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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Regulation for the Organization of a Science Park Administration CH
Abolished Date: 2015-06-10
Category: Ministry of Science and Technology(科技部)
Article 1
This Regulation is laid down in accordance with the provision of Article 5 of the Statute for the Establishment and Administration of a Science Park (hereinafter referred to as “the Statute”).
Article 2
The Science Park Administration (hereinafter referred to as “Park Administration”) is subordinate to the National Science Council of the Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as “NSC”) and shall have the powers and functions to handle the matters prescribed by the provision of Article 6 of Regulation for the Organization of a Science Park Administration.
Article 3
Each of the following divisions or offices of the Park Administration handles and performs the respective matters, section(s) can be established to carry out certain functions if necessary.
1.Planning Division: setting the development policy of Science Park (hereinafter referred to as “the Park”) and drawing up related operation plans, enhancement of high-tech research and promotion R&D activities, training for high-tech professionals and acquisition and allocation of human resources, establishing the cooperation between Park enterprises and academic research institutions, and coordination of the affairs of National Experimental High School.
2.Investment Services Division: advertising the Park to attract high-tech industries and professionals, evaluation of factory owner’s technology ability and properties of product, installation of technology service in common use, management of foreign exchanges and trade affairs, product examination and issuance of certification, the issuance of certification for the place of origin, and conducting market survey for products.
3.Labor Relations Division: supervising the affairs of the organization of industry and commerce, handling labor relations, public welfare, occupational safety and health, and labor standards inspection .
4.Business Division: handling business registration in the Park, counseling business operation, auditing financial affairs, export / import examination for electric equipment and issuance of permits and passport, certifying business registration and issuance of tax reduction for enterprises, approval and management of overseas Chinese employees and foreign labors, management and providing advice regarding the affairs of storage, transportation and bonded warehouse, and prevention of smuggling and management of public safety and civil defense affairs.
5.Construction Management Division: planning and design of land development and maintaining and constructing each public facility, construction of public facilities, factories, and dormitories, issuance of industry-used power permits, and management and planning the affairs of environment protection.
6.Land Development Division: managing the land arrangement and acquisition affairs, handling the lease of factories and dormitories and supervising the management and incomes from other public property, management of land use control for urban planning and construction, and landscape planning and management thereof.
7.Information Management Office: planning and managing the computer information regarding the Park, promoting the development of Park’s information, introducing the value-added internet services and the application and coordination thereof, designing information systems, data processing, and training of information application and providing related consulting services.
Article 4
The Park Administration shall establish The Secretariat handling and processing documents, official seal, treasury, business matters, legal affairs, assessment of research, and public relations and matters not belonged other divisions and/or offices.
Article 5
The Park Administration shall have one (1) Director General in charge of the affairs of the Park Administration. One who serves the position of Director General shall possess knowledge of high technology and have professional specialty in organization management. The position thereof is treated as the 13th selected appointment rank. Two (2) Deputy Director Generals shall be appointed to assist the management of the Park Administration, the position of which is treated as the 12th selected appointment rank.
Article 6
The Park Administration shall have one(1) Chief Secretary, the position of which is treated as the 11th selected appointment rank;six(6) Division Directors, the position of which is treated as the 11th selected appointment rank;one(1) Office Director, the position of which is treated as the 9th recommended appointment rank to the 10th selected appointment rank;six(6) Deputy Directors, the position of which is treated as the 10th selected appointment rank, among which three(3) can be served by technicians as a second job;six(6) to ten(10) Technicial Specialists, the position of which is treated as the 8th to 9th recommended appointment rank, among which three(3) can be listed as the 10th selected appointment rank;one(1) to three(3) Secretaries, the position of which is treated as the 8th to 9th recommended appointment rank, among which one(1) can be listed as the 10th selected appointment rank;three(3) to five(5) Senior Specialists and one(1) Senior Systems Analyst, the position of which is treated as the 9th to 10th recommended appointment rank;fourteen(14) to twenty(20) Section Chiefs, the position of which is treated as the 7th to 9th recommended appointment rank; seven(7) to eleven(11) Specialists, the position of which is treated as the 7th to 8th recommended appointment rank;one(1) Designer and one(1) Systems Coordinator, the position of which is treated as the 6th to 8th recommended appointment rank;twenty(20) to thirty-two(32) Officers and nine(9) to seventeen(17) Officers, the position of which is treated as the 4th to 5th appointment rank, among which nine(9) Officers and five(5) Officers can be listed as the 6th to 7th recommended appointment rank;one(1) Assistant Designer and one(1) Assistant Systems Coordinator, the position of which is treated as the 3rd to 5th appointment rank, sixteen(16) to eighteen(18) Clerks, the position of which is treated as the 3rd to 4th appointment rank;eight(8) to ten(10) Associate Clerks, the position of which is treated as 1st to 3rd appointment rank.
Article 7
1.The Park Administration shall establish a Personnel Office with one Director, the position of which is treated as the 9th recommended appointment rank. The job function pursuant to law is to administer personnel matters. The appointment of other necessary staff shall be within the maximum number of staff permitted by this Regulation.
2.The Park Administration shall establish an Accounting Office with one Director, the position of which is treated as the 9th recommended appointment rank. The job function pursuant to law is to conduct yearly computation, perform accounting affairs and concurrently deal with statistic matters. The appointment of other necessary staff shall be within the maximum number of staff permitted by this Regulation.
3.The Park Administration shall establish a Civil Service Ethics Office with one Director, the position of which is treated as the 9th recommended appointment rank. The job function pursuant to law is to administer the practice and discipline of personnel. The appointment of other necessary staff shall be within the maximum number of staff permitted by this Regulation.
Article 8
The applicable ranking series for the government officials and appointment staffs as set forth under Article 5 to Article 7-2 shall accord with the provision of Article 8 of Appointment of Civil Service Law.
Article 9
To handle the technical specialized affairs, the Park Administration can, through the proper channels, report to the Executive Yuan for approval to employ Researchers, Associate Researchers and Assistant Researchers.
Article 10
To accommodate the demand for work, the Park Administration can employ technical advisors and other technical staffs.
Article 11
The Park Administration may set up the relevant security & fire units at the Science Park to implement fire & security enforcement missions. Such security & fire units shall be under the direction and supervision of the Park Administration for missions that are associated with the main affairs and functions of the latter.
Article 12
The detailed rules and regulations for the Park Administration shall be drafted by the Park Administration and reported to the NSC for approval.
Article 13
This Statute shall become effective as of the date of its promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)