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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 14:36

Chapter Law Content

Title: The Electricity Act CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions
Article 88
The central competent authority may set up the electricity price stabilization fund to ameliorate the impact of short-term fluctuations of the price of the electricity to the economy.
The following sources of funds may contribute to the fund prescribed in the preceding paragraph:
1. The amount of a public electricity retailer’s annual final adjusted after-tax earnings in excessive of the reasonable profit margin;
2. Allocation of the government funds through the regular budgeting process;
3. Contribution from the Electricity Enterprises;
4. Contribution from the private enterprises;
5. Interests and dividends of the fund;
6. Other related income.
Article 89
An Electricity Generating Enterprise that has a nuclear power plant shall, during the operation period, appropriate sufficient funds for the back-end management of nuclear power generation, including the processing, transportation, storage and final disposal of radioactive waste, decommissioning of the plant and the necessary community give-back measures and related disposal costs.
The central competent authority shall stipulate the calculation formulae for the funds described in the previous paragraph, the time limit for contribution, and the payment procedure as well as the rules governing other related matters.
Article 90
The central competent authority may establish an electric research and testing institute as a designated institution to engage in the studies of electricity-related technical regulations, electrical equipment testing as well as methods to improve the reliability of the electric systems and safety of the service.
Article 91
The central competent authority shall present the annual report on the current supply and demand of electricity in the country, progress of the development of electricity and the status of the energy saving and carbon reduction policy; the report shall be open for public access.
Article 92
Prior to implement of the provisions of this Act amended on January 11, 2017, an Electricity Enterprise that have obtained the appropriate license shall apply for an appropriate license replacement within six months after the effective date. An Electricity Enterprise that fails to apply for replacement or applies but fails to meet the criteria set out in this Act shall have its original license revoked and duly announced so by the electricity industry regulatory agency. A supplier that continues its business operation despite the revocation of its license is subject to disciplinary actions pursuant to Article 72 of this Act.
Article 93
Prior to implement of the provisions of this Act amended on January 11, 2017 an Electricity Enterprise that engages in the generation of electricity and holds the status of a public enterprise may retain the rights and privileges received as a public utility until the expiration of the period of business operation allowed on the original license.
Article 94
Prior to implement of the provisions of this Act amended on January 11, 2017 any discrepancies between an Electricity Enterprise’s guidelines and regulations for business operation written prior to the effective date and the regulations contained in this Act shall be modified within six months after the amendment of this Act becomes effective.
Article 95
The government shall set up a plan that actively promotes the procedure governing the final disposal of the low-level radioactive waste in order to address the issues associated with the low-level radioactive waste currently stored in Lanyu. The related promotion plans shall be made pursuant to the Act on Sites for Establishment of Low Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Facility.
Article 96
The regulations governing electricity and other electricity-related enterprises as provided in the Privately Owned Public Utilities Supervisory Act shall no longer be applicable prior to enforcement of the provisions of this Act amended on January 11, 2017.
Article 97
The Act becomes effective upon promulgation unless an effective date is otherwise stipulated.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)