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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 1 Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Section 2 Outdoor Fire Hydrant Equipments
Article 39
Articles 32.1 (1)~(5), 32.1 (7), 32.2, 33 and 38 shall apply to piping, pressure test and emergency power source of outdoor fire hydrant equipments.
The exposure part of the horizontal main pipes should be less than 20 m, other than satisfy the previous requirement, and the direction of flow and pipes name should be marked clearly.
Article 40
The following requirements shall be observed in the construction of outdoor hydrants:
1.Hydrant diameter shall measure at least 63 mm and location of it shall be within a 40-meter radius of the outer walls of the building ground floor.
2.Nozzle discharge pressure shall be at least 2.5 kg/cm2 or 0.25 MPa, and discharge flow rate shall be at least 350 L/min.
3.The outdoor hydrant switch shall not exceed the maximum height of 1.5 meters above ground and be above the minimum height of 0.6 meter above ground. Where the hydrant is installed underground, the fire hose joint position shall be at least 0.3 meter above ground.
4.A fire hose house shall be located within a 5-meter radius of the hydrant and meet the following requirements:
(1)The fire hose house shall be deep enough to contain fire hoses and nozzle. Drainage holes shall be installed on both sides of the house base. Moreover, the cover of the fire hose house shall have an area of at least 0.8 m2.
(2)The house cover shall be indelibly marked with “Fire hose” in visible text. Each word shall measure at least 20cm2.
(3)The fire hose house shall contain at least two pieces of fire hoses having a length of at least 20 meters and a diameter of 63 mm, one dual-purpose beeline spray nozzle with a diameter of at least 19 mm, and a valve-type hydrant switch.
5.The space within a 3-meter radius of the outdoor hydrant shall always be kept vacant and free from piled objects, trees, or shrubbery. Visible signs saying “Hydrant” shall be installed near the hydrant location.
Article 41
The capacity of outdoor fire hydrant equipment shall be not less than the water output of two outdoor fire hydrants discharging simultaneously for 30minutes.
Where fire water is used mixed together with common water, necessary measures shall be taken to ensure the capacity of the former water source are in the effective range.
Water source for fire extinguisher may be equipped together with water sources for other fire extinguishing equipments, but the total capacity shall be not less than the sum of the necessary water quantity of each fire extinguishing equipment.
Article 42
Water source equipped under Article 41 shall be connected to pressurization and driving device in accordance with any clause of the following:
1.Gravity tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be nilometer, drainpipe, overflow discharging pipe, feedwater pipe, and inlet.
(2)The necessary drop height of water tank shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary drop height = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + 25 (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + 25m
2.Pressure tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be pressure gauge, nilometer, drainpipe, feedwater pipe, air supply pipe, air compressor, and inlet.
(2)The air in a water tank shall be more than 1/3 of the capacity of the tank, and the pressure over the necessary pressure of using fire hydrant at the highest point of the building to maintain the prescribed discharging water pressure. Automatic pressurization shall be made when the pressure and liquid level inside the tank lower down. Air compressor and pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3)The necessary pressure of water tank for Type I fire hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary pressure = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 2.5 (Unit: kgf/cm2)
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + 2.5kgf/cm2
3.Fire pump shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Water output of fire pump shall be more than 400 L/min each fire hydrant. However, if the total number of fire hydrants exceeds 2, the 2 shall be used as the total number.
(2)The total pumping head of fire pump shall be more than the value computed using the following formula:
Total pumping head = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 25 (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + 25m
(3)The pumps shall be used dedicatedly. However, they may be used together with other fire extinguishing equipments if this has no harmful effect on the performance of the equipments.
(4)They shall be connected to emergency power source.
Provisions of 37.2(1)~(3) and 37.2(5) shall apply to the above-mentioned pressurization and driving device except gravity tanks, and effective decompression measures shall be taken when the discharging pressure of outdoor fire hydrant aimer exceeds 6kgf/cm2 or 0.6Mpa.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)