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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 3 Refuge and Escape Equipments
Section 1 Indicating Equipment
Article 146
Installation of exit indicating lamp, direction indicating lamp, and indicating sign could be exempted in the occupancy as follows:
1.The main exits are easily recognizable from any point of the living rooms and the travel distance between living rooms and main exits complies with the following subparagraphs. This provision does not apply to underground building, underground floor, and no-opening floor.
(1)Installation of exit indicating lights could be exempted when the travel distance is within 20 meters (inclusive) in the refuge floor and within 10 meters (inclusive) in the non-refuge floor.
(2)Installation of direction indicating lamps could be exempted when the travel distance is within 40 meters (inclusive) in the refuge floor, and within 30 meters (inclusive) in the non-refuge floor.
(3)Installation of indicating signs could be exempted when the travel distance is within 30 meters (inclusive).
2.Living rooms that conform to the following:
(1)The exit of the living room is easily recognizable from any point of the room, and the room floor area based on use and occupancy, is as follows:
│Type of │Article 12.1(1) │Article 12.1(4),│Article 12.1│
│Use and │~ (3) │(5), and (7), │.(6), 12.2.(│
│Occupancy │ │12.2.(10) │1) ~(9), and│
│ │ │ │(11) ~ (12),│
│ │ │ │12.3 and 12.│
│ │ │ │4 │
│Floor area│Below 100 square│Below 200 square│Below 400 │
│of living │meters (inclusiv│meters (inclusiv│square meter│
│rooms │e) │e) │s (inclusive│
│ │ │ │) │
(2)Living rooms in collective residential building.
3.Hall way and passages exits, leading to the main exit, and being equipped with detector-linked automatic closing fire door ,and with indicating signs in addition to emergency lighting equipment, to ensure the visibility of the signs, could be exempted from installation of exit indicating lamps.
4.Stairways and slopes, if being equipped with emergency lighting equipment and floor signs for indicating refuge direction, could be exempted from installation of direction indicating lamps.
Main exits specified in the preceding paragraph, subparagraph 1 and 3, in the refuge floor, are exits that lead outdoors or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist; in the non-refuge floor, they are exits that lead to stairways or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
Article 146-1
Exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps that are not installed in stairways and slopes are classified according to the vertical dimension and luminous intensity of the lamp face as follows:
│ Classification │Vertical │ Luminous │
│ │dimension of the│ intensity of │
│ │lamp face (m) │ the lamp face │
│ │ │ (cd) │
│Exit │Class A │Over 0.4 │ Over 50 │
│indicating │ │(inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│lamp ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class B │0.2~0.4 │ Over 10 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│ ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class C │0.1~0.2 │ Over 1.5 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│Direction │Class A │Over 0.4 │ Over 60 │
│indicating │ │(inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│lamp ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class B │0.2~0.4 │ Over 13 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│ ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class C │0.1~0.2 │ Over 5 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
Article 146-2
The effective range of exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps is the travel distance toward the lamps that is within the range specified by one of the following subparagraphs. The effective range is 10 meters if the indicating lamps are not easily recognizable.
1.As specified in the following table:
│Classification │Travel │
│ │distance│
│ │(meter) │
│Exit indica-│Class A │Lamps without direction │ 60 │
│ting lamps │ │sign │ │
│ │ ├─────────────┼────┤
│ │ │Lamps with direction sign │ 40 │
│ ├────┼─────────────┼────┤
│ │Class B │Lamps without direction │ 30 │
│ │ │sign │ │
│ │ ├─────────────┼────┤
│ │ │Lamps with direction sign │ 20 │
│ ├────┴─────────────┼────┤
│ │Class C │ 15 │
│Direction │Class A │ 20 │
│indicating ├──────────────────┼────┤
│lamps │Class B │ 15 │
│ ├──────────────────┼────┤
│ │Class C │ 10 │
2. As calculated by the following formula:
D: travel distance (meter)
H: the vertical dimension of exit indicating lamp or direction indicating lamp (meter)
2.K: K value corresponds to the classification of the left column
│Classification │K value │
│Exit indicating │Lamps without direction sign │ 150 │
│lamps ├───────────────┼────┤
│ │Lamps with direction sign │ 100 │
│Direction indicating lamps │ 50 │
Article 146-3
Exit indicating lamps shall be installed at effective indicating position which is above or close near the exits specified below:
1. Exits that lead outdoors or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
2. Exits that lead to stairways or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
3. Exits from the indoor to hallways and passages that lead to exits as prescribed in the preceding two subparagraphs.
4. The fire door that is installed across the fire compartment at hallways or passages that lead to exits as prescribed in the preceding subparagraph 1 and 2.
Direction indicating lamps shall be installed in hallways, stairways, and passages, in compliance with the following:
1. Preferably installed in turning corners.
2. Be installed within effective ranges of the exit indicating lamps as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, subparagraph 1 and 2.
3. Be installed at necessary locations other than places as prescribed in the preceding two subparagraphs, to cover all parts of hallways or passages in effective ranges of the direction indicating lamps.
Article 146-4
Installation of exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps shall comply with the following:
1. The lamp shall be installed without hindering the passage.
2. No decoration or billboards that may affect the visibility of the lamp, shall be installed near the lamp.
3. Lamps installed on the floor surface shall possess the strength of sustaining heavy load from damages.
4. The lamps shall be water-proof if installed in locations that might suffer rain spray or moisture.
Article 146-5
When installed in the following occupancy, exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps that are not located in stairways and slopes, shall be class A or B. The face illumination of exit indicating lamps shall be not less than 20cd or possess flash function. The face illumination of the direction indicating lamps shall be not less than 25 cd. The preceding restrictions shall not apply to lamps that are installed in hallways, and that are easily recognized within effective range thereof.
1. Occupancy specified in article 12.2(1), 12.3(3) or 12.5(3).
2. Occupancy specified in article 12.1(1 through 5, 7) or 12.5 (1) where the floor area is greater than 1,000 square meters.
3. The exit indicating lamps adopted by occupancy specified in article 12.1 (6), shall possess flash or voice indicating function.
The flash or voice indicating function of exit indicating lamps as prescribed in the preceding subparagraph shall comply with the following:
1. Shall be installed in main exits.
2. The lamp shall be linked to automatic fire alarm system.
3. When the detector installed at the location of main exits toward evacuation direction is activated, the exit indicating lamps shall stop flash or voice indicating function.
Direction indicating lamps installed in stairways or slopes, shall have illuminance not less than 1 lx on the surface of the stairway or slope.
Article 146-6
The illuminance of the audience indicating lamp measured at the horizon surface of passages in the auditorium, shall be not less than 0.2 lx.
Article 146-7
Exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps shall be illuminated at all times.
Exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps that are not installed in stairways or slopes, if linking to the detectors of the automatic fire alarm system, adopting proper lighting up methods that fit the use of occupancy, and complying with one of the following requirements, could be dimmed or turned off:
1. The duration that no occupant is present.
2. The duration that the exit or evacuation direction could be recognized by natural light.
3. The dim duration based on use for the occupancy that specially needs dimming based on use.
4. Be installed at the occupancy mainly for the owner, employees, or other regular users.
The direction indicating lamps located in stairways and slopes, if linking to detectors of the automatic fire alarm system, adopting proper lighting up methods that fit the use of occupancy, and complying with the preceding paragraph, subparagraph 1 or 2, could be dimmed or turned off.
Article 147
Article 148
Article 149
Article 150
Article 151
Article 152
Article 153
Installation of indicating signs shall comply with the following:
1.When installed at exits, the mounting height shall be not more than 1.5m above the floor.
2.When installed at hallways or passages, from any point thereof, the signs shall be installed within a travel distance not more than 7.5m, and preferably installed in turning corners.
3.No decoration or billboards that may affect the visibility of the sign, shall be installed near the sign.
4.The signs shall be installed at the locations easy to recognize and with good lighting.
Article 154
Construction of indicating signs shall comply with CNS 10208.
Article 155
Storage batteries shall be used as emergency power source for exit indicating lamp and direction indicating lamp, and the capacity thereof shall be able to ensure the lamp continued illumination for a duration of not less than 20 minutes. However, for the lamps that are installed in the major evacuation routes of the following occupancy, the capacity shall be not less than 60 minutes, and the power source shall adopt both storage batteries and emergency generators.
1. Total floor area is 50,000 square meters or more.
2. Highrise buildings that have total floor area of 30,000 square meters or more.
3. Underground buildings that have total floor area of 1,000 square meters or more.
The major evacuation routes provided in the preceding paragraph are as follows:
1. Exits that lead outdoors or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
2. Exits that lead to stairways or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
3. The hallways or passages that lead to exits as prescribed in the preceding subparagraph 1.
4. Stairways.
Article 156
Wiring of exit indicating lamp and direction indicating lamp shall comply with Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device and meet the following requirements:
1.Lamps shall be directly connected to branch wire without socket or switch.
2.No switch shall be equipped for power supply circuit, unless three-wire wiring is used for frequently charging or battery is integrated in the lamp.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)