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Part 4 Fire Safety Design and Equipments for Public Hazardous Goods, Inflammable High-pressure Gas, Gas Station, Air Supply station, Storage Tank of Natural Gas, and Other Places
Chapter 2 Fire Safety Equipments
Article 209
Indoor fire hydrant shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Type I fire hydrant shall be configured.
2.The piping, pressure test, indoor fire hydrant box, effective water qauntity, and pressurization and driving device shall be configured in accordance with the provisions of Article 32, Article 33, Item 3 of Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph One and Paragraph Two of Article 34, Article 35, Paragraphs Two and Threeof Article 36, and Article 37.
3.Where the horizontal distance from any point on each floor of the building to the connector of fire hydrant is less than 25m, at least 1 indoor fire hydrant shall be configured nearby the entry and exit of each floor.
4.When all the indoor fire hydrants on any floor are used at the same time, the aimer discharging pressure of each hydrant sahll be not less than 3.5kg/cm2 or 0.35MPa, and the water output not less than 260l/min. However, if there are more than 5 fire hydrants, the values shall be calculated supposing only 5 hydrants are used at the same time.
5.The capacity of water source shall be not less than the water output of all the fire hydrants, on the floor where the most indoor fire hydrants are installed, continously discharging for 30 minutes.
The emergency power source of indoor fire hydrant shall meet the provision of Article 38; and in addition, the power capacity shall be enough to enable the equipment to work effectively for at least 45 minutes.
Article 210
Outdoor hydrant shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1. The installation of piping, pressure test, outdoor hydrant , and effective water quantity shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 39, 40.3~5, 41.2 and 3.
2. The configuration of pressurization and water distributing devices, except that effective pressure release mechanisms shall be utilized when discharging pressure of a nozzle of outdoor hydrants exceeds 7kg/cm2 or 0.7Mpa, shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to the provision of Article 42.
3. The diameter shall be more than 63mm and the horizontal distance between each part of the periphery or outer wall of the protected object shall be less than 40 meters (inclusive), and at least two sets shall be configured.
4. When cast iron pipe is used for piping, the iron pipes for pressure pipelines as prescribed in CNS832 or other pipes with equivalent strength shall be used and the nominal pressure shall be more than 16kg/cm2 or 1.6Mpa.
5. Effective corrosion protection methods shall be applied to the pipes that are buried under the ground unless cast iron pipes are used.
6. When all the outdoor hydrants are used simultaneously, the discharging pressure of each nozzle in hydrant shall be more than 3.5kg/cm2 or 0.35MPa (inclusive), and the water output more than 450L/min (inclusive). However, if there are more than 4 outdoor hydrants in use, the values shall be calculated supposing there are only 4 hydrants.
7. The capacity of water source shall be more than the water output of all the outdoor hydrants continuously discharging for 30 minutes. However, if there are more than 4 outside hydrants in use, the values shall be calculated supposing there are only 4 hydrants.
The provisions of Article 38 shall apply mutais mutandis to emergency power source of outdoor hydrant, and, additionally, the power capacity thereof shall be sufficient for working effectively for at least 45 minutes.
Article 211
Automatic sprinkler system shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The piping, fittings, roof water tank, pressure test, sprayer, water output, water flow detecting device, actuating device, deluge valve, terminal check valve, pressurization and driving device, and water inlet shall be configured in accordance with the provisions of Articles 43~45, 48~53, 55, 56, 68, and 59.
2.The horizontal distance from any point on the protected object to the sprinkler shall be less than 1.7m.
3.For open type sprinkler, the floor area of each discharing area shall be not less than 150m2. However, if the floor area of the protected object is less than 150m2, the actual floor area shall apply.
4.The capacity of water source shall be configured in accordance with the following provisions:
(1)When enclosed type sprinklers are used, the capacity shall be not less than the water output of 30 sprinklers continously discharging for 30 minutes. However, if there are less than 30 sprinklers, the capacity shall be calculated according to the actual number of sprinklers.
(2)When open type sprinklers are used, the capacity shall be not less than the water output of all sprinkers in the biggest discharging area continuously discharing for 30 minutes.
(3)When enclosed dry type or pre-action water flow detecting devices are used, the number of sprinklers prescribed in the preceding two Items shall be increased by 10.
5.The mounting position of sprinkler shall be decided in accordance with the provision of Article 47. However, the space within 90cm under and 30cm away from the absorber plate of sprinkler shall be kept empty and free of obstacles.
The emergency power source of automatic sprinkler system shall meet the provision of Article 38; and in addition, the power capacity shall be enough to enable the equipment to work effectively for at least 45 minutes.
Article 212
Water fog fire extinguishing equipment shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The water fog sprayer, pipe, test pressure, water flow detecting device, actuating device, defluge valve, and water inlet shall be configured in accordance with the provisions of Articles 61, 62, 66 and 67.
2.Each spraying area shall be not less than 150m2. If the area of the protected object is less than 150m2, the actual area shall apply.
3.The capacity of water source for the biggest spraying area shall be not less than the water output of all the water fog sprinklers continuously discharging for 30 minutes. The water quantity in each square meter of the srapying area shall be not less than 20l/min.
4.When all the water fog sprinklers in the biggest spraying area discharge water at the same time, the spraying pressure of each sprinkler shall be not less than 3.5kg/cm2 or 0.35MPa.
The emergency power source of water fog fire extinguishing equipment shall meet the provision of Article 38; and in addition, the power capacity shall be enough to enable the equipment to work effectively for at least 45 minutes.
Article 213
The fixed foam fire-suppression equipment set for oil tank shall corrsspond to the following subparagraphs :
1. The configuration of foam outlet shall comply with the prescription
│ Architectural│Number of Foam Outlets │
│ structure and├────────┬──────┬──────┤
│ type of foam │Storage tank of │Storage tank│Storage tank│
│ outlet │fixed top │of inner │of outer │
│ │ │floating top│floating top│
│ ├───┬────┼──────┼──────┤
│ │Type I│Type III│Type II │Special Type│
│ │or II │or IV │ │ │
│Diameter of │ │ │ │ │
│storage tank │ │ │ │ │
│D<13m │1 │1 │2 │2 │
├───────┤ │ ├──────┼──────┤
│13m≦D<19m │ │ │3 │3 │
├───────┤ │ ├──────┼──────┤
│19m≦D<24m │ │ │4 │4 │
│24m≦D<35m │2 │2 │5 │5 │
│35m≦D<42m │3 │3 │6 │6 │
│42m≦D<46m │4 │4 │7 │7 │
│46m≦D<53m │5 │6 │7 │7 │
│53m≦D<60m │6 │8 │8 │8 │
│60m≦D<67m │8 │10 │ │9 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│67m≦D<73m │9 │12 │ │10 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│73m≦D<79m │11 │14 │ │11 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│79m≦D<85m │13 │16 │ │12 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│85m≦D<90m │14 │18 │ │12 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│90m≦D<95m │16 │20 │ │13 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│95m≦D<99m │17 │22 │ │13 │
├───────┼───┼────┤ ├──────┤
│D≧99m │19 │24 │ │14 │
│Note: │
│A.The foam outlets of different types are defined as follows│
│ : │
│(1) Type I foam outlet: refers to an outlet through which │
│ foam is injected from the upper part of a fixed-top │
│ storage tank. It is located at the upper part of the │
│ side plate of the storage tank, and is provided with │
│ foam conduit or slide away and other auxiliary devices, │
│ which prevent the foam from submerging into the liquid │
│ or agitating the liquid, and enable the foam to extin- │
│ guish the fire effectively. In addition, a device is │
│ provided to prevent the adverse flow of the public │
│ hazardous materials inside the storage tank. │
│(2) Type II foam outlet: refers to an outlet through which │
│ foam is injected from a fixed top or the upper part of a │
│ storage tank. The outlet is attached with a foam reflec- │
│ ting plate, which makes the discharged foam flow along │
│ the inner side of the side plate, prevents the foam from │
│ submerging into the liquid or agitating the liquid, and │
│ enables the foam to extinguish the fire effectively. In │
│ addition, a device is provided to prevent the back flow │
│ of the public hazardous materials inside the storage │
│ tank. │
│(3) Special type foam outlet: refers to an outlet through │
│ which foam is injected from the upper part of the outer │
│ floating top of a storage tank. The outlet is attached │
│ with a foam reflecting plate, which enables the foam to │
│ be injected into the loop formed by the side plate of │
│ storage tank and the foam separator plate. The separator │
│ plate is a steel plate installed more than 0.3m │
│ (inclusive) above the floating top and more than 0.3m │
│ (inclusive) away from the inner side of the storage tank │
│ , and it is provided with a device to prevent the foam │
│ from flowing out and discharge the water effectively │
│ depending on the expected maximum rainfall in the area │
│ where the storage tank is set. │
│(4) Type III foam outlet: refers to an outlet through which │
│ foam is injected from the bottom of a fixed-top storage │
│ tank. A foam transmission pipe (designed with a struc- │
│ ture or mechanism which can prevent the public hazardous │
│ materials inside the storage tank from flowing adversely │
│ through the pipe) is provided to transmit the foam gene- │
│ rated by the foam generator into the storage tank, and │
│ discharge the foam through the outlet. │
│(5) Type IV foam outlet: refers to an outlet through which │
│ foam is injected from the bottom of a fixed-top storage │
│ tank. The tail end of the foam transmission pipe is │
│ connected to the special hose stored in the storage │
│ cylinder (designed with a cover which is easy to break │
│ off when foam is injected) located on the bottom under │
│ the liquid surface; when foam is injected, the special │
│ hose may be straightened to reach the front end of the │
│ special hose to the liquid surface, so as to discharge │
│ foam. │
│B.If a special type foam outlet is installed on a floating │
│ top, installation of a foam reflecting plate shall be │
│ exempted. │
│C.The Type III foam outlet in this table may be used only │
│ for the tanks processing or storing the public hazardous │
│ materials with a solubility of less than 1g in 100g of │
│ water under a temperature of 20℃ (hereinafter "non-water- │
│ soluble substances" for short) and storing the public │
│ hazardous materials with a temperature of less than 50 or │
│ with a dynamic viscosity of less than 100cst. │
│D.For the storage tank of inner floating top adopted with │
│ steel double deck or pantoon deck, the type and quantity │
│ of the foam outlets may be configured similarly as storage │
│ tank of outer floating top │
2. When storing water-insoluble Category IV public hazardous materials, the effective discharging volume from the foam outlets specified in paragraph 1 is, according to the following “public hazardous materials and types of foam outlet” table, calculated by multiplying the volume of foam solution outlet by the liquid surface of the storage tank and the discharge rate shall comply with the prescription specified on the table.
│ Type of │Type I │Type Ⅱ │
│ Foam ├────┬─────┼────┬─────┼
│ outlet │Volume │Discharge │Volume │Discharge │
│ │of foam │rate │of foam │rate │
│Category │solution│ │solution│ │
│of │outlet │ │outlet │ │
│Public │ │ │ │ │
│Hazardous │ │ │ │ │
│Materials │ │ │ │ │
│Stored │ │ │ │ │
│Category │120 │4 │220 │4 │
│IV public │ │ │ │ │
│hazardous │ │ │ │ │
│materials │ │ │ │ │
│with a │ │ │ │ │
│flash │ │ │ │ │
│point less│ │ │ │ │
│than 21℃ │ │ │ │ │
│Category │80 │4 │120 │4 │
│IV public │ │ │ │ │
│hazardous │ │ │ │ │
│materials │ │ │ │ │
│with a │ │ │ │ │
│flash │ │ │ │ │
│point │ │ │ │ │
│higher │ │ │ │ │
│than 21℃ │ │ │ │ │
│and less │ │ │ │ │
│than 70℃ │ │ │ │ │
│Category │60 │4 │100 │4 │
│IV public │ │ │ │ │
│hazardous │ │ │ │ │
│good with │ │ │ │ │
│a flash │ │ │ │ │
│point │ │ │ │ │
│higher │ │ │ │ │
│than 71℃ │ │ │ │ │
│Note: the unit of foam solution is, L/min ㎡ ,
│ discharging rate is L/min ㎡ 。
Special Type │Type Ⅲ │
Volume │Discharge │Volume │Discharge │
of foam │rate │of foam │rate │
solution│ │solution│ │
outlet │ │outlet │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
240 │8 │220 │4 │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
160 │8 │120 │4 │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
120 │8 │100 │4 │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │


Type Ⅳ │
Volume │Discharge │
of foam │rate │
solution│ │
outlet │ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
220 │4 │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
120 │4 │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
100 │4 │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │

3.When storing non-water insoluble Category IV public hazardous good in the tank, alcohol-resistant foam shall be used and the volume of foam solution and the discharging rate shall comply with the table below:
│Type Ⅰ │Type Ⅱ │Special
│Volume │Discharge │Volume │Discharge │Volume │
│of foam │rate │of foam │rate │of foam │
│solution│ │solution│ │solution│
│outlet │ │outlet │ │outlet │
│一六○ │八 │二四○ │八 │ -- │
│Note: 1. When alcohol-resistant foam can be used to
│ extinguish the fire effectively, the
│ quantity of foam solution and the dis-
│ charging rate of foam outlet may be counted
│ according to the setting of the
│ manufacturer
│ 2. The unit of foam solution is L/min ㎡,and
│ the unit of discharging rate is L/min ㎡
Type │Type Ⅲ │Type Ⅳ │
Discharge │Volume │Discharge │Volume │Discharge │
rate │of foam │rate │of foam │rate │
│solution│ │solution│ │
│outlet │ │outlet │ │
-- │-- │-- │二四○ │八 │

4. The values prescribed in paragraph 3 shall be multiplied by a coefficient that varies according to the category of public hazardous materials provided in following the table below. For coefficient of substances that are not specified in the table below, the coefficient shall be calculated with specific methods that are recognized by the central competent authority.
│Classes of Category IV Public Hazardous │ │
│Materials │coefficient │
├─────┬─────────────────┤ │
│Class │etailed classification │ │
│Alcohol │Methanol, 3-methyl 2-butyl alcohol│1.0 │
│ │, ethanol, allyl alcohol, 、1-amyl│ │
│ │alcohol, 2-amyl alcohol, t-amyl │ │
│ │alcohol, isoamyl alcohol (2-methyl│ │
│ │2butyl alcohol), 1-hexyl alcohol、│ │
│ │cyclohexanol、furfuryl alcohol, │ │
│ │benzyl alcohol, propylene glycol, │ │
│ │glycol (ethylene glycol), 2-glycol│ │
│ │, 2-propylene glycol, glycerin │ │
│ ├─────────────────┼──────┤
│ │2-propyl alcohol, 1-propyl alcohol│1.25 │
│ │,isobutyl alcohol, 1-butyl alcohol│ │
│ │, 2-butyl alcohol │ │
│ ├─────────────────┼──────┤
│ │t-butyl alcohol │2.0 │
│Ether │isopropyl ether, ethylene glycol │1.25 │
│ │ethyl ether, ethylene glycol │ │
│ │methyl ether, 2-glycol ethyl ether│ │
│ │, 2-methanol methyl ether │ │
│ ├─────────────────┼──────┤
│ │1-4-dioxygen hexamethylene │1.5 │
│ ├─────────────────┼──────┤
│ │thyl ether (2-ethyl ether), acetal│2.0 │
│ │,ethyl propyl ether tetrahydron- │ │
│ │iran, isobutyl vinylether, ethyl │ │
│ │butyl ether │ │
│Ester │acetic ether,ethyl formate,formic │1.0 │
│ │ether, methyl acetate, vinyl acet-│ │
│ │ate, propyl formate, methyl acryl-│ │
│ │ate, ethyl acrylate, methyl metha-│ │
│ │crylate, methacrylic acid, propyl │ │
│ │acetate, butyl formate, glycerol │ │
│ │homoethyl ether acetic ether, │ │
│ │glycerol homomethyl ether acetic │ │
│ │ether │ │
│Ketone │Acetone, butanone, methyl isobutyl│1.0 │
│ │ketone, 2,4-pentanedione, cycloh- │ │
│ │exanol │ │
│Aldehyde │Acrolein, butenoic aldehyde croton│1.25 │
│ │aldehyde), paraldehyde │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │Acetaldehyde │2.0 │
│Amine │Ethylenediamine, cyclohexylamine, │1.0 │
│ │aniline, ethanolamine, 2-ethanola-│ │
│ │mine, 3-ethanolamine │ │
│ ├─────────────────┼──────┤
│ │Ethylamine, propyl amine, allyl │1.25 │
│ │amine, 2-ethylamine, butyl amine │ │
│ │isobutyl amine, 3-ethylamine, │ │
│ │benzyl amine, 7-butyl amine │ │
│ ├─────────────────┼──────┤
│ │Isopropyl amine 2.0 │ │
│Nitrile │Acrylonitrile, acetonitrile, │1.25 │
│ │butyronitrile │ │
│Organic │Acetic acid, acetic anhydride │1.25 │
│Acid │acrylic acid, propyl acid, formic │ │
│ │acid │ │
│Other │Propylene oxide │2.0 │
│non- │ │ │
│insoluble │ │ │
│substances│ │ │
The liquid surface area, if the storage tank prescribed in paragraph 2 possesses a special foam outlet, shall be the surface area of the floating circular portion on the top of the storage tank.
Article 214
Installation of foam fixed outlet shall be equipped according to the preceding Article and the installation of supplementary foam hydrants and liquid-feeding orifices shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1. Supplementary foam hydrant shall correspond to the following subparagraphs:
(1) The hydrant shall be installed in a place where the distance between hydrant and the dike of storage tank is at least 15 m, convenient for firefighting, the walking distance to any foam hydrant is less than 75m, and the outlet volume of foam nozzle is more than 400l/min with the discharging pressure more than 3.5kg/cm2 or 0.35MPa. When more than 3 foam hydrants are utilized simultaneously, all related values shall be calculated as of 3 units in use.
(2) The installation of auxiliary hose of supplementary foam hydrant shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 40.4.
2. The necessary quantity of liquid-feeding orifices shall be calculated using the formula provided below:
N: the necessary quantity of liquid-feeding orifices
A: the maximum cross section horizontal area of the storage tank. However, in the case of floating top storage tank, the annular area may be used for calculation purpose (m2)
q: the discharging quantity per square meter of fixed qtype foam outlet (l/min m2)
C: the standard feeding rate of each liquid-feeding orifice (800l/min)
Article 215
In the places of obvious difficulty in fire fighting, e.g., outdoor storage tank storing Category IV public hazardous goods with a flash point of less than 40℃, fixed foam fire extinguishing equipment shall be configured on the quay wall, dock or other similar areas and connected to transmission equipment; and in addition, foam gun shall be configured in accordance with the following provisions:
1.Where the pump of outdoor storage tank is installed on the quay wall, dock or other similar areas, the foam guns shall be able to protect the sea surface within a horizontal distance of 15m away from the front end of the place, and the horizontal distance from the pump to the filler opening and each part of the auxilairy processing equipment of public hazardous goods shall be not more than 30m, and at least two sets of pump shall be configured.
2.Fixed foam guns shall be used and located in a place of no obstacle encumbering fire fighting where they can be started and operated.
3.When the guns spray at the same time, the spraying quantity shall be not less han 1,900l/min, and the effective horizontal spraying distance not less than 30m.
Article 216
In the places of obvious difficulty in fire fighting, e.g., indoor and outdoor storage tanks storing Category IV public hazardous goods with a flash point of less than 70℃, in addition to fixed foam fire extinguishing equipment, cooling water sprinkling equipment shall be configured in accordance with the following provisions:
1.The sprinkling hole shall meet the provision of CNS12854, and the aperture shall be not less than 4mm.
2.The sprinkling pipe shall be set on the top of tank wall, and the number of nozzles shall be calculated according to the sprinkling angle and quantity. If the tank is equipped with girder spike or reinforcement ring which encumbers the path of water, additional sprinkling pipe and nozzle shall be installed under the girder spike or reinforcement ring.
3.The spraying quantity shall be calculated by a rate of not less than 2l/min every square meter of the total protected area of tank wall, and the pipe diameter shall be configured according to hydraulic calculation.
4.The pressurization and driving device shall be used dedicatedly, and the water output of pump shall be not less than the spraying quantity referred to in the preceding Subparagraph multipled by the protected area.
5.The capacity of water source shall be not less than the water output of the biggest storage tank continously discharging for 4 hours.
6.Selector valve (switch valve if there is no selector valve) shall be located in a position outside the dike where it is difficult for the fire to reach and easy for the people to access, and the height of the operating position above the ground shall be not less than 0.8m and less than 1.5m.
7.The pressurization and driving device shall be equipped with manual starting device and remote starting device in accordance with the following provisions. However, if the area to be supplied is within 300m away from the pressurization and driving device, it is not necessary to install a remote starting device:
(1)The operating part of manual starting device shall be located in the place where the pressurization and driving device is set.
(2)The remote starting device shall start the pressurization and driving device by any of the following methods:
a.Open the selector valve to actuate the water pressure switch used for starting or the water flow detecting device.
b.Set it in a monitoring room or another place where there are people stationed at ordinary times, and start the pressurization and driving device direclty.
8.The pressurization and driving device shall be able to spray water within 5 minutes after it is started, and it shall be less than 500m away from the spraying area. However, this shall not apply if pressure maintaining measure is taken.
9.The pressurization and driving device shall be provided with an emergency power source.
The emergency power source referred to in the preceding Paragraph sahll meet the provision of Article 38, and the power capacity shall enable it to work for not less than the time of continously discharging.
Article 217
Where foam nozzle is used, the following provisions shall be observed:
1.The protected object shall be within the effective range of protection.
2.A foam nozzle shall be set for every 9 square meters of the surface area of the protected object (the floor area if it is a building).
3.Each spraying area sahll be not less than 100m2. If the surface area of the protected object is less than 100m2, the actual surface area shall apply.
Article 218
The configuration of foam outlet, outlet quantity, piping, pressure test, water flow detecting device, starting device and deluge valve of foam fire-suppression equipment, the quantity and concentration of raw foam solution, and the raw foam solution tank shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 69, 70, 72~74, 78, 79, and 81.
The installation of foam outlets used for storage tanks pursuant to Article 213.
Article 219
The installation of foam based hydrant shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1. The discharging pressure of foam nozzle (head) shall be more than 3.5kg/cm2 or 0.35MPa (inclusive).
2. The installation of indoor foam based hydrant shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 34.1.1 and 35; outdoor foam based hydrant equipped shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 40.1 and 40.4.
Article 220
The water source volume for foam fire-suppression equipment shall be more than the water quantity required for the solution prescribed below and the volume of solution required in the pipe shall also be regarded.
1. When foam nozzle is utilized, the required water volume shall be equivalent to the volume of spraying with the largest spraying area for 10 consecutive minutes.
2. When foam based hydrant utilized, the required water volume shall be more than the water volume discharged by four nozzles for 30 consecutive minutes simultaneously. When less than 4 nozzles are utilized, the actual amount of nozzle shall be used for calculation. The discharging rate for foam based hydrant installed indoor shall be more than 200 l/min and more than 400 l/min if installed outdoor.
3. When foam monitor is utilized, the required water volume shall be equivalent to the volume discharged by two monitors for at least 30 consecutive minutes.
4. The methods for calculating the water volume for the foam fixed fire-suppression equipment used for storage tank are stated as following:
(1) The water volume required for foam fixed outlet shall be calculated by multiplying the quantity of foam solution prescribed in the table under the Article 213.2 and 213.3by the surface area of the liquid during maximum discharging volume.
(2)The water volume required for supplementary foam based hydrant shall be the volume equivalent to the discharging quantity at the rate prescribed under the Article 214 for 20 consecutive minutes.
Article 221
The water source configured as prescribed in preceding article shall also be connected to any of the following types of pressurization and driving device:
1. Gravity tank shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
(1) Nilometer, drainpipe, overflow drainpipe, feed water pipe and manhole shall be equipped on the gravity tank.
(2) The necessary height drop in gravity tank shall be more than the value calculated by the method provided below:
Necessary height drop = water head lost by friction with fire hose of foam based hydrant +water head lost by friction with pipe+discharging pressure of foam outlet, foam nozzle or foam monitor and convert the value into water head (unit: m)
2. Pressure tank shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
(1) Pressure gauge, nilometer, drainpipe, feed water pipe, gas filling pipe, air compressor, and manhole shall all be equipped.
(2) The air in a water tank shall be more than 1/3 of the total volume of the tank and the pressure more than the necessary pressure of using hydrant installed in the highest point of the building to maintain the required discharging water pressure. The pressure tank shall be able to perform automatic pressurization when the pressure and the liquid level inside the tank lower down. Air compressor and pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3) The required pressure shall be more than the value calculated using the
formula provided below:
Required pressure = pressure lost by friction of fire hose + pressure lost by friction of pipe + height drop+ discharging pressure of foam outlet, foam nozzle or foam monitor (Unit: kg/cm2, MPa)
P = P1 + P2 + P3+P4
3. Fire pump shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
(1) The pump total head (discharge/suction pressure) shall be more than the
value calculated using the method provided below:
The pump total head(discharge/suction pressure)= water head lost by friction of fire hose + water head by friction of pipe + height drop+ water head of foam outlet, foam nozzle or foam monitor; converted into water head (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + h4
(2) To determine the required water pressure of foam nozzle that is connected to foam fire-suppression equipments shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 77.
(3) Used dedicatedly. However under the circumstances of not interrupting with the main function, use of fire-suppression equipment could be used with other fire-suppression equipments is not restricted.
(4) Connected to emergency power source.
The provisions of Article 38 shall apply mutatis mutandis to emergency power source under paragraph 3(4), and, additionally, the electricity capacity thereof shall be more than 1.5 times of the necessary discharging time
Article 222
(Due to formatting constraints, the full content of the articles cannot be displayed here. Please refer to the complete document for details.)
Article 222-1
Halocarbon Fire Extinguishing Systems are applicable to provisions stipulat-ed in Article 97-1, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3, and Article 97-2 through Article 97-10, for HFC-23 and HFC-227ea agents.
However, for storing or processing public hazard objects within the protected area, dosage calculated by Paragraph 3 of the previous Article multiplied by the result of Article 97-3 shall be used.
For public hazard objects or coefficients not listed in the table of Paragraph 3 of the previous Article, use design coefficient certified by the central authority for the calculation.
Article 223
Dry powder Fire Extinguishing Systems are applicable to provisions of Arti-cle 98 through Article 111. For within the range of a protected area, or when the protected subject is for storing or processing public hazard objects, dosage shall be calculated by multiplying the result of Article 99 with agent coefficient tabulated in Article 222, Paragraph 3. For public hazard objects or agent coefficient not tabulated in Article 222. Paragraph 3, use design co-efficient certified by the central authority for the calculation.
Article 224
The walking distance from a Type IV fire extinguishing equipment to any point of the protected object shall be less than 30m. However, this shall not apply if it is configured together with Type I, Type II or Type III fire extinguishing equipment.
Article 225
Type V fire extinguishing equipment shall be configured in places where it can effectively extinguish the fire, and the walking distance from the equipment to any point of the protected object shall be less than 20m. However, this shall not apply if it is configured together with Type I, Type II, Type III or Type IV fire extinguishing equipment.
Among the Type V fire extinguishing equipment referred to in the preceding Paragraph, optional water tank shall be equipped with three one-liter buckets dedicated for fire fighting, and scoops shall be prepared for desiccation sand, expansion vermiculite and expansion perlite.
Article 226
Fire alarm equipment shall be configured in accordance with the provisions of Articles 112~132.
Article 227
Indicating equipment shall be configured in accordance with the provisions of Articles 146~156.
Article 228
The fire extinguisher used in the places of inflammable high-pressure gas, LPS station, storage tank of natural gas, and inflammable high-pressure gas shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1. Two sets shall be equipped in a manufacturing, storage, or processing place.
When the floor area is more than 200 meter squares, one set shall be installed additionally for every 50 meter squares (<50 meter squares inclusive).
2. More than three sets shall be equipped in a storage tank.
3. For LPS station, the following subparagraphs shall comply with:
(1) More than four sets shall be equipped for the gas storage tank area.
(2) More than one set shall be equipped for each gas filling machine.
(3) More than one set shall be equipped in each place where fire is used.
(4) Two sets shall be equipped in each floor that has floor area less than 100 square meters. In floor that has the total area more than 100 meter squares, one shall be configured additionally for each additional 100 m2 (<100 meter squares inclusive).
4. The travel distance from any point of the storage place to the fire extinguisher shall be less than 15 meters, and it shall not block the entrance and exit.
5. Outdoor fire extinguishers shall be placed in boxes or properly protected from raindrop.
6. Each fire extinguisher shall have at least 4 units of fire extinguishing efficiency for common fire, and at least 10 units for fire caused by oil.
7. The placement and labeling of fire extinguishers under the provision of Article 31.4.
Article 229
The cooling sprinkling equipment used in the places of inflammable high-pressure gas, LPS station, storage tank of natural gas, and inflammable high-pressure gas shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1.Sprinkler monitor or drilled pipe shall be used for water sprinkling to ensure the sprinkle evenly on the protecting subjects.
2. Drilling pipes shall comply with the provisions of CNS12854, and the diameter of the drilled holes shall be more than 4mm.
3. The sprinkling volume shall be more than 5l/min per square meter. The
sprinkling volume may be reduced by a half if the protected object is coated by rockwool with a thickness of more than 25mm or any material that possess equivalent fire resistance with the outer layer is coated by zinc iron plate with a thickness of more than 0.35mm that comply with CNS1244 or other material of the equivalent strength and fire resistance.
4.The volume of water source shall be more than the water volume discharged by pressurization and driving device for 30 consecutive minutes.
5. The structure and the manual station shall apply mutais mutandis to the case as referred to in Article 216.
Article 230
The protected area referred to in the preceding Article shall be calculated in accordance with the following provisions:
1.For a storage tank, the protected area is the outer surface area of the body (for a cylinder, including the terminal plates) and the exposed surface area of the liquid level meter and the valves attached to the tank.
2.For equipment other than prescribed in the preceding Subparagraph, the protected area refers to the exposed surface area. however, if the manufacturing equipment is more than 5m above the ground, the exposed surface area horizontally cut in an invertal of 5m shall be the protected area.
3.The protected area of a air supply station shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)3.5m2 for each gas filling machine.
(2)2m2 for each berth.
(3)3m2 for three places of each manhole of storage tank.
(4)3m2 for each compressor.
(5)2m2 for each pump.
(6)30m2 for each unloading area of gas tank truck.
Article 231
The outdoor hydrants used in the places of inflammable high-pressure gas, LPS station, storage tank of natural gas, and inflammable high-pressure gas shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1. The outdoor hydrant shall be installed outdoor and provided with fire hose.
2. Nozzle, wrench handle, and two pieces of fire hose with diameter of 63mm and length of 20m shall be equipped in the outdoor hydrant.
3.When all the water discharging devices are used simultaneously, the discharging pressure of each water-discharging device shall be more than 3.5kg/cm2 or 0.35MPa and the discharging volume shall be more than 450l/min. When more than two water discharging devices are utilized, the volume shall be calculated as only two are utilized simultaneously
4.The volume of water source of water discharging devices shall be more than the water output of two water discharging devices discharged simultaneously for 30 consecutive minutes.
Article 232
The installation and quantity of water discharging devices shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
1. At least two sets shall be installed within 40m around the protected objects and are placed in the positions that are able to shoot the storage tank from any direction.
2. According to the surface area of the storage tank, one set shall be installed for every 50 m2 of the surface area of the storage tank (including <50 m2). When heat isolating device is equipped as prescribed in the proviso of Article 229.3, one set shall be installed for every 100 m2.
Article 233
The matching pipe, pressure test, pressurization and driving device, and emergency power source of water shooting equipment shall comply with the provisions of Article 39~42.