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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:40

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Article 5
Upon entering a detention center, detainees shall be informed of the regulations to be complied with, specified as follows:
1. No suicide, self-mutilation, or behavior injuring others life or body allowed.
2. No clamoring, quarreling, fighting, attacking the management, or escaping from the facility allowed.
3. No drinking or gambling allowed.
4. No hiding of prohibited items, contraband, or other dangerous goods.
5. No defying of management order or acting against the order of the detention.
6. No smearing, polluting, destructing, or damaging the public facility.
7. Detainees shall follow other compliance rules specified by the detention center.
The compliance rules referred to in the previous paragraph shall be posted at a clear spot in the detention center.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)