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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/14 16:51

Article Search Result

Title: Customs Act CH
Category: Ministry of Finance(財政部)
Article 67
Imported goods that have directly or indirectly received a financial subsidy or any other form of allowance during the process of manufacture, production, sale, or transportation in the country of exportation or origin, thereby causing injury to any industry in the Republic of China, may be subject to the imposition of appropriate countervailing duty in addition to the customs duty leviable under the Customs Import Tariff.
Article 68
Imported goods that are found to have been imported at a price less than the normal value of its like product, thereby causing injury to any industry in the Republic of China, may be subject to the imposition of appropriate antidumping duty in addition to the customs duty leviable under the Customs Import Tariff.
The "normal value" referred to in the preceding paragraph means the comparable domestic selling price in the country of exportation or origin in the ordinary course of trade. In the absence of such a domestic selling price, the comparable selling price exported to an appropriate third country, or the constructed price consisting of the cost of production in the country of origin plus a reasonable amount for administrative, selling, and other expenses, and normal profit will be the basis for comparison.
Article 69
The term "causing injury to any industry in the Republic of China" referred to in the preceding two Articles means material injury, threat of material injury to the industry, or material retardation of the establishment of such an industry in the Republic of China.
The amount of countervailing duty to be imposed shall not exceed that of the subsidy and allowance received for the imported goods, and the amount of antidumping duty imposed shall not exceed the dumping margin of the imported goods.
The scope, subject, duty rate, commencement or termination date for imposing countervailing or antidumping duty shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Finance after consulting with the relevant authorities, and shall become effective on the date of the public announcement.
Regulations governing the qualification of applicants, application contents, investigations, determination, opinion statement, disposition procedure and any other required matters regarding application for imposition of countervailing duty and antidumping duty shall be drafted by the Ministry of Finance, together with the relevant authorities, and shall be submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)