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Title: Regulations for Application and Examination of Public Telecommunications Network Establishment CH
Announced Date: 2020-07-07
Category: National Communications Commission(國家通訊傳播委員會)
Article 1
The Regulations are enacted in accordance with Paragraph 8, Article 36 of Telecommunications Management Act(hereinafter referred to as the Act).
Article 2
A public telecommunications networks is classified according to Paragraph 1, Article 36 of the Act.
Article 3
Those who apply for the establishment of a public telecommunications network that uses telecommunications resources(hereinafter referred to as the “applicant using resources”)shall submit the following documents to the competent authority for its approval, unless otherwise specified by law. The same rule shall be applied when making an addition or change to the establishment of a telecommunications network.
1. Application.
2. Operating plan.
3. Network establishment plan.
4. Telecommunications business registration certificate.
5. Radio frequency or telecommunications number approval.
6. Review fee payment receipt.
7. Other documents announced by the competent authority.
Where a station is necessary to be established for the public telecommunications network as described in the previous paragraph, the network establishment plan thereof shall be attached with a station establishment plan.
Article 4
The operating plan submitted by an applicant using resources shall specify the following matters:
1. Overall planning:
(1)Market trends and business strategy.
(2)Service type, business area and tariff planning.
(3)Scheduled service start date.
1. Financial structure: estimate the financial structure, source of funds and fund planning for the following five years.
2. Human resources organization and shareholdings:
(1)Organizational structure.
(2)Human resources utilization and development plan.
(3)Direct and indirect shareholder structure.
(4)Direct and indirect shareholding by foreigners
(5)Directors manifest, auditors manifest, managers manifest and shareholders manifest for holding one percent or more of the shareholding.
1. Network plan required to maintain the service quality:
(1)According to the service type specified in Item 2 of Subparagraph 1, propose a plan that is sufficient to maintain the service quality based on its business scale.
(2)Privacy protection and personal data security maintenance mechanisms.
(3)Channels for handling consumption disputes arising from the subscribers.
1. The methods of fulfilling one’s obligations derived from being allocated radio frequency or telecommunications number:
(1)Those who are obliged to establish response related facilities after being allocated with a radio frequency shall plan the public warning cell broadcast service or other response services.
(2)Those who are obliged to verify subscribers’ identity shall provide a method therefor.
(3)For those who are obliged to connect the calls when providing long-distance communication and international telecommunications services with an IDD identification number or pre-selection override code, it is a must to provide a mechanism that offers routing information required for sending calls to the called number. Descriptions of and implementation methods for other performance obligations.
1. Other matters related to the operations:
(1)A public disclosure mechanism designated by the competent authority for disclosing important information:
a. Service activation time for dealers.
b. Barrier removal time.
c. Multiple customer service channels and free customer service hotline.
d. Types of repair reporting channels.
e. Broadband internet speed.
(1)Protective measures for consumers’ rights and interests when terminating or suspending the service.
(2)Including the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security equipment.
Article 5
The network establishment plan submitted by an applicant using resources shall specify the following matters:
1. The region and schedule planning of the establishment: The year-after-year establishment plan for the following five years. Describe whether the telecommunications network is established by oneself, with another or by others.
2. Communication type, network framework and performance that are in compliance with operating plan:
(1)Communications mode of public communications network, which is based on the type of provided service, such as voice telecommunications services, data telecommunications services, multimedia content transporting platform services or value-added telecommunications services.
(2)Communications network framework established according to the communication type, such as the satellite communications network, fixed communications network, mobile communications network or a mixture thereof.
(3)Network performance and customized value-added functions.
(4)Those who provide international internet services:
a. The capacity of international submarine cable circuit, self-built or leased. For self-built circuits, investors participated in the project shall be specified.
b. Specify the equipment and location of international submarine cable landing stations and inland gateways; the planning for inland transmission links and overall submarine cable system; and the backup mechanism of inland gateways.
(1)The telecommunications networks run by those who provide international internet services for communication with Mainland China.
1. The brand, model, functions and quantity of major telecommunications equipment: according to items specified in Technical Specifications for Examination of Public Telecommunications Network, including the brand, model, functions, quantity, capacity, and manufacturer’s name and nationality.
2. Technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with other public telecommunications networks or connection with subscribers’ terminal equipment:
(1)Illustrations and descriptions of technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with other public telecommunications networks.
(2)Illustrations and descriptions of technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with subscribers’ terminal equipment.
1. Telecommunications equipment that complies with related authorities’ national security concerns.
2. The info-communications security detection and protection plan for networks:
(1)The overall planning for and framework of info-communications security detection and protection.
(2)The brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security detection and protection facilities.
1. Use of the equipment complying with the info-communications security standard announced by the competent authority: including the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security equipment.
2. Other competent authority designated matters that are related to the establishment of network:
(1)Network maintenance management and physical security planning.
(2)The prevention, response and restoration mechanisms for interrupted network communications; and the backup plan of backbone network.
(3)Other matters announced by the competent authority.
Article 6
When providing multimedia content transporting platform services, applicant using resources shall specify matters stated in Article 4 and the following items in operating plan:
1. Provide an electronic menu: shall list all information required for the purchase, including the name of all provided services, name of the provider, a summary of the contents.
2. Measures to prevent children and teenagers from accessing inappropriate contents.
3. Provide fair and unbiased slotting allowance for rental platform.
4. The specification and provision of subscribers’ set-up-box.
5. Channel program content service provider’s content service planning and combining, sales and tariffs.
6. A mechanism that allows subscribers to select channel subscription options
7. While technically feasible, subscribers of other internet access service operators are able to gain access to the content services provided by the channel program content service provider.
When providing multimedia content transporting platform services, applicant using resources shall specify matters stated in Article 5 and the following items in network establishment plan:
1. Channel-adopting and program-content-storage facilities provided to channel program content service provider.
2. The specifications of interface adopted for the interconnection between transporting platforms.
The multimedia content transporting platform services mentioned in Paragraph 1 refers to the multimedia content services on a platform constructed by the audio-visual media interactive interface and audio-visual content storage equipment of the public telecommunications network, in an unopened environment where the telecommunications enterprise can control, for subscribers to access multimedia content offered by content providers on the platform through broadband access circuits and the subscriber’s set-top box.
Article 7
Telecommunications operators that have been allocated with telecommunications resources and been approved by the competent authority for establishing a public telecommunications network shall, when applying for becoming an agent of foreign satellite mobile communications operator to provide satellite mobile communications services in the country, submit an operating plan, collaboration contract and a certificate of negotiating with the competent communications surveillance authority for the implementation of communications surveillance to the competent authority for approval.
The operating plan mentioned in the previous paragraph shall specify matters stated in Article 4 and the following matters:
1. Communications mode.
2. Protective measures for consumers’ rights and interests, and customer service plan in regard to the provision of the said satellite mobile communications services.
3. A summary of the telecommunications equipment of the foreign satellite mobile communications operator .
The collaboration contract mentioned in Paragraph 1 shall specify the following matters:
1. The foreign satellite mobile communications operator’s commitment to comply of communications surveillance regulations, including the provision of existence and contents of communications for the purpose of investigation or collection of evidence upon requests in accordance with the legal procedures.
2. Both parties’ rights and obligations in regard to the promotion of related service in Taiwan(including measures adopted to protect consumers’ rights and interests).
Operators that have been sanctioned by the former competent authority - Ministry of Transportation and Communications” to represent a foreign mobile communications operator for promoting its business in the Republic of China before February 22, 2026 shall, upon the promulgation of the Regulations, submit an operating plan and operations overview to the competent authority for continuing the agency service. Matters described in Paragraph 2 shall be specified in the operating plan.
Article 8
The station establishment plan submitted by the applicant using resources shall specify the following matters:
1. Station establishment schedule:
(1)Those who establish a base station:
a. The type and quantity of base station.
b. The brand, model and technical specifications of base station, and the name and nationality of the manufacturer.
c. The establishment schedule and plan for the following five years(by year and region)and population coverage.
d. Planning for co-location or co-construction.
(1)Those who establish other stations:
a. The type and quantity of station.
b. The brand, model and technical specifications of station, and the name and nationality of the manufacturer.
c. The establishment schedule and plan for the following five years(by year and region).
1. Brand, model, technical specifications and quantity of controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices: including the brand, model, technical specifications, quantity and manufacturer’s name and nationality
2. Frequency use plan:
(1)Those who establish a base station:
a. Planning for the use frequency and carrier aggregation applications.
b. Planning for the frequency sharing with other telecommunications operators.
(1)Those who establish other stations: use frequency play
1. A detailed map showing estimated radio wave coverage: Those who establish a base station shall specify areas covered by radio wave and analyze the proportion of population.
2. Handling of and alleviation of frequency interference:
(1)Frequency interference assessment.
(2)Interference coordination and improvement mechanism.
1. Other matters related to the establishment of station:
(1)The complaint handling principles for the establishment of base station and the landscape integration plan.
(2)Compliance with Building Act, Civil Aviation Act, Urban Planning Act, Regional Plan Act, Fire Service Act and related regulations.
(3)Other matters announced by the competent authority.
Article 9
Those who apply for the establishment of a public telecommunications network that do not use telecommunications resources(hereinafter referred to as the “applicant without using resources”)shall submit the following documents to the competent authority for its approval, unless otherwise specified by law. The same rule shall be applied when making an addition or change to the establishment of a telecommunications network.
1. Application.
2. Network establishment plan.
3. Telecommunications business registration certificate, and a photocopy of corporate/ business registration or agency establishment documents.
4. Review fee payment receipt.
5. Other documents announced by the competent authority.
Article 10
The network establishment plan submitted by an applicant without using resources shall specify the following matters:
1. The region and schedule planning of the establishment: The year-after-year establishment plan for the following five years. Describe whether the telecommunications network is established by oneself, with another or by others.
2. Communication type, network framework and performance:
(1)Communication type of public communications network, which is based on the type of provided service, such as voice telecommunications services, data telecommunications services or value-added telecommunications services.
(2)Communications network framework established according to the communication type, such as the satellite communications network, fixed communications network, mobile communications network or a mixture thereof.
(3)Network performance and customized value-added functions.
(4)Those who provide land cable circuit leasing services shall specify the framework of transmission network, equipment and capacity planning of transmission network.
(5)Those who provide international submarine cable circuit leasing services:
a. The capacity of international submarine cable circuit, self-built or leased. For self-built circuits, investors participated in the project shall be specified.
b. Specify the equipment and location of international submarine cable landing stations and inland gateways; the planning for inland transmission links and overall submarine cable system; and the backup mechanism of inland gateways.
(1)The telecommunications networks run by those who provide international submarine cable circuit leasing services for communication with Mainland China.
1. The brand, model, functions and quantity of major telecommunications equipment: according to items specified in Technical Specifications for Examination of Public Telecommunications Network, including the brand, model, functions, quantity, capacity, and manufacturer’s name and nationality.
2. Technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with other public telecommunications networks or connection with subscribers’ terminal equipment:
(1)Illustrations and descriptions of technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with other public telecommunications networks.
(2)Illustrations and descriptions of technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with subscribers’ terminal equipment.。
1. Telecommunications equipment that complies with related authorities’ national security concerns.
2. The info-communications security protection plan for networks:
(1)The overall planning for and framework of info-communications security protection.
(2)The brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security detection and protection facilities.
1. Use of the equipment complying with the info-communications security standard announced by the competent authority: including the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security equipment.
2. Other items related to the establishment of network:
(1)Network maintenance management and physical security planning.
(2)The prevention, response and restoration mechanisms for interrupted network communications; and the backup plan of backbone network.
(3)Other matters announced by the competent authority.
Article 11
Where the application form, operating plan, network establishment plan and other documents designated by the competent authority are incomplete, insufficient or inconsistent with the matters that must be specified, the competent authority shall notify the applicant of making a correction within a prescribed period. Where the applicant fails to do so or the correction remains incomplete, the application will be rejected.
Article 12
The review standards for operating plan submitted by applicant using resources are as follows:
1. Overall planning:
(1)Market trends and business strategy: shall provide the estimation of market potential for the following five years and an implementation plan for the achievement strategy.
(2)Service type, business area and tariff planning: shall provide telecommunications service items and related tariff types.
(3)Scheduled operation start date.
1. Financial structure: estimate the financial structure, source of funds and funding planning for the following five years, and provide supportive evidence accordingly.
2. Human resources organization and shareholdings:
(1)Describe the organizational structure.
(2)Make a human resources utilization and development plan.
(3)Describe the direct and indirect shareholder structure.
(4)Describe the direct and indirect shareholding by foreigners
(5)Describe the directors manifest, auditors manifest, managers manifest and shareholders manifest for holding one percent or more of the shareholding.
1. Network plan required to maintain the service quality:
(1)The service activation time for dealers(in regard to services provided according to the operator’s business scale), methods of notifying abnormal traffic or call flow, descriptions and warning of service type, and information disclosure methods shall be planned appropriately.
(2)Privacy protection and personal data security maintenance mechanisms that are incompliance with Personal Data Protection Act. Describe the public disclosure methods.
(3)Channels for handling consumption disputes arising from the subscribers.
1. The methods of fulfilling one’s obligations derived from being allocated radio frequency or telecommunications number:
(1)Specify the public warning cell broadcast service or other response services, including the unified message exchange format announced by the central competent disaster prevention authority and backup equipment.
(2)Adopt more than two methods for verifying subscribers’ identity.
(3)For those who are obliged to continue the termination service due to the provision of long-distance communication and international telecommunications services with an IDD identification number or pre-selection override code, it is a must to provide a feasible mechanism for acquiring routing information.
1. Other matters related to the operations:
(1)To disclose important service information in an obvious, public and easy-to-access way, a website with public business information and the method adopted for actively transmitting important service information shall be included to the least extent:
a. Service activation time for dealers.
b. Barrier removal time.
c. Multiple customer service channels and free customer service hotline.
d. Types of repair reporting channels.
e. The broadband internet speed query method.
(1)Protective measures for consumers’ rights and interests when terminating or suspending the service, including the refunds of overpayments, propaganda and customer service response plan.
(2)Other matters in compliance with announcements of the competent authority.
Article 13
The standards for reviewing the network establishment plan submitted by an applicant using resources are as follows:
1. The region and schedule planning of the establishment: Specify the year-after-year establishment plan for the following five years; and describe whether the telecommunications network is established by oneself, with another or by others.
2. Communication type, network framework and performance that are in compliance with operating plan:
(1)Specify the communications mode of public communications network, communications network framework, network performance and customized value-added functions.
(2)Public telecommunications network who combines other public telecommunications networks shall provide an examination compliance certificate of the network and a written consent from its partners for the use thereof. Those who fail to pass the network examination are exempt from providing the said certificate.
(3)Telecommunications operator that combines other telecommunications networks shall provide an evidence proving that its management and control capabilities(including fault management, configuration management, performance management, account management, security management etc.)for various resources(including hardware, software, network functions, systems, frequencies, telecommunications numbers etc.)are not affected by its partner.
(4)The core network of mobile communications network with the following software functions or hardware components shall be self-built:
a. For those with the fourth-generation mobile communications network: Mobility Management Entity(MME), Home Subscriber Server(HSS), Policy and Charging Rules Function(PCRF), Serving Gateway(SGW), and Packet Data Network Gateway(PGW).
b. For those with the fifth-generation mobile communications network: Access Management Function(AMF), Session Management Function(SMF), Authentication Server Function(AUSF), unified data Unified Data Management(UDM), Policy Control Function(PCF), and User Plane Function(UPF)
(1)The core network of fixed communications network with the following software functions or hardware components shall be self-built:
a. Home Subscriber Server.
b. IP Multimedia Subsystem.
c. Core Switch.
d. Broadband Remote Access Server.
e. Core Router.
f. Border Router.
(1)The core network of satellite communications network with the following software functions or hardware components shall be self-built:
a. Home Subscriber Server.
b. Fixed Satellite Earth Station.
(1)Those who provide international internet services shall specify the following matters:
a. The capacity of international submarine cable circuit, self-built or leased. For self-built circuits, investors participated in the project must be specified.
b. Specify the equipment and establishment location of international submarine cable landing stations and inland gateways; the planning for inland transmission links and overall submarine cable system; and the backup mechanism of inland gateways.
(1)The telecommunications networks run by those who provide international internet services for communication with Mainland China shall be conducted by either of the following means.
a. Communications shall be established via communications networks that are connected by a circuit relay via a third region or an international telecommunications network(including international submarine cables, international satellites, international communication exchange facilities, and international relay equipment).
b. Communications shall be established via communications networks that are connected by other means to be promulgated.
1. The brand, model, functions and quantity of major telecommunications equipment: specify the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions, and manufacturer’s name and nationality.
2. Technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with other public telecommunications networks or connection with subscribers’ terminal equipment: illustrate and specify technical interface, network interface points and demarcation point of responsibility.
3. Telecommunications equipment that complies with related authorities’ national security concerns: specify that the used telecommunications equipment is in compliance with the competent authority’s national security concerns.
4. The info-communications security detection and protection plan for networks:
(1)Specify the overall planning for and framework of info-communications security detection and protection.
(2)Specify the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security detection and protection facilities; and make sure that the detection and protection functions thereof are sufficient to ensure info-communications security.
1. Use of the equipment complying with the info-communications security standard announced by the competent authority: specify that the used info-communications equipment is in compliance with announcements of the competent authority.
2. Other matters related to the establishment of network:
(1)Specify the network maintenance management and physical security planning. The maintenance management includes the network status monitoring, account processing, account subscriber data storage, system records and so on. Network physical security planning includes the telecommunications facility security, power backup, grounding setting and so on.
(2)Specify the prevention, response and restoration mechanisms for interrupted network communications; and the backup plan of backbone network.
(3)Other matters in compliance with announcements of the competent authority.
Article 14
When providing multimedia content transporting platform services, applicants using resources will have the operating plan reviewed based on the following standards:
1. The electronic menu shall specify all information required for the purchase. The contents thereof shall be planned fairly and a room shall be reserved for the management and planning of the channel contents service provider.
2. Propose a plan related to the measures that can prevent children and teenagers from accessing inappropriate contents.
3. The slotting allowance for rental platform shall be fair and unbiased, and shall specify the procedures of notifying changes to the contents. Channel program content service providers shall be restricted to those who have acquired a license in accordance with Radio and Television Act or Satellite Broadcasting Act.
4. No interference to the set-top-box leased by the program content service provider or prepared by the subscriber, except when there is a justifiable reason.
5. No intervention to program content service provider ‘s content service planning and combining, sales and tariffs.
6. Ensure that subscribers can freely select content services and provide a subscription mechanism that allows subscribers to freely select subscription channels.
7. Specify the interconnection and negotiation with other internet access service operators and provide an access service plan.
When providing multimedia content transporting platform services, applicant using resources will have the network establishment plan reviewed based on the following review standards:
1. Specify channel-adopting and program-content-storage facilities provided to channel program content service provider.
1. Specify the specifications of interface adopted for the interconnection between transporting platforms.
Article 15
For telecommunications operators applying for providing communications services in the country as an agent of a foreign satellite mobile communications operator according to Article 7, the operating plan thereof will be reviewed according to the following standards:
1. Communications mode: specify the type of provided service, communications mode and connection path.
2. Specify the cooperation model with a foreign telecommunications operator; the rights and obligations of promoting the services; and handling upon the expiry of contract period.
3. Specify the telecommunications equipment for providing the foreign satellite mobile communications services in summary:
(1)The system framework, working theory(including description of the satellite system characteristics), foreign satellite communications fixed earth station and relay equipment.
(2)The satellite electric transmission’s power distribution covering the region of the Republic of China.
(3)Working frequency segment, frequency bandwidth, tuning method, aerial interfacing guideline and satellite ground station’s characteristic description.
(4)System service quality.
Operators that have been sanctioned by the former competent authority - Ministry of Transportation and Communications” to represent a foreign mobile communications operator for running the business in the Republic of China before February 22, 2026 shall catalog and verify the applicant’s identity and utilization purpose, and the acceptance of application purposes principally shall be for aviation and maritime enterprises; for inland utilization within the jurisdiction of the Republic of China, it shall be limited to the following circumstances:
1. For utilization by government agencies(institutions)for national security, disaster prevention/rescue, and urgent operational communication.
2. For utilization by private groups or organizations, such as incorporated entities, social organizations of incorporated entities and nonprofit incorporated entities and the like, for emergency rescue purposes.
3. For utilization by foreign incorporated entities for emergency communication.
Article 16
The standards for reviewing the station establishment plan submitted by an applicant using resources are as follows:
1. Station establishment schedule:
(1)Those who establish a base station:
a. Describe the type and quantity of base station.
a. Describe the brand, model and technical specifications of the base station, and the name and nationality of the manufacturer; and specify the base station’s compliance with related authorities’ national security concerns.
a. Described the establishment schedule and plan for the following five years(by year and region)and population coverage; and provide a map indicating the to-be-established base stations.
b. Planning for co-location or co-construction.
(1)Those who establish other stations:
a. Describe the type and quantity of station.
a. Described the brand, model and technical specifications of station, and the name and nationality of the manufacturer; and specify that the use of the station will comply with related authorities’ national security concerns.
a. Describe the establishment schedule and plan for the following five years.
1. Brand, model, technical specifications and quantity of controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices:
Describe the brand, model and technical specifications of the controlled telecommunications radio-frequency device, and the name and nationality of the manufacturer; and specify the base station’s compliance with related authorities’ national security concerns.
2. Frequency use plan:
(1)Those who establish a base station:
a. Comply with the planning for the establishment of base station and carrier aggregation applications.
b. A portfolio planning for using the frequency of the others.
(1)Those who establish other stations: specify the use frequency plan of the station.
1. A detailed map showing estimated radio wave coverage: Those who establish a base station shall specify areas covered by radio wave and analyze the proportion of population; submit a base station radio wave coverage simulation map a supportive evidence; and describe the software used to calculate the radio wave coverage area and the brand and version thereof.
2. Handling of and alleviation of frequency interference:
(1)Frequency interference assessment.
(2)Interference coordination and improvement mechanism.
(3)Those who desire to establish a radio station within the frequency band of 3300 MHz to 3570 MHz provide an overview of the interference suppression measures for the base station establishment area and adjacent frequency satellite ground receiving stations(within the frequency band of 3610 MHz to 4200 MHz).
1. Other matters related to the establishment of station:
(1)A unit designated to handle complaints related to the establishment of base station.
(2)A landscape integration plan for the base station.
(3)When the establishment of the station is related to the Building Act, Civil Aviation Act, Urban Planning Act, Regional Plan Act, Fire Service Act and so on, the handling thereof. A letter of commitment shall also be provided accordingly.
(4)Other matters in compliance with announcements of the competent authority.
Article 17
The standards for reviewing the network establishment plan submitted by an applicant without using resources are as follows:
1. The region and schedule planning of the establishment: Specify the year-after-year establishment plan for the following five years; and describe whether the telecommunications network is established by oneself, with another or by others.
2. Communications mode, network framework and performance that are in compliance with operating plan:
(1)Specify the communications mode of public communications network, communications network framework, network performance and customized value-added functions.
(2)Public telecommunications network that combines other public telecommunications networks shall provide an examination compliance certificate of the network and a written consent from its partners for the use thereof. Those who fail to pass the network examination are exempt from providing the said certificate.
(3)Telecommunications operator that combines other telecommunications networks shall provide an evidence proving that its management and control capabilities(including fault management, configuration management, performance management, account management, security management etc.)for various resources(including hardware, software, network functions, systems etc.)are not affected by its partner.
(4)Those who provide land cable circuit leasing services shall specify the framework of transmission network, equipment and capacity planning of transmission network.
(5)Those who provide international submarine cable circuit leasing services shall specify the following matters.
a. The capacity of international submarine cable circuit, self-built or leased. For self-built circuits, investors participated in the project must be specified.
b. Specify the equipment and establishment location of international submarine cable landing stations and inland gateways; the planning for inland transmission links and overall submarine cable system; and the backup mechanism of inland gateways.
(1)The telecommunications networks run by those who provide international submarine cable circuit leasing services for communications with Mainland China shall be in compliance with any of the following means.
a. Communications shall be established via communications networks that are connected by a circuit relay via a third region or an international telecommunications network(including international submarine cables, international satellites, international communication exchange facilities, and international relay equipment).
b. Communications shall be established via communications networks that are connected by other means to be promulgated.
1. The brand, model, functions and quantity of major telecommunications equipment: specify the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions, and manufacturer’s name and nationality.
2. Technical interface and network interface points that will be used for the interconnection with other public telecommunications networks or connection with subscribers’ terminal equipment: illustrate and specify technical interface, network interface points and demarcation point of responsibility.
3. Telecommunications equipment that complies with related authorities’ national security concerns: specify that the used info-communications security equipment is in compliance with the competent authority’s national security concerns.
4. The info-communications security protection plan for networks:
(1)Specify the overall planning for and framework of info-communications protection;
(2)Specify the brand, model, quantity, capacity, functions and manufacturer’s name and nationality of info-communications security protection facilities; and make sure that the detection and protection functions thereof are sufficient to ensure info-communications security;
1. Use of the equipment complying with the info-communications security standard announced by the competent authority: specify that the used telecommunications equipment is in compliance with announcements of the competent authority.
2. Other matters related to the establishment of network:
(1)Specify the network maintenance management and physical security planning. The maintenance management includes the network status monitoring, account processing, account subscriber data storage, system records and so on. Network physical security planning includes the telecommunications facility security, power backup, grounding setting and so on.
(2)Specify the prevention, response and restoration mechanisms for interrupted network communications; and the backup plan of backbone network.
(3)Other matters in compliance with announcements of the competent authority.
Article 18
Of other mandated entries and format for relevant standardized forms the Regulations specify, unless otherwise stipulated by the Regulations, the competent authority will make a stipulation and announce it separately.
Article 19
The Regulations will become effective on July 1, 2020.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)