub-credits or credits according to this regulation and working in children and juvenile welfare agencies, can continue their service until resignation, job relocation or transfer.
Personnel in the preceding 2 paragraphs transferred to another position or institute shall acquire relevant qualifications pursuant to the Regulations.
Article 27
Institutes which are located in remote, offshore islands and aboriginal tribe regions, and sheltering youth delivered to placement guidance according to court delivery or rulings, as well as children and youth who are suspected of being HIV positive or affected by HIV, for which it is hard to select professional personnel, shall report under the names of projects to competent authorities of the municipal or county (city) government for examination, and are entitled to relax the restrictions of personnel qualifications after receiving the consent of the central authorized agency.
Article 28
The Regulations shall be effective from the date of promulgation.
The provisions of the present act amended on Mar. 31st, 2017 will be implemented starting Jan. 1st, 2017.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)