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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
These Standards are enacted in accordance with Article 52, Paragraph 3 and Article 61, Paragraph 5 of the Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act and Article 10 of the Charges and Fees Act.
Article 2
The plant variety right application fee, certificate fee, and annual fees are as follows:
1. The application fee of plant variety right shall be NT$2,000 for each variety.
2. The certificate fee of plant variety right shall be NT$1,000 for each variety.
3. Annual fees of plant variety right:
(1) The first to the third year: NT$600 per year.
(2) The fourth to the sixth year: NT$1,200 per year.
(3) The seventh to the ninth year: NT$2,400 per year.
(4) The 10th to the 12th year: NT$4,800 per year.
(5) The 13th to the 16th year: NT$9,600 per year.
(6) The 17th year and after: NT$19,200 per year.
Article 3
The characteristics examination fee of plant variety shall be NT$12,000 for each variety.
The characteristics follow-up testing fee of plant variety shall be NT$6,000 for each variety.
The translation fee for the characteristics examination reports shall be charged for each variety as prescribed in the applicable international agreement.
Article 4
The application fee for licensing a plant variety right to a third party or creating a pledge on a plant variety right, and the fee for canceling a registration shall be NT$500 for each variety.
The application fee for registration of inheritance or assignment of plant variety right shall be NT$1,000 for each variety.
Article 5
The application fee for a plant variety right compulsory license shall be NT$30,000 for each variety for non-profit users and NT$60,000 for each variety for for-profit users.
Article 6
The application fee for nullification or cancellation of a third party's plant variety right shall be NT$3,000 for each variety.The additional fees specified in Article 3 must also be paid if characteristics examination or characteristics follow-up testing is required.
Article 7
The application fee for approval of a transgenic plant field test institution shall be NT$12,000 per case.
Article 8
The application fee of genetic characteristics investigation or biosafety assessment permit for a transgenic strain shall be NT$8,000 per case; the application fee for the two tests combined shall be NT$12,000 per case.
Article 9
The application fee for issuance of a registration certificate for plant seed enterprise shall be NT$800 per certificate.
Article 10
The application fee for replacement or re-issue of a registration certificate for plant seed enterprise or plant variety right certificate shall be NT$500 per certificate.
Article 11
These Standards shall take effect on the day this Act is enforced.
The amended articles of the Standards Rates shall come into effect upon promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)