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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Arts Education Act CH
Category: Ministry of Education(教育部)
Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1
The purpose of Arts Education is to cultivate artistic talent, improve the artistic literacy of people, strengthen their sense of aesthetics and creativity, enrich their spiritual life, and raise the overall level of culture.
Article 2
Arts education is implemented in order to improve the artistic literacy of people and enhance their sense of aesthetics. The Arts Education includes the following categories:
1.Performance Arts Education.
2.Visual Arts Education.
3.Audio-visual Arts Education.
4.Arts Administration Education.
5.Other types of education related to art and aesthetics.
Article 3
The Competent Education Authority for Arts Education shall be the Ministry of Education at the level of central government; the municipal government at the level of special municipalities; and the county(city)government at the level of counties(or county-level cities).
Article 4
Arts Education is implemented in the following three ways:
1.School Professional Art Education.
2.School General Art Education.
3.Social Art Education to Public.
The education of the preceding paragraph shall be implemented by schools, social education institutions, other cultural and educational institutions, or social associations in accordance with the nature of the education.
Article 5
The Competent Education Authorities at each level shall grant awards to those organizations, associations, and individuals with outstanding achievements in the work of arts and aesthetic education; the relevant governing regulations shall be prescribed by the Competent Education Authorities at each level.
Schools shall promote and enforce respect for patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights and other intellectual property rights of works derived from arts education activities.
Article 5-1
The Competent Education Authority shall oversee all schools at the senior high school level or below within their jurisdiction regarding their curriculum arrangement and lectures in accordance with relevant curriculum standards. In case that the relevant regulations are not followed by such schools, it is required that the Competent Authorities set a deadline for improvement and provide follow-up guidance.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)