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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 1 Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Section 3 Automatic Sprinkler system
Article 43
Any of the following automatic sprinkler system may be equipped optionally according to the actual circumstance. But only open type can be equipped in stages of the places listed in 12.1(1) and of conference room listed in 12.1(2)..
1.Enclosed wet type: pipes are filled with high-pressure water at other times, and water nozzles immediately on motion of the nozzle.
2.Enclosed dry type: pipes are filled with high-pressure air at other times, and water is sprayed after the air is discharged upon starting of the nozzle.
3.Open type: there is no water in the pipe at other times, and water flows into the pipe after the valve is opened.
4.Pre-action type: pipes are filled with low-pressure air at other times; senor is used to actuate water flow detecting device, and water sprays immediately on motion of the nozzle.
5.Other types recognized by the central regulating authority.
Article 44
Piping and fittings of automatic sprinkler system and roof tank shall comply with Article 32.1 and 32.2 and meet the following provisions:
1.Preservation treatment like zincification etc shall be made to the secondary side matching pipe of water flow detecting device for enclosed dry type or pre-action type, as well as the secondary side matching pipe of deluge valve.
2.The secondary side matching pipe of water flow detecting device of enclosed dry or pre-action type shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions for ensuring effective drainage.
(1)Brach pipe shall incline 4cm every 10m, and main pipe 2cm every 10m.
(2)Drain valve shall be equipped obviously, and marked with “Drain Valve”.
3.The quantity of water in a roof tank shall be not less than 1m3 where standpipe is connected to the roof tank.
Article 45
On completion of automatic sprinkler system, pressurization test shall be made pursuant to Article 33. But air compression test shall be made to pipe system of enclosed dry type automatic sprinkler system. During the test, the air pressure remains at 2.8kgf/cm2 or 0.28Mpa for 24 consecutive hours. If the air leakage is less than 0.1kg/cm2 or 0.01Mpa, the product is qualified.
Article 46
Sprinkler shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.For stages and prop rooms of theaters, ballrooms, nightclubs, singing salons, conference halls and other showplaces, as well as projection rooms of theaters or warehouses for storing flammable materials, the horizontal distance from any point to a sprinkler shall not exceed 1.7m.
2.For auto-repair workshops, indoor parking lots and mechanical lift-type parking lots, the horizontal distance from any point to a sprinkler shall not exceed 2.1m.
3.Buildings not included in the previous subparagraphs should be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)General reaction-type sprinkler (Type-2 sensitivity): The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the sprinkler head shall not exceed 2.1m. This may be increased to 2.3m for fireproof buildings.
(2)Fast response sprinkler (Type-1 sensitivity): The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the sprinkler head shall not exceed 2.3m. But for fireproof buildings, the distance can be increased to 2.6m. For effective sprinkling radius of sprinkler head certified by the central regulating authority, the horizontal distance from any point at each floor to the sprinkler head may exceed 2.6m.
4.The living rooms, wards and other similar places listed in Article 12, Subparagraph 1, Item 3 and Item 6, Subparagraph 2, Item 7 and Subparagraph 5, Item 1 shall be equipped with sprinkler head dedicated to small partition approved (only applicable to type-1 sensitivity). The horizontal distance from any point to the head shall not exceed 2.6m, the minimum distance between sprinklers shall be 3m, and the protecting area of any sprinkler shall not exceed 13m2.
5.The living room listed in the previous Subparagraph, its corridors, aisles and other similar places shall be equipped with a sidewall sprinkler head (only applicable to type 1 sensitivity). The horizontal distance between both sides of the wall surface and the head shall not exceed 1.8m and distance between the front of the wall and the head shall not exceed 3.6m.
6.Places approved by the central regulating authority to store large amount of flammable materials shall be equipped with open type sprinkler system if the ceiling height exceeds 6m and other places also be equipped with this kind of sprinkler head if the ceiling height exceeds 10m.
7.In underground buildings, if the height between the ceiling and slab exceeds 50cm, both the ceiling and the slab shall be equipped with sprinkler heads, and the horizontal distance from any point to the sprinkler shall not exceed 2.1m. However, when the ceiling is decorated with nonflammable material, the slab can be exempted from installing sprinkler heads.
Sprinkler head of high rack storage warehouse specified in Article 17, Para-graph 1, Subparagraph 6 shall be provided pursuant to the following provi-sions:
1.Sprinklers installed on the shelve shall comply with the following requirements:
(1)The horizontal distance from any point to the sprinkler head shall not exceed 2.5m with heads installed staggered.
(2)One sprinkler heads at least every 4m height shall be provided to places for storing cotton, plastic, wooden and paper products, fiber goods and other flammable materials; one at least every 6m height for places storing other materials.
(3)If the stored material blocks the spray of sprinklers, heads shall also be installed beneath the stored materials.
(4)Protection plates shall be installed in accordance with Article 47, Paragraph 2 specifications. However, sprinkler heads dedicated to shelf use approved by the central regulating authority are exempted from this limitation.
2.Sprinkler heads provided on the ceiling or slab, except for that mentioned in the previous Subparagraph, the horizontal distance from any point to a sprinkler nozzle shall not exceed 2.1m.
Article 47
(Due to formatting constraints, the full content of the articles cannot be displayed here. Please refer to the complete document for details.)
Article 48
Enclosed-type nozzle of certain rated temperature shall be selected according to the maximum ambient temperature of the mounting position and following the table below:
│Maximum ambient temperature │Rated temperature │
│ <39℃ │ <75℃ │
│ 39℃≦T<64℃ │ 75℃≦T<121℃ │
│ 64℃≦T<106℃ │ 121℃≦T<162℃ │
│ ≧106℃ │ ≧162℃ │
Article 49
It is allowable that nozzle is not equipped in the following places:
1.Toilet, bathroom or water closet.
2.Fume chamber of indoor safety stairway, fume chamber of special protected stair or emergency elevator hoistway.
3.Fireproof elevator, fluctuating way or piping room.
4.Elevator machine rooms or machine rooms of venting equipments.
5.Telecommunication machine rooms or computer rooms.
6.Equipment rooms of generator, transformer or other similar electric equipments.
7.Aisles where fire can’t be effectively detected due to external air current.
8.Operating room, delivery room, X-ray (radiation) room, intensive care sickroom, anesthetic room, or other similar places.
9.The proportion of fixed chairs in auditorium used for places listed in 12.1(1) and assembly hall listed in (2) where the height of the mounting surface of nozzle is more than 8m.
10.Above water surface of indoor swimming pool, or ice surface of skating ground.
11.Cashbox where the main construction is fireproof and the opening is equipped with fireproof door that has a fireproof effect of at least one hour.
12.Warehouses or rooms where aluminum powder, calcium carbide, calcium phosphide, natrium, calcium oxide, magnesium powder, kalium, natrium dioxide and other water-deprivation substances, or other chemicals that will cause danger on encountering water are stored.
13.Buildings provided in Article 17.1(5) (the underground floor, non-opening floor and floors over 11 storeys aren’t included) and used for the purposes listed in Article 12.2~4 shall be separated from other parts by walls or floorslabs that has the fireproof effect of at least one hour and satisfy the following requirements:
(1)The total area of separating wall and openings shall be less than 8m2 and the area of any opening shall be less than 4m2.
(2)The openings mentioned in Article 49.13(1) shall be equipped with fireproof door and other similar facilities that have the fireproof effect of at least one hour and it isn’t allowable that the space between the openings and corridor and stairway cannot be equipped with iron rolling door for fire fighting. But if the area of openings is less than 4m2 and the division has two different directional escapes, the fireproof iron doors, windows and other facilities that shall has the fireproof effect of at least half an hour.
14. Buildings provided in Article 17.1(4) (the underground floor, non-opening floor and floors over 11 storeys aren’t included) and used for the purposes listed in Article 12.2~4 shall be separated from other parts by walls or floorslabs that has the fireproof effect of at least one hour and satisfy the following requirements:
The area of floorslabs of the separted part shall be less than 200m2.
Inner furnishing shall comply with Article 88 of Part of Design and Construction, Architecture Technology Standard.
(3)The openings shall be equipped with fireproof doors, windows and other similar facilities that have the fireproof effect of at least one hour and it isn’t allowable that the space between the openings and corridor and stairway cannot be equipped with iron rolling door for fire fighting. But if the area of openings is less than 4m2 and the division has two different directional escapes, the fireproof iron doors, windows and other facilities that shall has the fireproof effect of at least half an hour.
15. Other places designated by the central regulating authority.
Article 50
The water output of a nozzle shall be more than 80L/min (those installed in the overhead warehouse shall be 140L/min), and pressure more than 1kgf/cm2 or 0.1Mpa. The water output of the small separation nozzle shall be more than 50L/min.
The water output of the open type nozzle shall be more than 5L/min for every 1m2 of the protecting area, and more than 10L/min for every 1m2 of places where store flammable substances.
Article 51
The automatic sprinkler system shall be equipped with water flow detecting devices pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where the floor area of each floor is within 3,000m2, each floor shall be equipped with a set; where the floor area exceeds 3,000m2, each floor shall be equipped with two sets. But where each of two adjacent storeys has not more than 10 nozzles and automatic fire alarm equipments installed shall be co-used that very two storeys.
2.On a floor without compartments, the foresaid 3,000m2 shall be increased to 10,000m2.
3.Alarm shall be made when nozzles or deluge valves are opened to spray water.
4.Braking valves shall be equipped with a height from the ground less than 1.5m and more than 0.8m, and indicating characters of “Braking Valve” shall be obviously marked nearby.
Article 52
Automatic and manual actuating device of open type automatic sprinkler system shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions. But it is allowable that automatic actuating device is not installed where the receiving instrument is located in places where there are people at other times and the device can be immediately started in case of fire.
1.Automatic actuating device shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Deluge valve and pressurization and driving device shall be actuated upon starting of sensing nozzle or detector.
(2)One sensing nozzle with a rated temperature of not more than 79℃ shall be equipped for every 20m2, and at least one fixed temperature Type I or Type II detector shall be equipped in every discharge area pursuant to Article 120.
(3)Sensing nozzle shall be placed in a location where the height of the mounting surface from the floor is not more than 5m and fire can be effectively detected.
2.Manual actuating device shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)A manual starting valve shall be equipped with a height from the ground not less than 0.8m and not more than1.5m, and indicating characters of “Manual Starting Valve” shall be obviously marked thereby.
(2)Deluge valve and pressurization and driving device shall be actuated upon motion of manual starting valve.
Article 53
Deluge valve of open type automatic sprinkler system shall be pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Each discharge area shall be equipped one.
2.The secondary side piping of all-around relief valve shall be equipped with testing device, which is able to test the motion of the valve when water is not discharge in this area.
3.The pressure endured by deluge valve shall be not more than the maximum working pressure.
Article 54
Discharge area of open type automatic sprinkler system shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Each stage shall have not more than 4 discharge areas.
2.Where there are two or more discharge areas, the floor area of each discharge area shall be not less than 100m2, and any two adjacent areas shall be mutually overlapped so as to fight fire effectively.
Article 55
Enclosed or pre-action type automatic sprinkler system shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Air compressor for compressed air at the secondary side of water flow detecting device of enclosed dry or pre-action type shall be used dedicatedly, and shall be able to increase the pressure to the preset value of secondary side matching pipe of the water flow detecting device within 30 minutes.
2.Decompression alarm equipment for the secondary side of water flow detecting device shall be located in places populated at other times.
3.Water flow detecting device shall actuate the nozzle within 1 minute after the nozzle is opened.
4.Nozzle shall employ upward type unless matching pipe can take effective measures.
Article 56
Check valve at the end of the automatic sprinkler system with enclosed type nozzle shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Pipe diameter shall be more than 25mm.
2.Check valve shall be equipped according to the piping system of each water flow detecting device, and connected to the end of the farthest branch pipe with the lowest discharge pressure on each floor of the building.
3.The primary side of check valve shall be equipped with pressure gauge, and the secondary side with metering hole having the same discharge performance as nozzle.
4.The height from the floor shall be less than 2.1m, and discharge pipe shall be attached; and “End Check Valve” shall be marked obviously.
Article 57
(Due to formatting constraints, the full content of the articles cannot be displayed here. Please refer to the complete document for details.)
Article 58
The water source installed as prescribed in the preceding article shall be connected to the pressurized type water supply system, and installed pursuant to one of the following conditions:
1.Where a gravity tank is used, the following requirements shall apply:
(1)The system shall be equipped with a water level gauge, drainage pipe, overflow drainage pipe, water supply pipe, and man hole.
(2)The required drop height of the tank shall be higher than that obtained from the formula provided below:
Required drop height =friction loss head of piping + 10 (unit: meters)
H = h1 + 10m
2.Where a pressure tank is used, the following requirements shall apply:
(1)The system shall be equipped with a pressure gauge, water level gauge, drainpipe, water supply pipe, air supply pipe, air compressor, and man hole.
(2)It is imperative that at least 1/3 space of the water tank shall be allotted to hold air, and pressure shall be more than adequate to maintain the prescribed pressure necessary to discharge or spray water from a sprinkler located at the highest point of a building. Automatic pressurization shall be effected whenever air pressure and water level inside the tank decreases. The air compressor and the pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3)The essential water tank pressure shall be above the minimum pressure, as obtained from the equation set below:
Essential pressure = friction loss head of piping + drop height + 1 (Unit: kgf/cm2)
P = P1 + P2 + 1 kgf/cm2
3.Where a fire pump is used, the following requirements shall apply:
(1)Fire pump capacity shall be the sprinkler quantity prescribed in the foregoing article multiplied by 90 L/min (for high rack warehouse, 130 L/min). Where sprinklers for small compartments are used, sprinkler quantity shall be multiplied by 60 L/min. Where discharge nozzles are used, the capacity shall be prescribed based on the recognized computation formula of the central fire regulating authority.
(2)The total head of the pump shall be set above that determined through the following equation:
Total head of the pump = friction loss head of piping + drop height + 10 (Unit: meters)
H = h1 + h2 + 10m
(3)Fire pumps shall be used dedicatedly. However, this requirement is not applicable where other fire extinguishing equipments are available for use, providing that simultaneous usage of varying equipments do not negatively affect equipment performance.
(4)Fire Pumps shall be connected to the emergency power source.
The aforesaid pressurized type water supply system shall comply with the requirements set forth in Article 37 Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 1, 2 and 5. Moreover, it is imperative that the sprinkler discharge pressure shall not exceed 10 kg/cm2 or 1 MPa.
Article 59
Outside buildings equipped with automatic sprinkler, 63-mm caliber water flow outlet shall be installed overground near the building line where is accessible for fire fighting cars pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be used dedicatedly.
2.For a building equipped with automatic sprinkler where the floor area is less than 3,000m2, at least one double-opening outlet shall be installed, and connected to a female quick connector. One more outlet shall be added every time the floor area exceeds 3,000m2. However, if the due number is more than 3, then totally 3 outlets shall be installed.
3.They shall be placed where there is no obstacle and the height above the base ground is not more than 1m and not less than 0.5m.
4.They shall be connected to standpipe piping system, and their pipe diameters shall be not less than that of standpipe. Moreover, inverted valve and check valve shall be equipped at the locations convenient for examination and repair.
5.“Water Outlet” and pressure range shall be marked obviously nearby the outlet.
Article 60
Emergency power source for automatic sprinkler system shall be established pursuant to Article 38.
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