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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Securities and Exchange Act CH
Category: Financial Supervisory Commission(金融監督管理委員會)
Chapter V Stock Exchange
Section 4 Listing and Trading of Securities
Article 138
(Matters to Be Prescribed in the Business Bylaws or Operating Rules)
A stock exchange shall, in addition to setting various rules, specify in detail in either its business bylaws or operational rules the following particulars:
1. public listing of securities.
2. use of the centralized securities exchange market.
3. trading orders of securities dealers or brokers.
4. opening and closing of the market trading.
5. types of transaction.
6. procedures on the trading of securities and the manner of forming trading contracts by securities brokers or dealers.
7. trading units.
8. pricing units and the limits on the rise or fall in price.
9. date and manner of clearing and settlement.
10. real-time disclosure of transaction information such as order quantity, price, matched transaction, etc. in connection with securities trading.
11. other matters related to trading.
The determination of matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall not violate any act or regulation. In matters affecting the interests of securities firms, prior opinion shall be solicited from the securities dealers association.
Article 139
(Applications for Listing of Securities)
An issuer of securities publicly issued under this Act may file an application with a stock exchange for its listing.
In a new issuance of stocks by a listed company, such new shares shall be traded on a stock exchange upon its delivery to the shareholders. The Competent Authority may, however, impose restriction on its trading on a stock exchange in case any of the items provided in paragraph 1 of Article 156 is applicable.
Any company that lists new shares as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall forward the relevant documents to the stock exchange within ten days after the listing of new shares.
Article 140
(Adoption of Rules Relating to the Examination of Securities for Listing and to the Contract for Public Listing)
A stock exchange shall adopt rules relating to the examination of securities for public listing and the contract for public listing and file such rules with the Competent Authority for its approval.
Article 141
(Entering Into and Recordation of the Listing Contract)
A stock exchange shall enter into a contact for public listing of securities with the company listing the securities. The contents of the contract shall not contradict the provisions of the rules on contract for public listing, and such contracts shall be filed with the Competent Authority for recordation.
Article 142
(Securities Trading)
Securities publicly issued by an issuer shall be traded on the centralized securities exchange market of a stock exchange only after the issuer and the stock exchange have entered into the contract for public listing.
Article 143
(Listing Fee and Rate)
The charges and fee for the listing of securities shall be specified in the contract for public listing. A stock exchange shall file a report on the determination of rate for charges and fee with the Competent Authority for its approval.
Article 144
A stock exchange may, pursuant to acts and regulations, or the provisions of the contact for public listing, terminate the public listing of securities, and such termination shall be filed with the Competent Authority for recordation.
Article 145
An issuer of securities publicly listed on a stock exchange may, pursuant to the provisions of the contact for public listing, file an application with the stock exchange to terminate its listing.
The stock exchange shall draft procedures for the handling of applications to terminate listings, and submit the procedures, and any subsequent amendments thereto, to the Competent Authority for approval.
Article 146
Article 147
(Recordation of Suspension or Resumption of Trading)
A stock exchange shall file a report with the Competent Authority for recordation in the event it suspends or reinstates the trading of listed securities pursuant to acts and regulations, the provisions of the contract for public listing, or for the protection of public interest.
Article 148
(Order for Suspension of Trading or Delisting)
In the event an issuer of listed securities on a stock exchange is found to be in violation of this Act or rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, the Competent Authority may, for the purpose of protecting the public interest and the interest of investors, order the stock exchange to suspend the trading or terminate the listing of said securities.
Article 149
(Listing of Government Bonds)
The listing of government bonds shall be effected by an order of the Competent Authority, and the listing requirements of this Act shall not be applicable.
Article 150
(Securities Trading Venue and Exceptions)
The trading of listed securities shall be conducted on a centralized securities exchange market operated by a stock exchange except in the following situations:
1. transactions in government bonds.
2. due to the operation of an act or regulation, the transacting parties are unable to acquire or dispose the ownership of the securities through trading on the centralized securities market.
3. direct private transfer of securities not in excess of one trading unit, and the interval between any two such transfers is not less than three months.
4. other transactions in conformity with the regulations prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Article 151
(Persons Eligible to Trade on a Centralized Securities Exchange Market)
Persons allowed to engage in transactions in a centralized securities exchange market shall be confined, in the case of a membership stock exchange, to members, and in the case of a company-type stock exchange, to securities brokers and dealers that have entered into a contract for usage of the centralized securities exchange market.
Article 152
(Reporting of Suspension or Reopening of the Market)
A stock exchange shall be required to file a report with the Competent Authority in the event the centralized securities exchange market is to be suspended due to events of force majeure; this provision shall also be applicable in the reopening of the market.
Article 153
(Handling of Failure to Perform Delivery Obligations)
In securities transactions undertaken by members of a stock exchange, or securities brokers or dealers in a stock exchange, if any one transacting party fails to fulfill its delivery obligation, the stock exchange shall designate other members or other securities brokers or dealers to deliver the securities in its place. The resultant price differences and the expenses incurred therefrom shall be indemnified by the settlement and clearing fund; in case the fund is insufficient, the stock exchange shall advance the payment and thereafter claim such compensation from the breaching party.
Article 154
(Compensation Reserve and Priority of Claims)
A stock exchange may set aside a compensation reserve out of the fees charged from securities transaction to cover the payments specified in the preceding Article; the method of assessing the reserve, the rate of assessment, the conditions for suspension of the lodgment, and the method of custody and management of the reserve shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority. Claimants in cases arising from transactions on the centralized securities exchange market shall have preferential right to the securities clearing and settlement fund as specified in Article 108 and Article 132 in the following order of priority:
1. the stock exchange.
2. the principal in brokerage transactions.
3. securities brokers or dealers.
In the event the securities clearing and settlement fund is insufficient to meet such claims, the unsatisfied portion of the claims may be compensated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 55.
Article 155
(Conduct Prohibited With Respect to Listed Securities)
The following actions with regard to securities publicly listed on a stock exchange shall be prohibited:
1. To order or report a trade on a centralized securities exchange market and to fail to perform settlement after the transaction is made, where such act is sufficient to affect the market order.
2. (Deleted)
3. To conspire with other parties in a scheme such that the first party buys or sells designated securities at an agreed price, while the second party sells or buys from the first party in same transaction, with the intent to inflate or deflate the trading prices of said securities on the centralized securities exchange market.
4. To continuously buy at high prices or sell at low prices designated securities for his own account or under the names of other parties with the intent to inflate or deflate the trading prices on said securities traded on the centralized securities exchange market, when there is a likelihood that market prices or market order will be affected.
5. To continuously order or report a series of trades under one's own account or under the names of other parties, and to complete the corresponding transactions with the intent of creating an impression on the centralized securities exchange market of brisk trading in a particular security.
6. To spread rumors or false information with the intent to influence the trading prices of designated securities traded on the centralized securities exchange market.
7. To perform directly or indirectly any other manipulative acts to influence the trading prices of securities traded on the centralized securities exchange market.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to transactions conducted on the over-the-counter markets.
Persons who violate the preceding two paragraphs shall be held liable to compensate the damages suffered by the bona fide purchasers or sellers of the said securities.
The provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 20 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the preceding paragraph.
Article 156
(Handling of Securities Events Affecting Market Order or Prejudicial to Public Interest)
Given the occurrence of any of the following events, the Competent Authority may issue an order suspending the trading of designated securities completely or partially, or restricting the trade by brokers and dealers in such securities, when there is a likelihood that the event will affect the market trading order or be prejudicial to the public interest:
1. the company issuing the securities becomes involved in litigation or other non-litigious matters which is sufficient to result in its dissolution, or changes in its corporate organization, capital, business plan, financial condition, or suspension of production.
2. the company issuing the securities becomes involved in major disasters, signed major agreements, confronted with special circumstances, initiated major changes in its business plan, or had its checks dishonored, the result of which is sufficient to result in a significant material change in the financial condition of the company.
3. the company issuing the securities engages in deceptive, dishonest, or illegal practices, the result of which is sufficient to affect the prices of its securities.
4. the market price of the securities has undergone continuous, major rises or declines, resulting in abnormal fluctuations in the prices of other securities.
5. the company issuing the securities is involved in the occurrence of any material public hazard or food or drug safety event.
6. other events of material significance.
Article 157
(Right of Disgorgement)
In the event that any director, supervisor, managerial officer, or shareholder holding more than ten percent of the shares, of a stock issuing company sells listed stock of the company within six months after acquiring it, or repurchases listed stock of the company within six months after selling it, the company shall claim for the disgorgement of any profit realized thereby.
If the board of directors or the supervisors of the company fail to exercise the right of claim for disgorgement under the preceding paragraph on behalf of the company, its shareholders may request the directors or the supervisors to exercise the right of claim within thirty days; upon the expiration of such period, if no action has been taken, such requesting shareholders shall have the right to claim for disgorgement on behalf of the company.
The directors and supervisors shall be jointly and severally liable for damages suffered by the company as a result of their failure to exercise the claim provided under paragraph 1 of this Article.
The right of claim specified in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be extinguished if not exercised within two years after the date on which the profit is realized.
The provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 22-2 hereof shall apply mutatis mutandis to paragraph 1 of this Article.
This Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to other securities with the nature of equity shares issued by a company.
Article 157-1
(Regulation of Insider Trading)
Upon actually knowing of any information that will have a material impact on the price of the securities of the issuing company, after the information is precise, and prior to the public disclosure of such information or within 18 hours after its public disclosure, the following persons shall not purchase or sell, in the person's own name or in the name of another, shares of the company that are listed on an exchange or an over-the-counter market, or any other equity-type security of the company:
1. a director, supervisor, and/or managerial officer of the company, and/or a natural person designated to exercise powers as representative pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 1 of the Company Act.
2. shareholders holding more than ten percent of the shares of the company.
3. any person who has learned the information by reason of occupational or controlling relationship.
4. a person who, though no longer among those listed in [one of ] the preceding three subparagraphs, has only lost such status within the last six months.
5. any person who has learned the information from any of the persons named in the preceding four subparagraphs.
Upon actually knowing of any information that will have a material impact on the ability of the issuing company to pay principal or interest, after the information is precise, and prior to the public disclosure of such information or within 18 hours after its public disclosure, the persons listed in the preceding paragraph shall not sell, in the person's own name or in the name of another, the non-equity-type corporate bonds of such company that are listed on an exchange or an over-the-counter market:
Persons in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 or the preceding paragraph shall be held liable, to trading counterparts who on the day of the violation undertook the opposite-side trade with bona fide intent, for damages in the amount of the difference between the buy or sell price and the average closing price for ten business days after the date of public disclosure; the court may also, upon the request of the counterpart trading in good faith, treble the damages payable by the said violators should the violation be of a severe nature. The court may reduce the damages where the violation is minor.
The persons referred to in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 1 shall be held jointly and severally liable with the persons referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 4 of paragraph 1 who provided the information for the damages referred to in the preceding paragraph. However, where the persons referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 4 of paragraph 1 who provided the information had reasonable cause to believe the information had already been publicly disclosed, they shall not be liable for damages.
The phrase "information that will have a material impact on the price of the securities" in paragraph 1 shall mean information relating to the finances or businesses of the company, or the supply and demand of such securities on the market, or tender offer of such securities, the specific content of which will have a material impact on the price of the securities, or will have a material impact on the investment decision of a reasonably prudent investor. Regulations governing the scope of the information, the means of its disclosure and related matters shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Regulations governing the scope of information that will have a material impact on the ability of the issuing company to pay principal or interest as described in paragraph 2, the means of its disclosure, and related matters shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
The provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 22-2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of this Article; the same shall apply with respect to those who have lost the identity [set out in those provisions] for a period of less than a full six months. The provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the trading counterpart referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)