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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 1 Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Section 1 Fire Extinguisher and Indoor Fire Hydrant Equipments
Article 31
Fire extinguisher shall comply with the following requirements:
1.Fire extinguisher shall be equipped according to the potential fire characteristics of the place, and the minimum fire extinguishing efficiency shall be calculated following the provisions below:
(1)In places listed in 12.1 and 12.5, there shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 100m2 of the floor area (including the last proportion less than 100m2) on each floor.
(2)In places listed in 12.2~4, there shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 200m2 of the floor area (including the last proportion less than 200 m2) on each floor.
(3)In boiler room, kitchen and other places where fire is used in large amounts, there shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 25m2 of the floor area (including the last proportion less than 25 m2) on each floor.
2.There shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 100 m2 of the floor area in movie projection room and other places where electric equipments are used.
3.On a storey where there is a fire extinguisher, the travel distance from any point of the living rooms on the floor to the fire extinguisher shall be not more than 20m.
4.Fire extinguishing equipments shall be located in obvious places convenient for fetching, and a 20m2 or larger indicating plate marked with “Fire Extinguisher” in white text on red background shall be set up nearby. However, if the fire hydrant box with other equipment are combined in and the word “Fire Extinguisher” is marked on the surface, the color of the mark is not limited.
5.For a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall or placed inside a fire extinguisher box, if the weight of the extinguisher is 18kg or more, the distance from the upper end to the floor shall be not more than 1m; if the weight is less than 18kg, the distance shall be not more than 1.5m.
Article 32
Piping and fittings for indoor hydrant and roof water tank shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)Piping systems should be used for dedicated purposes, but if they are used togher with outdoor fire hyfrants, auto sprinkler system, hoses and other extinguishing facilities and its funcion can be realized individually, the matching pipes aren’t required to use for the special purposes.
(2)One of the following requirements should be met: Chinese National Standards (hereinafter called CNS) CNS6445 piping and 4626 pressure piping should be the carbon steel pipes and 6331 piping should be the stainless steel pipes or equivalent with the same intension, corrosion resistance and thermal resistance or above.
Synthetic resin pipe with its tightness, intension, corrosion resistance, weatherability, thermal resistance and other performances authorized by the central regulating authority.
(3)The pipes’ diameter should be determined by the hydraulic calculation. But if it is used with the hoses, the diameter of the standpipes shoud be over 100 mm.
(4)As for the dameter of the standpipes, the type Ⅰ hydrant is required to be over 63 mm and the second one be over 50 mm.
(5)Standpipes should be installed in places where they are unlikely to be damaged or it is difficult for fire to reach.
(6)Standpipes should be connected to roof tank, gravity or pressure tank, and be full of water during the normal day.
(7)Effective quakeproof measures are required.
Hydraulic seal indictes the on-off state in a clear way and check valve indicates the direction of flow and comply with CNS.
Roof Tank
(1)Water quantity in tank should be more than 0.5m3 for the type I hydrant and 0.3m3 for the type II one. But if it is used togther with other extinguishing facilities, the quantity should be kept to the maximum.
(2)Effective quakeproof steps are required.
(3)No tank is required to be installed on a sloping roof.
Article 33
Upon completion of installing indoor fire hydrant equipments, pressurization test shall be made under a test pressure not less than 1.5 times the total closed pumping lift of the pressurization and driving device. If leakage doesn’t occur after the test pressure lasts for two hours, the equipments shall be regarded as qualified.
Article 34
Except that the places listed in 12.2 (11) or 12.4 shall be equipped with Type I hydrants, other places shall be quipped with Type I or II hydrants pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Type I hydrant shall be equipped according to the following provisions:
(1)The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the hydrant shall be less than 25m.
(2)In any storey, when all the hydrants are used simultaneously, the aimer discharging pressure of each hydrant shall be more than 1.7kgf/cm2 or 0.17Mpa and the water output more than 130kg/min. But where there are more than two hydrants totally, it shall be supposed two are used simultaneously for calculation.
(3)One hydrant with a caliber of 38mm or 50mm, two pieces of 15m-long water hoses with a caliber of 38mm or 50mm and equipped with quick connectors, a set of hose frame and a line water fog two-purpose aimer with a caliber over 13mm shall be equipped in a hydrant box. But where the horizontal distance from the hydrant connector to any point of the building is less than 15m, two pieces 10m-long water horses may be equipped.
2.Type II hydrant shall be equipped according to the following provisions:
(1)The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the hydrant shall be less than 25m.
(2)In any storey, when all the hydrants are used simultaneously, the aimer discharging pressure of each fire hydrant shall be more than 1.7kgf/cm2 or 0.17Mpa, and the water output more than 80kg/min. But where there are more than two hydrants totally, it shall be supposed two are used simultaneously for calculation.
(3)One hydrant with a caliber of 25mm, 30m-long water hose or the fire hose which section remain round(消防用保形水帶), and a set of hose frame and a line water fog two-purpose aimer shall be equipped in a fire hydrant box. And the aimer shall be equipped with an operable switching device.
The above-mentioned hydrants shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The height of hydrant switch from the ground shall be more than 0.3m and less than 1.5m.
2.Hydrants shall be located nearby aisle or fireproof stairway, convenient for fetching.
3.In gathering or amusement places, hydrants shall be located at the two sides of stage and behind auditoria, and behind loge.
4.At least one testing outlet shall be equipped at appropriate locations on the roof, and marked with “Testing Water Outlet”. But if it is difficult for a sloping roof to install a testing outlet, the outlet isn’t required.
Article 35
Indoor hydrant box shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The box shall be made of steel sheet with a thickness more than 1.6mm or the equivalent of nonflammable materials.
2.The box shall be deep enough to contain hydrants, hose and nozzle, and the surface area shall be more than 0.7m2.
3.The box surface shall be marked with obvious text “Fire Hydrant” that is unlikely to be brushed off, and each character shall be bigger than 20cm2.
Article 36
The capacity of indoor fire hydrant equipments shall be not less than the quantity of all the fire hydrants on the floor that has the most indoor fire hydrants continuously discharging for 20 minutes. However, if the total number of fire hydrants on the floor is more than 2, then 2 shall be used as the total number.
Where fire water is used mixed together with common water, necessary measures shall be taken to ensure the capacity of the former water source are in the effective range.
Water source for fire extinguisher may be equipped together with water sources for other fire extinguishing equipments, but the total capacity shall be not less than the sum of the necessary water quantity required by fire extinguishing equipments.
Article 37
Water source equipped under Article 36 shall be connected with pressurization and driving device in accordance with the following clauses:
1.Gravity tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be nilometer, drainpipe, overflow discharging pipe, feedwater pipe, and inlet.
(2)The necessary drop height of water tank for hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary drop height = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + 17 (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + 17m
2.Pressure tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be pressure gauge, nilometer, drainpipe, feedwater pipe, air supply pipe, air compressor, and inlet.
(2)The air in water tank shall be more than 1/3 of the capacity of the tank, and the pressure more than the necessary pressure of using fire hydrant at the highest point of the building to maintain the prescribed discharging water pressure. Automatic pressurization can be made when the pressure and liquid level inside the tank lower down. Air compressor and pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3)The necessary drop height of water tank for hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary pressure = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 1.7 (Unit: kgf/cm2)
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + 1.7kgf/cm2
3.Fire pump shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)For Type I fire hydrant, water output of fire pump shall be more than 150L/min each fire hydrant, and for Type II fire hydrant, more than 90L/min each fire hydrant. However, if the total number of fire hydrants exceeds 2, the 2 shall be used as the total number.
(2)The total pumping head of fire pump for fire hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the following formula:
Total pumping head = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 17m (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + 17m
(3)The pumps shall be used dedicatedly. However, they may be used together with other fire extinguishing equipments if this has no harmful effect on the performance of the equipments.
(4)They shall be connected to emergency power source.
The above-mentioned pressurized type water supply system shall be equipped except the gravity tank pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be located in places convenient for repair and unlikely to be damaged by fire.
2.Pressurized type water supply system used with fire pumps shall be separated by walls which can resist the fire for at least one hour, floorslab, fireproof doors or windows and other fireproof facilities. But if it is located in the roof or outdoors and protected by waterproof materials, such devices are excluded from the obligation in this provision.
3.Automatic or manual actuating device that can be only stopped manually shall be equipped. Manual actuating device shall be installed in each indoor fire hydrant box, and there shall be a red start indicating lamp on each indoor fire hydrant box.
4.Necessary decompression measures shall be taken when the discharging pressure of an indoor fire hydrant exceeds 7kgf/cm2.
5.Effective quakeproof steps shall be required.
Article 38
Generator or battery shall be used for the emergency power source of indoor fire hydrant, and the power capacity shall be able to enable the power source to work for at least 30 minutes.
In places listed in 12.4, engine power system shall be used for the above-mentioned emergency power source.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)