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Title: Income Tax Act CH
Category: Ministry of Finance(財政部)
Chapter 4 Assessment & Collection Procedure
Section 3 Investigation
Article 80
The collection authority shall, after receipt of an annual income tax return, appoint a person to make investigation thereof and determine the amount of income and tax payable.
Where there is great number of taxpayers in a locality, the collection authority may, in lieu of individual investigation as provided in the preceding Paragraph, conduct random checks by trade and determine the income standard of each trade.
Where the amount of income reported by a taxpayer is above such standard, the reported income shall be taken as the basis for taxation. However a taxpayer who is found by the collection authority to have reported his or her income unusually or with any under-reporting, omission or evasion of the taxable income, or income reported as lower than the standard set forth in the preceding Paragraph shall be subjected to an investigation.
Opinions of trade associations may be sought in determining income standards of taxpayers in the various trades.
The measure governing how the collection authority conducts an assessment of an income tax return by paper reviewing, auditing or any other method of investigation, as well as the criteria governing how the aforesaid authority audits the items affecting the amounts of income, tax payable and tax credits of an income tax return, shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Finance.
Article 81
The collection authority-in-charge shall, on the basis of its findings, work out and serve upon the taxpayer a notice showing the amount of tax leviable as determined as well as the tabulation of amounts of various items which make up the tax.
Where the notice carries any erroneous entries or miscalculations, the taxpayer may, within 10 days after receipt of the said notice, check with the collection authority-in-charge or request for corrections.
If the circumstances of assessment of the individual income tax fall under any of the following conditions, the collection authority-in-charge shall make public declaration of the tax assessments instead of issuing and serving a “Notice of Consolidated Income Tax Assessment”:
1.The refund to the taxpayer is equal to the amount filed on his/her consolidated income tax return.
2.The taxpayer receives no tax payable or refundable because the amount filed in his/her consolidated income tax return and the amount assessed by the collection authority-in-charge are the same.
3.The taxpayer receives no additionally payable or refundable amounts in that his/her tax refund or tax payable fails to meet the collection threshold for tax payment and tax refund.
Article 82
Article 82-1
Article 83
A taxpayer shall, in the course of an investigation or reinvestigation conducted by the collection authority, produce account books and related documents of evidence that will prove the amount of his income. Where such account books and documents of evidence are not produced, the collection authority may determine the amount of his income based on the available taxation data or the profit standard of the same trade concerned.
The taxpayer shall present the account books and documents of evidence as referred to in the preceding paragraph to the collection authority for investigation within the prescribed time limit. Under special circumstances, if it is requested by the taxpayer or deemed necessary by the collection authority, investigation at the taxpayer's place of business may be made by a designated official.
Where a taxpayer has already filed the income tax return in accordance with the established regulation but failed to produce the account books and documents of evidence to prove the amount of his income within a prescribed time limit when notified by the local collection authority conducting an investigation, the local collection authority may determine the amount of his income based on the available taxation data or the profit standard of the same trade concerned. If more taxation data are subsequently discovered upon investigation, the case it shall be still dealt with according to act.
Article 83-1
If the collection authority or a tax investigators designated by the Ministry of Finance discovers a taxpayer is suspected of tax evasion or omission in substantial amounts, the authority or investigator may, as the case merits, report to the Ministry of Finance for approval, to institute a further investigation on the taxpayer's net assets, fund flowing, and other business data which are not conformable to the regular business practice.
If the result of further investigation, as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, conducted by the collection authority or tax investigator proves that the taxpayer has evaded and/or omitted taxes payment the taxpayer shall be responsible for the submission of evidence favorable to himself.
Article 84
The collection authority may, when making investigation or reinvestigation, call for the presence of the taxpayer or his agent at the office of the collection authority to answer question.
The taxpayer, if unable to present himself to answer questions at the indicated time for justifiable reasons, shall submit a statement to the collection authority within seven days from the date of receipt of the notice.
Article 85
The household registration agency shall, when effecting household movement registration in accordance with act, make out and send duplicate copies of such registration to the collection authority concerned.
Article 86
The local collection authority-in-charge shall issue receipts for any account books or documents of evidence submitted by the taxpayer or concerned parties and shall return the same within seven days from the date of completion of submission of all account books and documents of evidence called for. Under special circumstances and subject to the approval of the head of the local collection authority-in-charge, the time of retention may be extended for a period of seven days.
Article 87