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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 25, 2001 Entered into force on September 25, 2001
WHEREAS the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom
and the British Trade and Cultural Office in Taipei (hereinafter
referred to as the "TRO" and the "BTCO") are desirous to streng-
then their educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation,
and to promote mutual knowledge, understanding and exchanges in
the fields of language, education and culture, based on the pri-
nciples of legality, equality and reciprocity;
NOW THEREFORE, the TRO and the BTCO have reached the following
1 The TRO and the BTCO may each assign an educational and cultu-
ral organisation to implement this Agreement. In the case of
the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom, the
educational and cultural organisation will be the Cultural Di-
vision of the Taipei Representative Office in the United King-
dom, and in the case of the British Trade and Cultural Office
in Taipei, it will be the British Council. To engage in the
activities specified in paragraph 3 and subject to the approv-
al of both the TRO and the BTCO, the Cultural Division of the
Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom will estab-
lish an educational and cultural centre at one location in Lo-
ndon, and the British Council will establish an educational a-
nd cultural centre at one location in Taipei.
2 The TRO and the BTCO will encourage and facilitate mutual kno-
wledge, understanding, exchanges and links in the fields of l-
anguage, education and culture.
3 In order to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields
of language, education and culture, the respective educational
and cultural centres as established under this Agreement, not
enjoying administrative privileges and immunities unless prev-
iously agreed upon in writing, and subject to the relevant la-
ws and regulations of Taiwan and the UK respectively, may only
engage in the following activities:
(1) Organising conferences, colloquia, and other meetings in the
fields of language, education and culture.
(2) Provision of information, free of charge, including establi-
shing libraries, reading rooms and multi-media resource cen-
tres, and lending books, newspapers, journals, audio-visual
and other materials of a linguistic, educational and cultu-
ral nature; and distributing information bulletins, catalo-
gues and other related materials.
(3) Providing language training courses or training language te-
achers for the authorities of Taiwan and the UK respectively
, schools, corporations and professional associations; prov-
iding language training courses for individuals who have re-
gistered and are preparing for examinations offered by the
officially recognised UK examination boards and the officia-
lly recognised Taiwan education authority respectively.
Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the educational and
cultural centres of the TRO and the BTCO will not engage in
activities other than the ones listed above.
4 The educational and cultural centres of the TRO and the BTCO
may charge visitors for the activities listed in this Agreeme-
nt in order to maintain their operations. The fees collected
will be subject to tax or exempted from tax according to the
relevant tax laws and regulations of the UK and Taiwan respec-
5 The educational and cultural centres of the TRO and the BTCO
may, as required for language teaching, sell books and teachi-
ng aids directly linked to their language courses. The fees c-
ollected will be subject to tax or exempted from tax according
to the relevant tax laws and regulations of the UK and Taiwan
6 The entry clearance, residence permits, work permits and taxa-
tion for the members of staff of the educational and cultural
centres of the TRO and the BTCO will be subject to the releva-
nt laws and regulations of the UK and Taiwan respectively.
7 The activities organised by the educational and cultural cent-
res of the TRO and the BTCO under this Agreement, as well as
locations and facilities for these activities, will meet the
requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of the UK a-
nd Taiwan respectively in the areas of building and zoning, p-
ublic safety, fire control, health, environmental protection
and other related areas.
8 Any amendment to this Agreement will be effected by an exchan-
ge of letters between the TRO and the BTCO.
9 This Agreement will come into effect on the date of signature
thereof, and may be terminated by either the TRO or the BTCO
giving twelve months' prior written notice to the other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised, have
signed this Agreement.
Done in duplicate at London, this 25th day of September 2001, in
the English and Chinese languages, both texts having equal vali-
For the Taipei Representative Office For the British Trade
in the United Kingdom and Cultural Office
in Taipei

Wen-hua Tzen David Coates
Representative, Taipei Representative Director-General, B-
Office in the United Kingdom ritish Trade and
Cultural Office in
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)