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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Seven Financial and Accounting Processing
Article 17
A labor union shall set up procedures for processing general transactions, receipt and payment of cash, and property management.
A labor union engaging in investment and other businesses in accordance with Article 14 of these Standards shall set up cost accounting and other specialized accounting procedures, in accordance with other statutes and administrative regulations additionally.
Article 18
Procedures for handling general transactions include:
1. The scope and execution of general transactions.
2. The procedure for processing accounting vouchers, including the making of these vouchers and the contents and responsibilities of the reviewers of such vouchers.
3. The procedure for bookkeeping, including the recording of books and the contents and responsibilities of the superior reviewers of such books.
4. The procedure for compiling accounting reports.
5. The procedure for budgeting and closing.
6. The procedure for processing and safekeeping of accounting files.
Article 19
The procedure for receipt and payment of cash, and property management shall include the procedures for acquisition, safekeeping, disposition of cash and properties.
Petty cash may not exceed NT$100,000, its upper limit and utilization shall be resoluted by the board of directors meeting and shall be safekept by financial personnel.
An ordinary expenditure less than NT$10,000 may be paid out in cash from petty cash.
Properties shall be registered under the labor union, and shall not be registered under any other parties and they can not be used for personal purposes.
Article 20
The revenues of a labor union shall be verified by official receipts or other proofs, vouchers, or statements which shall be kept for examination. Withdrawals of money from deposit account shall be effected by withdrawal slips which bear the seals of the chairperson of the board of directors, secretary general and cashier. They bear the legal responsibilities of using such seals.
If a labor union does not have a secretary general as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, a staff member who handles related affairs shall use his (or her) seal instead.
Article 21
Annual expenditure for business and office operations of a labor union shall not be less than forty percent of its annual total expenditure. A labor union shall hire staff to meet the needs of its actual operations.
Payroll list of a labor union’s personnel shall be set up by the board of directors in accordance with the budget of the year and shall be resoluted by the members or member representatives meeting.
Article 22
A labor union shall appropriate sufficient reserves each year. The amount of such reserves shall be determined by the board of directors and shall be resoluted by the members or member representatives meeting, provided that in a year when there is a loss at closing, such an appropriation may not be required.
Article 23
Accumulated surplus at closing of a labor union shall be used as a source of funds for future years and such surplus shall not be used for distribution.
Article 24
Financial matters of all standing internal units of a labor union shall be processed centrally by the labor union itself. Each internal unit shall not set up its own annual budget and closing.
Article 25
Businesses created by a labor union in accordance with Item 9 of Article 5 of the Act shall set up their own accounting books and shall be operated independently. Provided that, the surplus or deficit of such businesses at year end, unless otherwise specified by other sttatutes or designated by the resolution of the members or member representatives meeting, shall be consolidated into the annual revenue or expenditure of the labor union for its general operation.
Article 26
Revenue and expenditure of a labor union shall not be concealed or falsified and shall be disclosed quarterly.
Article 27
Safekeeping of various vouchers, accounting books, accounting reports of a labor union shall be governed by the following rules:
1. Accounting books and accounting reports shall be kept for at least ten years starting from the end of the year when the concerned accounts were closed.
2. Unless there are unfulfilled rights and obligations, various vouchers shall be kept for at least five years starting from the end of the year when the concerned accounts were closed.
If a labor union receives government subsidies, related administrative regulations of the government shall apply.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)