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Article 8
The period of the prisoner’s home visiting shall be counted towards the term of sentence. However, where the prisoner fails to return to the prison by the designated time period without a justifiable reason, the number of days of the prisoner’s outside the prison shall not be counted towards the term of sentence.
The prisoner for the home visiting shall still report to the prison by the originally-designated returning period if the prisoner cannot make it back to the prison by the designated returning period for any of the following justifiable reasons:
1. Traffic interruption or urgent matters for attention, which is caused by natural disasters or other unavoidable incidents; or
2. Treatment of diseases under hospitalization or isolation due to diseases, where the fact is supported with a certificate by public or private hospital.
After receiving the report from the prisoner as stated in the preceding paragraph, the prison shall designate another returning time for the prisoner and order the prisoner to report to the prison at scheduled time.
The returning period in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to eight hours after the expiry of the justifiable reason as determined by the prison.
With respect to the matters under Paragraphs 2 and 3, the prison shall report to the supervisory authority for record.