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Part 5 Supplementary Articles
Article 234
Friction loss calculation of fire pump, motor, attachment and matching pipe for indoor fire hydrant, outdoor fire hydrant, automatic sprinkler, water fog fire extinguishing, foam fire extinguishing, cooling water sprinkler, injecting device and connecting water-delivery pipe and other equipments configured under this Standard will be prescribed by the central fire agency otherwhere.
Article 235
The wiring of the emergency power supply system shall comply with Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device and meet the following:
1.The electric distribution circuit shall have dedicated circuit loop, isolated from the regular electrical circuit of the facility, and each switch shall be obviously labeled for specified fire safety equipment.
2.The emergency power supply circuit and operating circuit shall use 600-volt, heat-resistant insulated wires, or wires with equivalent or better heat-resistant capacity.
3.The flame-retardant protection of the power supply circuit shall meet the following:
(1)The electric wires shall be installed inside a metal raceways and buried within the concrete of the fireproof structure; the concrete shall be at least 20 mm thick. Said wire inside the raceways is permitted not to be buried, if it is installed in the shaft that is constructed with incombustible materials and that meets fire compartment requirements of the Building Technical Regulations.
(2)Where MI cables or flame-retardant cables are used, the circuit shall be permitted to be directly installed in accordance with relevant regulations for cable Installation.
(3)Complying with other specified flame-retardant protection measures specified by the central regulating authority.
4.The heat-resistant protection of the sign light circuit and control circuit shall meet the following:
(1)The electric wires shall be installed inside a metal raceways.
(2)Where MI cables, flame-retardant cables or heat-resistant cables are used, the circuit shall be permitted to be directly installed in accordance with relevant regulations for cable Installation.
(3)Complying with other specified heat-resistant protection measures specified by the central regulating authority.
Article 236
(Due to formatting constraints, the full content of the articles cannot be displayed here. Please refer to the complete document for details.)
Article 237
The electrical source of emergency power supply system shall meet the following requirements:
1.Emergency power source shall employ generator complied with National Standard CNS No.10204, or battery complied with No.10205, or other equipments having the same effect. The capacity will be prescribed by the central fire agency otherwhere.
2.Diverter switch shall be equipped for emergency power source to automatically power the emergency electrical appliances on failure of common power source, and automatically switch off on recovery of common power source.
3.Generator shall be equipped with proper switch or interlocked device to avoid providing inverse electricity to the normal power supply circuits.
4.The place where a generator or battery is equipped shall be fire proof, unless it is installed outdoors and prevented from being raining.
5.The wiring of the charge power source for battery equipments shall employ dedicated circuit loop, and the switch of the loop shall be marked with obvious indicator.
Article 238
The Disaster Prevention Center shall have a floor area of at least 40 m2 and shall comply with the following:
1. The location of the center shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
(1) The location shall be easily accessible for firefighters.
(2)The location shall be easily accessible for emergency elevators and special refuge stairways.
(3) The travel distance between the center exits and any exit that leads outdoors shall be less than 30 meters.
2. The construction of the center shall comply with the following:
(1) Shall be equipped dedicatedly with air conditioning, such as cooling, heating, and air exchange systems.
(2) The disaster monitoring and controlling system and other related equipment shall be fixed firmly into position by anchor bolt or other fixing methods.
(3) If the Center has sleeping or resting areas, the areas shall be located in fire compartment.
Article 239
The date of enforcement of this Standard shall be determined by the Ministry of the Interior using an order, and amendment clauses of this Standard shall take effect on the date they are promulgated.