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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Company Act CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
Article 283-1
Under any of the following circumstances, an application for reorganization shall be dismissed by the court:
1.Where the application is not filed in accordance with the proper procedure provided, however, that if the improper filing procedure can be rectified, the applicant shall be ordered to take corrective action;
2.Where the company has not made public issuance of shares or corporate bonds;
3.Where the company has been adjudicated bankrupt by a final ruling;
4.Where the settlement resolution made by the company in accordance with the Bankruptcy Law has become final;
5.Where the company has been dissolved; or
6.Where the company has been ordered to wind up and to liquidate within a given time limit.
Article 296
All rights of creditors of the company established prior to the ruling for reorganization shall be rights of creditors in reorganization; all rights with preference for repayment according to law shall be preferred rights of creditors in reorganization; all rights secured by mortgages, pledges or rights of retention shall be secured rights of creditors in reorganization; and all rights without such security shall be rights of creditors without security. All such rights of creditors shall not be exercised unless in a accordance with reorganization procedures.
The provisions of the Bankruptcy Law relating to the rights of creditors in bankruptcy, with the exception of provisions governing right of discriminative, and preferential rights shall apply mutatis mutandis to the aforesaid rights of creditors.
Rights of retrieval, rescission or set off shall be exercised against the reorganizers.
Article 308
Except when the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law shall govern in the case that a court has ex officio, rendered a judgment to adjudge a company bankrupt, a ruling for termination of reorganizers rendered by a court shall have the following effects:
1.Any disposition or effect thereof under Article 287, Article 294, Article 295 or Article 296 shall be null and void;
2.A person who has been barred from exercising his right for neglect in declaring the right shall have such right restored; and
3. The shareholders' meeting, directors and supervisors whose powers and functions have been suspended on account of reorganization shall have such powers and functions restored forthwith.
Article 343
The provisions of Paragraphs Two and Four of Article 172, Paragraphs One to Five of Article 183, Paragraph Two of Article 298; and Article 123 of the Bankruptcy Law shall apply mutatis mutandis to special liquidation.
The convener of the creditors' meeting who violates Paragraph Two of Article 172 as applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph, or Paragraphs One, Four or Five of Article 183 as applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a fine of not less than NT$10,000 but not more than NT$50,000.
Article 350
An agreement of settlement shall be adopted by the concurrence of the creditors holding three-fourths or more of the total amount of claims with rights to vote at a meeting attended by over one half of the creditors entitled to vote.
The aforesaid resolution shall be approved by the court.
The provisions of Article 136 of the Bankruptcy Law shall apply mutatis mutandis to the agreement of settlement mentioned in Paragraph 1.
Article 355
If, in cases where an order for the institution of a process of special liquidation has been made, there is no prospect of reaching an agreement of settlement, the court shall ex officio make an adjudication of bankruptcy in accordance with the Bankruptcy Law. The same shall apply where there is no prospect of an agreement of settlement being duly carried out.
Article 369-7
In case a controlling company has caused, directly or indirectly, its subordinate company to conduct any business which is contrary to normal business practice or not profitable, and if the controlling company has a claim upon said subordinate company, then the controlling company shall not claim for offsetting such claim against its indemnification liability, if any, to the subordinate company.
In case the subordinate company enters into bankruptcy or composition procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law, or enters into the process of reorganization or special liquidation of its company in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the claim set forth in the preceding Paragraph, with or without the right to exclusion or priority, shall be satisfied in the order second to all other obligatory claims of the subordinate company.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)