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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:55

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 4-1 Import Relief Regarding Textiles and Clothing from Mainland China
Article 27-1
The petitions filed pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Act, for the investigation on injuries to the textile industry and
the application of import relief measures may be specific on the textiles and clothing products from Mainland China.
A case of injury to the industry as referred to in the preceding paragraph is to be established, when there is an increase in the
imported quantity of the textiles and clothing products from Mainland China or an increase in such imports relative to domestic
production, so as to cause or threaten to cause market disruption of the domestic industry producing like products or directly
competitive products.
Article 27-2
In making a determination regarding the existence of the market disruption of, or threat of market disruption to, the domestic
industry as referred to in the preceding article, the volume of imports concerned, the effect of such imports on prices for like or
directly competitive products, and the effect of such imports on the domestic industry producing like or directly competitive
products in said case shall be considered together.
Article 27-3
In the event that the Ministry of Economic Affairs determines to apply import relief measures in cases where a market
disruption, as referred to in the preceding article, is found, it shall immediately request for a consultation with Mainland China.
Article 27-4
Starting from the day on which the document requesting for consultation is served, the Ministry of Economic Affairs shall
apply import quotas on the textiles and clothing products from Mainland China and give public notices of the said measures.
Before an agreement is reached as a result of the consultation, the annual import quotas shall not exceed the total quantities,
plus 7.5 percent (6 percent for wool product categories), of such products from Mainland China during the 12-month period
ending 2 months preceding the month in which the document requesting for consultation was served. If the implementation
period of the restriction measures is shorter than one year, the import quantities shall be calculated pro rata.
In the event an agreement is reached as a result of the consultation, the Ministry of Economic Affairs shall apply the import
quotas on the textiles and clothing products from Mainland China pursuant to such agreement.
Article 27-5
The implementation period of the import quotas as referred to in Paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall be started from the
day the document requesting consultation is served to the end of the same year. If the period from the day the document
requesting for consultation is served to the end of the same year is shorter than 3 months, the implementation period shall be
12 months starting from the day the document requesting for consultation is served.
The implementation period of the restriction measures, applied pursuant to Paragraph 1 of the preceding article or the preceding
paragraph of this article, shall not exceed one year unless an agreement is reached as a result of the consultation.
Article 27-6
In the event a petition is filed pursuant to Article 27-1, no other petition may be filed for the same case pursuant to Article 26-1
of “Rules for Handling Import Relief Cases”.
Except for Article 8, Paragraph 2 of Article 22, and Article 23 to Article 26, articles in these Rules shall be applied mutatis
mutandis to this Chapter.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)