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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅲ Highway and Bridge Projects
Article 25
The term “highway” as referred to under these Rules shall mean national highways, provincial highways, county routes, and Hsiang routes.
Article 26
Governments at all levels building or improving highways and bridges under one of the following conditions shall impose a community development fee on vehicles using that facility.
1.Project funding raised by way of loan due to lack of financial means.
2.Acceptance of subsidies or loans with fee-charging conditions.
3.Construction of a new road with the same starting and ending point of another project to benefit vehicles going through the route.
4.Construction of a road that belongs to the same traffic system and runs in parallel to an already complete toll highway or bridge.
Article 27
Highway projects already imposing a community development fee shall not charge a separate fee for use of bridges within their range.
Article 28
A highway or bridge project plan shall specify the following:
1.Project location, starting/ending point, length, width, and land area.
2.Project standards.
3.Project time-limit.
4.Project cost estimations.
5.Project planning sketches and illustrations.
6.Traffic volume forecasts and possible growth trends.
Description of the benefit enjoyed by passing vehicles.
Article 29
The community development fees for highway and bridge projects shall be charged at difference rates depending on the grading of vehicles using the highway or bridge and the rate charged shall not exceed the amount of benefit enjoyed by passing vehicles per time of use. Where the benefit level is constant regardless of vehicle grading, the fees may be charged by a same charging standard.
To increase user benefit and project effectiveness, for the vehicle grading set forth in the preceding paragraph, truck grading may include load weight while passenger vehicle grading may include passenger number as criteria.
Article 30
The duration for fee collection by highway and bridge projects shall be determined taking into account the following:
1.Charging standards of various vehicles.
2.Daily traffic volume and future growth rates.
3.Total project investment.
Project interest expense and profit estimations.
4.Maintenance and management fee estimations.
5.In the event that upon the end of fee collection duration set forth in the preceding paragraph the collected fees still fail to cover the project cost, an extension application may be filed.
Article 31
For collection of community development fees by highway and bridge projects, toll stations shall be set up. In the case of highway, toll station set-up may be divided into sections depending on the highway length.
Article 32
For highway and bridge projects charging a community development fee, the necessary maintenance and management expenditure during the fee collection period shall be spent under item “community development fees collected”
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)